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My big FUCK YOU!!!! of the night goes to Oxygen Lounge!!!!!


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My friends throw O2 Lounge Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I doubt that they are aware that the door guys are asking for cash on the side. I am going to make sure to tell them.

As wrong as this may sound, I am sure you people will agree with me on this.

"In this world it's who you know"

Sad but true.

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First of all...who the hell are you? second...why are you using God's avatar...you sacrilege Oxygen ghetto bitch! :finger:


WOW!.....arent we a little hostile.....what ghetto bitch you know DJ's for an all dance radio station....whatever....the name is Stephen, Im new on the board....i used flip's avatar cause i though it was cool, i gave props to flip, i dont think he or she (i've never found out) cares, so i think you should not care either so just chill on the whole "you stole my friends avatar" issue and have a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up and mind your own business. damn...i come in piece just trying to be friendly and you got get hostile....sheesh...you'd think your at the source awards standing on the wrong side of the room wearing the wrong colors representing the wrong side of the east coast ganger banger BS.......who's acting like a "ghetto bitch" now.... :gang::chainsaw:

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@ What kind of bullshit is that?? :mad:

They were even giving hard time to the girls trying to get in at that time!!

So I say outloud sarcastically: "Hey, do I need tits to get in??....'cause I can

get a push up bra at Victoria's Secret around the corner!"

And the Rent-A Cops didnt like that....cause they stirred about for a few minutes........then eased off.......

I'll never set foot near that place again.

Such lack of respect for patrons that are willing to spend money...

which pays their bills!!!!!


On Digital Phoenix's "Club Cockgobblers Scale"......... they take a solid 10!!!!


That's pretty funny. Some bouncers at doors in NY would sucker some suits for hundred dollar bills.

They were kinda tough at Chaos, too in NY...but, I knew security...and they were still hard on me.....they wouldn't let Yanni I vanna Be Bonjovi and crew in once.....just me. I couldn't do that....although, I shoulda...they was jerks, anway.

..................I can't stand smothering packed, either....but, it's all just game. too bad, huh?

Once there was a door guy who wouldn't let someone with our group in cuz he had his toes exposed....sandals...he was a Euro, u know. My toes exposed was ok, but his was not....does that make sence.

Sorry about your evening. It happens.

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WOW!.....arent we a little hostile.....what ghetto bitch you know DJ's for an all dance radio station....whatever....the name is Stephen, Im new on the board....i used flip's avatar cause i though it was cool, i gave props to flip, i dont think he or she (i've never found out) cares, so i think you should not care either so just chill on the whole "you stole my friends avatar" issue and have a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up and mind your own business. damn...i come in piece just trying to be friendly and you got get hostile....sheesh...you'd think your at the source awards standing on the wrong side of the room wearing the wrong colors representing the wrong side of the east coast ganger banger BS.......who's acting like a "ghetto bitch" now.... :gang::chainsaw:


Welcome to CP - you fit right in ;)

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WOW!just chill on the whole "you stole my friends avatar" issue and have a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up and mind your own business.

welcome to cp suckah, you have just been Funk'd by the musketeer of funk himself...change your avatar a.s.a.p. or behold the wrath of Funketeer.



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