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Do you think your better off alone?

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Hey ezdreamer, don't start with me, alright. I wasn't bashing the guy. Did I say anything bad to him?? Did I call him any names or tell him he needs to take an English class??? NO!

And FYI, if you are going to speak up about grammar, you should probably throw in a comma where it needs to be, and use the word "who" when referring to a person.

One of the reasons on being better off alone...you could end with a woman with no sense of humor and drive you nutz. tongue.gif


"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything."


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

One of the reasons on being better off alone...you could end with a woman with no sense of humor and drive you nutz. tongue.gif

hey, don't let me have to drop kick your ass, and drive your nuts into your stomach! j/k


i actually do have a sense of humor. i just didn't know he was joking, that's why i responded the way i did...



Peace Love Happiness y'all

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Originally posted by missincognito:

Sorry papi

Ooooooo!!!! I like that!!! cwm27.gif


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by divalicious:

while i understand your being annoyed by the lack of grammar skills on the board - it is also a pet peeve of mine - you should probably spell check before you bash someone...

good point

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Originally posted by risa06:

I would LOVE to have someone that I can share all the beauty of my life w/...my best times and my sad moments...but...for a long time I feel like I will never find someone I can be myself w/....so I just live my life the way I want to and hope that one day this beautiful person step into my world........

Risa you are halfway there already. You have pretty much described my version of the meaning of life. I think that you are born as half and become a whole through someone else. You experience things throughout life but when you have someone there that you care about, you can see the same things through their eyes and learn to see things from a different perspective. For example, if you both love art, look at painting and tell him what you think about it and what you feel from it. He may have a totally different view because of colors or brush strokes etc... The difference in opinions is actually beatiful, then you're like, "Wow, i never saw it like that." You share moments, feelings, etc... but understand how another human feels about it. That's why I am single cause I can't find that person that can I can compliment or compliment me. It's tough but you seem to know what you want...


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by ricfutures:

Risa you are halfway there already. You have pretty much described my version of the meaning of life. I think that you are born as half and become a whole through someone else. You experience things throughout life but when you have someone there that you care about, you can see the same things through their eyes and learn to see things from a different perspective. For example, if you both love art, look at painting and tell him what you think about it and what you feel from it. He may have a totally different view because of colors or brush strokes etc... The difference in opinions is actually beatiful, then you're like, "Wow, i never saw it like that." You share moments, feelings, etc... but understand how another human feels about it. That's why I am single cause I can't find that person that can I can compliment or compliment me. It's tough but you seem to know what you want...

you've said it.....100% agree

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hmm better off alone- good question....

In my opinion, I do agree with divalicious...it is nice to share lifes' experiences with someone. As they say "Every pot has a lid"

I do feel- naturally, that everyone has the phase of growing up, where one night stands are acceptable and going through the "sowing your wild oats" stage is important... and some of us sow a lot longer then others!

However being in relationships is hard. They take a lot of work and a lot of people don't want to commit that time nor energy...

Now- mind you.... most of them don't last through the "honeymoon period" as I like to call it, and what that is- is usually the first 3 months of a realtionship- Where everything is honkey-dorey and all those cute little habits are nice in the beginning

but turn out being the most annoying nusences in the end (ie: the burping matriculates to farts in your face!)

cwm25.gif However, picky as I may be...you need to understand that nothing will ever be perfect because NO ONE is perfect.

I do hope to grow old with someone and reminisce about the good 'ol days of being wild and carefree... to take those strolls along the beach (all wrinkled and gray) knowing I have had a full life and shared so much joy, love and even pain and heartache... but still have that person by my side supporting me when the world had thrown its most unbearble heartaches at me.

If you don't... I feel like you've lost a part of being alive...the feeling of ultimate jubilation just by looking at someone and knowing there is a person who overlooks all your imperfections and loves you for who and what you are.

You don't need to be in a relationship to feel self-worth and it isn't healthly if you loose a sence of who you are...it's just a matter of finding someone who compliments you and there's an equal balance.





*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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I just broke up w/my gf on Monday. We went out for a long time, but I had to be honest when it came to the question of marriage. I just couldn't spend the rest of my life with her.

I don't want to say, "I *could* spend the rest of my life with this person." I want to say, " I *want nothing more* than to spend the rest of my life with this person." When I can say that, then I know I'm ready.

It totally sucks rocks right now being so fresh out of the relationship 'cause I'm the type of person who loves to share myself with the girl I'm with. Never had any brothers or sisters so when I get involved with a woman I love to do things together that bring us close. I'm def. feeling the loneliness right now, but I'm sure I'll be okay. I know it was the right thing to do for both her and myself. I guess right now....I'm better off alone.


"imagination is more important than knowledge"---einstein.

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Keep ya Head up.

I know what its like fresh out of a relationship. You feel as though half of your whole being is missing. It might take a little while, but day by day, you'll grow stronger and be happy again. Everything happens for a reason, you never know, the next girl you meet could be your soulmate.



Lets Go METS!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by tenupa:

I just broke up w/my gf on Monday. We went out for a long time, but I had to be honest when it came to the question of marriage. I just couldn't spend the rest of my life with her.

I don't want to say, "I *could* spend the rest of my life with this person." I want to say, " I *want nothing more* than to spend the rest of my life with this person." When I can say that, then I know I'm ready.

It totally sucks rocks right now being so fresh out of the relationship 'cause I'm the type of person who loves to share myself with the girl I'm with. Never had any brothers or sisters so when I get involved with a woman I love to do things together that bring us close. I'm def. feeling the loneliness right now, but I'm sure I'll be okay. I know it was the right thing to do for both her and myself. I guess right now....I'm better off alone.


"imagination is more important than knowledge"---einstein.

I broke up w/ my ex b/f for the same reason...I was engaged once and it didn't worke out...I didn't want to get myself in the same sit. one more time...so I left....it was hard in the beggining...but then you'll understand that you did the right thing...may be the best thing in your life....don't worry...it'll be just fine smile.gif

PS...I'm the only child too....

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Originally posted by risa06:

PS...I'm the only child too....

Risa, pretty weird huh? Not many of us out there. Seems like *everybody* has a brother or sister. Sometimes it was def. cool growing up, and sometimes it def. wasn't. Guess being an only child has it's ups and downs like everything else!

BTW--andy1020 thanx for the support dude! It feels like a fresh fuckin' wound right now but I know I'll be fine.


"imagination is more important than knowledge"----einstein.

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I'm 27 yrs old, and personally I do feel that I'm better off alone. Being in a relationship is a lot of work, and you always have to answer to that person. Since I don't want kids it will be even more difficult to find someone who also feels the same way. If a person is meant to be with someone it will happen on its own. So many people depend on another person for happiness.

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How ironic this question came up...just last Saturday my friends and I were out and this song came on....of course we had to address the question..are we better off alone. I guess it depends. Personally, I just got out of a relationship and am back into partying (which I love to do). I need someone who understands me completely, gives me my space (which I need often) and shares the same interests and dreams that I do. I thought I had that person but about 2 months ago I began to question everything because everything was falling apart...should I just be single? Am I destined to get married and have a family? Who the hell knows. I wanted to be fair to him so I let him go...as difficult and painful as it was. All I can say is having someone to share your life with is a wonderful thing but it shouldn't be at the expense of being unhappy. I don't know what's gonna happen with me and right now I don't care. All I can say is enjoy yourself...we only get one chance at this life!!! My philosophical contribution for today.

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