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Ur 1st time getting kicked out of a club..how was it??

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LOL,,,,I thought that would never happen to me but it did once, though it was a wierd feeling being led out while people are looking at you,, the whole thing was hilarious, smile.gif he he

My offense: I had too much to drink and kept passing out on the couch so they booted me out. webster hall on thursday night--trust me, not the most exciting night in that club


let the music play....

[This message has been edited by turntable (edited 11-01-2000).]

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i know i've already bitched about this but i continue to be pissed about it.. limelight, some party on a thursday night, not alot of ppl there, i got booted for being in the same room as some dumbass that had been smoking dust before i even got there. i had just walked in and sat down. grrrrrrr!!!! of course this was AFTER we all got our asses chewed by the narc and got put on some list...



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at tunnel i was about to take my last hit, when the terminator flashed me!

i was with about 15 people and he took all of us into the ice machine room with 3 other bouncers and 5 under cover cops. they kicked us out but he let me have my pill back.



i know u wanna dance,

i wanna c u sweat,

i wanna c how freaky u can get...baby take me higher!!

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At Tunnel in '96 (Junior) I saw a friend I hadn't seen in awhile on the main dancefloor. We were rolling and he offers me a b*mp of K. It was dark and we couldn't see very well so we kept inching toward the Chandelier room under Jrs booth. Finally we had enough light from the chandelier to do our business but so did security to see us. When I felt that hand on my shoulder I thought they were gonna take us out to the paddy wagon.

As he walks us out to the door I notice that I am still holding my friend's full jar.

So stupid ass me throws it away. We get thrown out into the cold w/o our jackets, backpack, and my girlfriend. Not fun, especially after doing the b*mp. Don't know how my girl found me but she did and we went home.


There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

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Twilo 99 for Junior, I wandered into the unfinished 2K room, on quite a lot of the second character in that room's name. Found a case of beers and took several (why???). Ran into the manager (Bindra?) and he kicked me onto the roof. It was 6am, took me an hour to find my way down via several fire escapes. That SUCKED.


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it wasn't a club.. it was at Minnesota's last summer.. (I'm pretty sure that was the only time I was ever kicked out of anywhere?)

My friends and I had just come from Paddy McGee's/Montego Bay's dressed all cute. Well we went to Minnestota's, went to the bar, got drinks , we were dancing ..My sister accidently bumped into this girl and when my sister turned around to apologize to her the girl punched my sister..


All my friends ended up fighting with them.. it was 4 of us and 10 of them....I went ballisitic..I took my Corona bottle and broke it over the girls head.. I grabbed the back of this girl's head and just kept hitting her harder and harder.. I had such a tight grip on her skull that when the bouncers ripped me of of her 3 of my fingernails (all mine) where ripped off at the root. yep So seeing that ( my bloody hand), and that I had just gotten a manicure that same day.. well I just wasn't having it.. When the bouncers tore us apart I punched another girl in her grill.. then I was thrown out. literally. It didn't end there..We saw the girls outside.. They had been thrown out a different door...So we walked around to where they were and DING DING DING.. ROUND 2! All I remember is sitting on this girl...This girl was bigger than me too that's what I couldn't understand..I just kept hitting her like never before..My sister joined in then another one attacked my sister so while she was down (the other girl) I was kickin gher right in her back.. I felt my foot hitting her spine.. Needless to say we were almost arrested......the very next morning I woke up and went to get my nails done , Yes my nails done, they had to put fake ones over the raw skin.... I still don't know I was able to take that pain..Goes to show you how vain I am..it's disgusting..My hand was numb for 2 days from the pain..

I'll never forget that..It was horrible.. I'm not one to go out and fight but I am one to defend myself when the need arises..






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

it wasn't a club.. it was at Minnesota's last summer.. (I'm pretty sure that was the only time I was ever kicked out of anywhere?)

My friends and I had just come from Paddy McGee's/Montego Bay's dressed all cute. Well we went to Minnestota's, went to the bar, got drinks , we were dancing ..My sister accidently bumped into this girl and when my sister turned around to apologize to her the girl punched my sister..


All my friends ended up fighting with them.. it was 4 of us and 10 of them....I went ballisitic..I took my Corona bottle and broke it over the girls head.. I grabbed the back of this girl's head and just kept hitting her harder and harder.. I had such a tight grip on her skull that when the bouncers ripped me of of her 3 of my fingernails (all mine) where ripped off at the root. yep So seeing that ( my bloody hand), and that I had just gotten a manicure that same day.. well I just wasn't having it.. When the bouncers tore us apart I punched another girl in her grill.. then I was thrown out. literally. It didn't end there..We saw the girls outside.. They had been thrown out a different door...So we walked around to where they were and DING DING DING.. ROUND 2! All I remember is sitting on this girl...This girl was bigger than me too that's what I couldn't understand..I just kept hitting her like never before..My sister joined in then another one attacked my sister so while she was down (the other girl) I was kickin gher right in her back.. I felt my foot hitting her spine.. Needless to say we were almost arrested......the very next morning I woke up and went to get my nails done , Yes my nails done, they had to put fake ones over the raw skin.... I still don't know I was able to take that pain..Goes to show you how vain I am..it's disgusting..My hand was numb for 2 days from the pain..

I'll never forget that..It was horrible.. I'm not one to go out and fight but I am one to defend myself when the need arises..

oooohhh fiesty girl! cwm27.gif I think I would have done the same thing. I was down @ Tempts this past summer and minding my own business when these chics walk over and stand right where I am dancing. My friend gave the girls looks like hello there are ppl here so one of them gave a dirty look back. So I said fuck it my friend and I kept dancing regardless if they was in our way or not. Next thing I know, one of the girls tries to throw a punch at my friend (My friend is about 5'0 tall so she thought she had it in the bag). I saw her about to swing. I caught her hand/arm and pushed her away from. I had her totally immobilized while she tried to kick me. She wasn't worth fighting because I was worried I would break her and her in two. The other friend just stood there and watch cwm31.gif I wasn't worried about her. Mind you it took like a good two minutes b4 the bouncers came over and threw those two chickenheads out. No need for me to mess up my hair in a club cwm27.gif duking it out!



...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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damn, i think half the times i've been there, i've either gotten kicked out, a friend got kicked out, or someone got denied at the door. the time i got kicked out, i swear, all i was doing was reaching into my pocket to give my friend a starburst candy (the sweet kind). s'ok though; out on the sidewalk i met this awesome guy who became one of my best friends, and we sometimes wonder, "what if it weren't for those fuggin bouncers..."

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damn, i think half the times i've been there, i've either gotten kicked out, a friend got kicked out, or someone got denied at the door. the time i got kicked out, i swear, all i was doing was reaching into my pocket to give my friend a starburst candy (the sweet kind). s'ok though; out on the sidewalk i met this awesome guy who became one of my best friends, and we sometimes wonder, "what if it weren't for those fuggin bouncers..."

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Originally posted by JoelB:

Twilo 99 for Junior, I wandered into the unfinished 2K room, on quite a lot of the second character in that room's name. Found a case of beers and took several (why???). Ran into the manager (Bindra?) and he kicked me onto the roof. It was 6am, took me an hour to find my way down via several fire escapes. That SUCKED.


Lol Kicked you out on the roof? At least he let you stay in the building!

Mike the hottie was prolly being nice. I hope it wasn't cold!!



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i onlygo booted from a real club once when i was like 17 it was that wack club bermuda triangl eon the island i dunno what its called now , they change teh name every year .. i got folded in half by some bouncer ... whatever they did me a huge favor by throwin me out ..first and last time ever there ...

i dunno if you consider the Broady Barn a club or more of a beer guzzeling tent , none the less i have never made it til closing with getting teh ol' heev-hoe ... i've been thrown out everytime i've gone ... always for pouring beer all over some retarded drunk girl .. funny how all drunk girls will fall for " here, i'll pour it in your mouth " ... geez ..



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At limelight about 2 months ago....was there with about five people...rollin'....so i went into my pocket to get some more. I look up, and there are 2 boncers...just staring at me. Being that I was a bit messed up, I just took the goodies and threw them behind me on the chair.

"Get the fuck up" is what he said to me. So I did, and there were my goodies. He grabed them and asked me what it was. So I told him. He said "ok. come with me. We have a deputity waiting outside for you." I almost shit right there. As we were walking along the catwalk to go outside, I was begging him not to do this. He said "well maybe we can work something out with a donation."

Goddamnit!! Not only did he get my pills, but he and his buddy made out with about $40!

Anyway, after he robbed me, he threw me out the front of the club. Oh well.

2 pills and $40 or reichers island....hmmmmmm.....



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time."

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my best friend got kicked out of exit last year for opening one of the back doors to use a cell. she opened it about an inch to get reception and some big guy pulled her out. one of our other guy friends went after her not wanting to leave her alone- he got tossed too. talk about stupid. the thing that sucks was the bouncer said that if it had only been her they wouldve let her back in. the sat on our car for 4 hours till the rest of us came out. we were scared shitless as we searched the place up and down but it all worked out.

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ooooooo, this pisses me off to think about it again!

I'm at Neptune Beach Club on Labor day, hanging with some people from my share house. we are inside and they decide to do bumps of K. whatever, i've never sniffed anything, nor do i want to. a couple of bouncers come over to us and say that the camera filmed the whole thing and we have to leave. i tell them that i wasn't doing anything, but they didn't care, said i should watch who i hang out with, and i get booted with them!! as we are leaving one bouncer says, "see you next year. maybe you'll have your habit kicked by then." that really really burned me up, because I DIDN"T DO ANYTHING!!! those bastards...only consolation was that the place closed about 5 minutes later, so i didn't miss any valuable partying!

moral of the story: when your friends are doing grugs that you don't do, walk away till they are finished, so you don't get in trouble with them!



Peace Love Happiness y'all

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Originally posted by divalicious:

ooooooo, this pisses me off to think about it again!

I'm at Neptune Beach Club on Labor day, hanging with some people from my share house. we are inside and they decide to do bumps of K. whatever, i've never sniffed anything, nor do i want to. a couple of bouncers come over to us and say that the camera filmed the whole thing and we have to leave. i tell them that i wasn't doing anything, but they didn't care, said i should watch who i hang out with, and i get booted with them!! as we are leaving one bouncer says, "see you next year. maybe you'll have your habit kicked by then." that really really burned me up, because I DIDN"T DO ANYTHING!!! those bastards...only consolation was that the place closed about 5 minutes later, so i didn't miss any valuable partying!

moral of the story: when your friends are doing grugs that you don't do, walk away till they are finished, so you don't get in trouble with them!

Diva I was there as well. Didn't miss a a damn thing..... I know all the bouncers there.. Prolly jealous your friends didn't share..LOL!!






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

i onlygo booted from a real club once when i was like 17 it was that wack club bermuda triangl eon the island i dunno what its called now , they change teh name every year .. i got folded in half by some bouncer ... whatever they did me a huge favor by throwin me out ..first and last time ever there ...

i dunno if you consider the Broady Barn a club or more of a beer guzzeling tent , none the less i have never made it til closing with getting teh ol' heev-hoe ... i've been thrown out everytime i've gone ... always for pouring beer all over some retarded drunk girl .. funny how all drunk girls will fall for " here, i'll pour it in your mouth " ... geez ..







"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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Ask Pooh...

They kicked him outta Centrofly and he just walked the fuck back in. LOL



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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