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Alcohol the worlds worst drug

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Originally posted by back2basics:

In Ibiza last year 13 people died on one road, 10 were taking E (no Alcohol) and 3 had alcohol and drugs.

All these figure people drag up are irrelevant out of context.

That's exactly what I would call irrelevant figures. Wow, what a statistical sample you have - an island of partiers with a total of 13 deaths. I'm not a statistics professor, but that is NOT a valid sample.

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Originally posted by resident:

That's exactly what I would call irrelevant figures. Wow, what a statistical sample you have - an island of partiers with a total of 13 deaths. I'm not a statistics professor, but that is NOT a valid sample.

It's NOT supposed to be a statistical sample. Remember those people also take alchohol when 'partying'.

But thats not the point, the point is people are quoting figures for drink related deaths when the full extent of drug related deaths are unknown. And the main point i made was it's not E or the drink, it's the person who decides to drive or the person who decides to cross the road while pissed.

If we are going to protect everybody from the mistakes of the few what will there be left to do?


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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I don't know if I'd say alcohol was the worst drug ever. Alcohol does break up many families, and ruin many lives. The lives of other's and also your own if you let it go that far.

I don't think you should be judging it by "how many brain cells" it kills, but by how many PEOPLE it kills. Alcohol has been in this society far longer than most drugs have been. There are going to be more statistics on alcohol related deaths etc, etc than there will be on drug related deaths.

I think that alcohol is the most abused drug and has the greatest potential to ruin many people's lives in ENDLESS ways. As with all drug use, be safe.

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No doubt if people abuse anything they are f-ed in the long run. Binging in general is no great thing. But if you are gonna binge, whats worse? In my uninformed opinion Booze (in the extreme binge scenerio) will just inflame the existing emotions, where some of the other drugs will controll, or at least guide your emotions in one direction or another. Nobody ever killed a busload of penguins while driving a semi after popping a few e-bombs or even proceeded to beat his wife cause she doesnt like baywatch and has a big ass. Im talking about one night here, not an alcoholic, Socially, I think the booze is plenty worse, but thats such a big topic I cant even think about it. You are right about the motivation thin with pot, though I know a few people who could really stand to chill out a bit and demotivate for five seconds so they can enjoy life. I dunno, hardcore drinkers are scary folk and that shaking hands DT bit is no joke but trippers who roll and fall all day become moody fucks who need pills to play.. which is better? not for me to say

I just hate those damn hangovers

YA DIG cwm24.gif


"Fools cant see me thats how it is thats how I like it cause thats my biz"

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Originally posted by back2basics:

If we are going to protect everybody from the mistakes of the few what will there be left to do?

I think that this point stands, somewhere, behind all of the shitlogic of the drug wars. "Drugs are bad for you! We will protect you!"

Ironically enough, I just read this on the LP site: there are more arrests for weed (ok, not E, but a "bad drug" nevertheless) than there are for murder, rape, and robbery combined:


Which is pretty pathetic. Some protection that is.

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Originally posted by resident:

I think that this point stands, somewhere, behind all of the shitlogic of the drug wars. "Drugs are bad for you! We will protect you!"

Ironically enough, I just read this on the LP site: there are more arrests for weed (ok, not E, but a "bad drug" nevertheless) than there are for murder, rape, and robbery combined:

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.lp.org/press/archive.php?function=view&record=163" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.lp.org/press/archive.php?function=view&record=163</A>

Which is pretty pathetic. Some protection that is.

Def pathetic. Let's waste all the cops time on someone smokin' a J and let all the robberies, etc. go on.... It's reefer madness I tell you!!! cwm31.gif You know it's a lot easier to bust someone for pot than to risk your life trying to catch a murderer or armed robber...

OK back to the alcohol... Yes I agree that alcohol can be worse. It def impairs judgement and coordination more than some other drugs. But really it comes down to using in moderation.


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All good things in moderation...nothing better after work than a little smoke & a little drink to chill (just try not to do it every night)...and then on the weekends do it all (altho i think more than a few pills a weekend will have neg. side effects if done enough)

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Originally posted by resident:

Without a doubt, there's more deaths from alcohol than e, especially considering deaths from drunk diriving (>30,000/year), drunk fighting (? a few), etc. Some numbers are on ecstasy.org.

careful who your source is. i'm not saying its untrue. but ecstacy info from an ecstacy website does sound a bit shady. i don' think they would mind exaggerating numbers, not including numbers, or just ignoring some of the e horror stories out there. just a thought. we always talk about not trusting what you read in the news or watch on t.v. i just think that pertains to all media vehicles including websites on e.

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As someone who has gone to excess with all the 'evils' of society (Drink, Drugs, Sex, Gambling) the drink is the worst by a mmmmmmiiiiiiilllllllleee

for soooooo many reasons



hapfac01.gif coming to party with you - when my H1 comes thru!------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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OK, I had one hell of a hangover this morning and heres my question, do you folks think that alcohol is much better than other drugs, say weed, e, Etc. Nothing kicks your ass worse than an bad hangover, and getting wasted kills plenty of brain cells... Is it just that the booze is so well established that it is socially acceptable to get blitzed and puke on the sidewalk, or in your neighbors potted plant while rolling away nicely in the corner with a fat smile on yer face, or dancing in a club is supposed to be so "Bad" When you think about the people dying of alcohol poisoning in college, and getting stomachs pumped and shit, it seems that happens a lot more often than ODs on E, or well, you cant OD on pot... any opinions??? Plus, booze makes a lot of people angry drunks who start fights lose controll. YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN>>>>



"Fools cant see me thats how it is thats how I like it cause thats my biz"

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Actually, I think that is a very good point that you bring up.....I'm not so sure about more people dying from alcohol poisoning than from E. Maybe on a total scale but you gotta remember that alcohol has been around much longer.....Anyhow, it is just the mentality of our society(I hate using that word) which is created by the decisions of government officials and media assholes......basically, if the news comes on and Clinton is saying a speech about how is going to legalize ecstacy, withing time, it will be viewed in the same light that alcohol is viewed now.....I think the opinions are formed from the fact that they are legal or illegal as opposed to how adverse the effects of each are......anyone agree?



"Music is life, live for the weekend....."

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funny you ask...I just got this depressing email last week:

"I went to a party, Mom"

I went to a party,

And remembered what you said.

You told me not to drink, Mom

So I had a sprite instead.

I felt proud of myself,

The way you said I would,

That I didn't drink and drive,

Though some friends said I should.

I made a healthy choice,

And your advice to me was right

As the party finally ended,

And the kids drove out of sight.

I got into my car,

Sure to get home in one piece,

I never knew what was coming, Mom,

Something I expected least.

Now I'm lying on the pavement,

And I hear the policeman say,

"The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,"

Mom, his voice seems far away.

My own blood's all around me,

As I try hard not to cry.

I can hear the paramedic say,

"This girl is going to die."

I'm sure the guy had no idea,

While he was flying high,

Because he chose to drink and drive,

Now I would have to die.

So why do people do it, Mom

Knowing that it ruins lives?

And now the pain is cutting me,

Like a hundred stabbing knives.

Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom,

Tell daddy to be brave,

And when I go to heaven,

Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.

Someone should have taught him,

That it’s wrong to drink and drive.

Maybe if his parents had,

I'd still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom

I'm getting really scared.

These are my final moments,

And I'm so unprepared.

I wish that you could hold me Mom,

As I lie here and die.

I wish that I could say I love you, Mom

So I love you and good-bye.



*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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I think alcohol is by far the worst drug. I think POT is fine and doesn't cause hangovers and helps people relax. When was the last time you missed work cause you smoked a joint the night before? I helps you relax. I can't believe that companies drug test for that. I would rather have a stoner, as long as he keeps it out of the office of course, then an alcoholic working for me. At least he's not coming in hung over, is relaxing at home after a hard day of work and isn't a cause of domestic violence.


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Nah booze is great.

People always blame the substance for peoples actions, why? If a person decides to drink too much alcohol and get into a fight and die then the gene pool is a better place for it in my opinion.

In place like France they drink from an early age and in later life act responsibly with alcohol.

In England they also can drink from an early age but the drink is blamed on high levels of violence. It is not the booze, it's the people.

Drink is the BEST drug, I love a J or 2 but at the end of the day it demotivates you. Booze gives you hangovers if YOU drink beyond your limits.. besides I love hangovers, you never funnier than when you have a bit of a hangover.

tobacco is just crap.

Speed, Meths are dirty drugs, with all sorts of side effects.

Weed is great, but demotavational and if smoke highly carcinogenic.

MDMA depresses you, and the long term effects are depression and or anxiety.

Coke is a problem drug full stop.

Heroin & crack we don't need to go there.

So booze has very few side effects and long term effects if, like any drug, is not abused. Booze can also be very good for you in the right amounts. Red wine for instance reduces the risk of heart disease.

Some people say 'well drink kills more people', of course it does more people use and therefore abuse it. Let me tell you, you have to drink huge amounts to get alcohol poisoning and once you have had your stomach pumped once you wont be doing it again, and you have to be drinking irresponsibly.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Originally posted by mikey_m:

Actually, I think that is a very good point that you bring up.....I'm not so sure about more people dying from alcohol poisoning than from E.

Not only can alcohol be chemically addicting (see AA for details) and harm the imbiber, when used in excess, but it can also hurt others. How many people are killed each year by drunk drivers? How many people kill themselves in fits of alcohol-aided depression? Not to mention those injured in both cases.......

E is more of a controlled injury drug -- if you do too much, yer more likely to mess yourself up, and fewer peeps around you. Yes, we know it causes cognitive / nerve damage (memory, general intellect, etc), but if you take too much, YOU are gonna suffer. When was the last time a clubber OD'd on Ecstacy and danced so hard they killed people on the dancefloor???



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Originally posted by dzadza:

Once you're in the condition where you can't stand on your feet, it doesn't really matter what drug took you there: alcohol, pills, whatever.

Exactly, and how many deaths are caused by drug driving? Answer: We don't know.

There is quiet a bit of research in the UK to say that a huge amount of deaths are related to E, Weed & coke. In Ibiza last year 13 people died on one road, 10 were taking E (no Alcohol) and 3 had alcohol and drugs.

All these figure people drag up are irrelevant out of context.

A person will either abuse substances or not, if booze was illegal and E wan't they would just be abusing E or weed or whatever.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Originally posted by missincognito:

funny you ask...I just got this depressing email last week:

I wish that you could hold me Mom,

As I lie here and die.

I wish that I could say I love you, Mom

So I love you and good-bye.

thanks frown.gif I really needed that to brighten up my day




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Hi people. I'm gonna be brief on this because I'v spent a year and a few hundred pages writing/reporting on this topic.

Some conclusions:

1. I believe alcohol (besides cigarettes) IS one of the worst common drugs.

2. It's most popular (compared to weed) as it is processed (thus government makes money)

My step-dad (who did ALOT of drugs) came up with this reason (which till this day is the only reason why I can see alcohol would be PREFERRED over another drug):

1. Alcohol is the easiest to DETECT. that is you KNOW when someone is fucked up or not.

2. Alcohol has the shortest "hit time" that your good without consuming more.

Again, sorry I am so brief, any questions, and I'd love to share more of what I found.



Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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Do yourselves ALL a favor...as I do this every Fri/Sat/Holiday/ evenings after 11 pm...knock on wood...it has saved my life at least 5 times I can remember...I NEVER drink & drive but know many others do....what I do is....

drive VERY defensively ALL the time...what this means is look in ALL your mirrors constantly so you know EXACTLY what is around you at all times....watch for other cars for ANYTHING unusual (weaving, shifting within lane, speeding, etc), once I sense this, I IMMEDIATELY (no hesitation) MOVE DA FUCK AS FAR AWAY as possible from that car....Have avoided several accidents...knock on wood...


What da.....

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Vicadine and Zanax a pill that will get you drunk for hours

with out a hangover



A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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