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I just broke up with my BF

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Originally posted by divette:


I hope he realizes how much I love him, and that he comes back to me.

I miss him already...God this hurts. cwm45.gif

Why did you break up with him if you want him to come back?


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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awwww, i'm sorry hun!!

but i'm sure you did what was best for both of you at the time . . . and hopefully he'll sraighten up and come back to you!





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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Originally posted by divette:

It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do...but I needed to do it, for his sake.

I hope he realizes how much I love him, and that he comes back to me.

I miss him already...God this hurts. cwm45.gif

Hey, be strong.....I broke up with my girl about 2 months ago after 5 years and immediately didn't think I could handle it.......I stuck through and was strong......now I'm happier than ever......not that she did anything bad but there was a reason why I felt the needed to do so........getting back with him right now would be be telling yourself theres no reason why you shouldn't be together......but then why did you break with him to start.......Lesson: Stay strong!.....Hope you got something out of that.....lol



"Music is life, live for the weekend....."

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Originally posted by divette:


Being with someone for years..and basically engaged (the ring and eveything)...

I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without him.

But I know that he needed this time. I hope I did the right thing.

You're really brave and wise to do what you did. Sometimes it's much harder to realize that the problem is there and then to do something about it.

At least you'll finally be able to know if it was meant to be or not. Whatever the case may be, keep your chins up!

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow." -Helen Keller



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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I broke up with him, because he was going throuhg mad shit with himself and feelig very angry towrds me for things that I did 3 years ago.

He has to be able to forgive me and forgive himself before we can move on. I thought I would be able to just "seperate" from him for a few months nad still "be together"..like we had planned. But it was just too hard and it hurt too much.

Sometimes someone needs to not have something or someone at all, in order to know what they truly have. Like, you dont know what you got until its gone.

He knows that I love him, and will always be here for him..but I cant be with someone who is angry with me..and can't forgive me for things that happened years ago. He has to let go of it first, and he isn't going to be able to that while we are still a couple.

I can only hope that he can move on from this, and we can move on with our lives together again.


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I broke up with him, because he was going throuhg mad shit with himself and feelig very angry towrds me for things that I did 3 years ago.

He has to be able to forgive me and forgive himself before we can move on. I thought I would be able to just "seperate" from him for a few months nad still "be together"..like we had planned. But it was just too hard and it hurt too much.

Sometimes someone needs to not have something or someone at all, in order to know what they truly have. Like, you dont know what you got until its gone.

He knows that I love him, and will always be here for him..but I cant be with someone who is angry with me..and can't forgive me for things that happened years ago. He has to let go of it first, and he isn't going to be able to that while we are still a couple.

I can only hope that he can move on from this, and we can move on with our lives together again.


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Originally posted by divette:

I broke up with him, because he was going throuhg mad shit with himself and feelig very angry towrds me for things that I did 3 years ago.

Did you cheat on him? When I was with my ex-fiance years ago . . . he cheated on me one year into the relationship. I chose to forgive him and stayed with him. However for the three years that we remained together after that was absolute hell! When he cheated on me my trust for him had diminished. I forgave him but my mind, soul, and heart could not forget what he had done. Thus, ending our relationship.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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You did the right thing sweety. It's hard to be in a relationship when someone is always bringing up the past. Kife is too short to live in the past. I'm sure he will realize that he is wating time. Time stands still for no one and right now he is wasting it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I am confident that he will come back, just give it sometime. Be strong. Don't act this is forever, take it like a mini-vacation. You will be so much happier after this. TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDEDOWN!!! This will only help your relationship in the long run. One day you will look back and say, thank god for that time... cwm29.gif


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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NO~ I never cheated on him..

My boyfriend is soooo sensative and is the sweetest person in the world.

In the beging of our relationship I did things that were fucked up. Like constantly leaving him to go out with friends, fighting about stupid shit..I mean the list honestly goes on. But my point is, is that I am not denying that I did do things that have hurt him.

But I can;t go back in the past and change everything I did that was wrong. We love each other so much, but he feels like he was a "sucker" for the first year of our relaionship, and because he didn;t deal with these feelings back then, they are all coming out now.

I jsut hope that he understands taht I never meant to hurt him, that I love him and always have and always will.

I can only make the present and the future better..not the past.

We have a had great years since then..and I am not the same person that I once was. He was the one that changed me. But these feeling that he has are there..and are not going anywhere, unless he wants them too.

ANd I know he does..but, it will take time for him to heal and work through this.

I just hope he will find it in his heart to be able to .


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Originally posted by divette:

I broke up with him, because he was going throuhg mad shit with himself and feelig very angry towrds me for things that I did 3 years ago.

He has to be able to forgive me and forgive himself before we can move on. I thought I would be able to just "seperate" from him for a few months nad still "be together"..like we had planned. But it was just too hard and it hurt too much.

Sometimes someone needs to not have something or someone at all, in order to know what they truly have. Like, you dont know what you got until its gone.

He knows that I love him, and will always be here for him..but I cant be with someone who is angry with me..and can't forgive me for things that happened years ago. He has to let go of it first, and he isn't going to be able to that while we are still a couple.

I can only hope that he can move on from this, and we can move on with our lives together again.


I could have a long chat with you about how jaded your understanding of the matter having gone through a few bad things which include some of your points in this post.

I, however, dont wish to be the bad guy but want you to evaluate closely what you said and try to get an objective view from someone who isnt involved.

I, by experience, know how hard it is to rationalize something when you love someone and I learned it the hard way, we all do that. If you ever need an objective opinion, feel free to chat with me since Ive been there.

This is a topic I can talk alot about but I only wish you the best and hope things work in your favor. Like I said, youll always have an ear.




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Originally posted by divette:

NO~ I never cheated on him..

I'm soooo glad to hear that. Cause betrayal is the hardest thing to forget.

Well, keep the faith but don't stop living!



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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I am trying to stay strong, and have enough faith in our relationship and faith that he will realize this.

I can't believe that this will be forever, I have to believe that this is only for now.

We had planned a future together, and if this is what he needs to do, I have to let him go through it.

Your so right, it will make it all the better for us in the future.

Thanks for the support and optomisum (sp)


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Originally posted by divette:

I broke up with him, because he was going throuhg mad shit with himself and feelig very angry towrds me for things that I did 3 years ago.

He's pissed about things that happened 3 fucking years ago? What is he, a bitch or a man? Definitely sounds like whiner to me.

Glad you dumped his ass... more time to find someone not so whiney.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Yeah, I'm gunna go out with the girlies, but it's hard.

I dont know what to do with myself.

Part of me want s to just hook up with someone so i dont think about my ex..part of me feels like I can never go through this again, part o me feels like I never want to be with anyone ever again...I dont know where to start..

? cwm33.gif

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Originally posted by divette:

Part of me want s to just hook up with someone so i dont think about my ex..


whatever you do, DON'T do that. it'll just make you feel worse. you just need some time for the wounds to heal. it may not feel like it now, but i promise, it'll happen...

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i dont need that loser anyway i am tan strong good looking i have a brooklyn accent i can dance and you can drive in my monte carlo and listen to my copy of zombie nation "ooooh oh" "ooooh oh"

i will share my ghb with you and take you to a mob movie marathon and introduce you to tony mikey vinny and sal



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Originally posted by bungee:

?...what deep corny message is this supposed to convey?....Wasn't she blind?....missing something here...

STFU! You're killing the moment!! cwm11.gif



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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