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N!gger Jokes


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This is a joke board so please do not take any offense to the following.

How do you keep a Nigger out of your back yard...

Hang one in the front!

How do you stop a nigger from drowning...

Take your foot off his head!

Whats better than a dead nigger...

Two dead niggers!

Why are niggers so good at basketball...

Cause they already know how to run shoot and steal!

Why are there no niggers in the NHL...

To many white guys with sticks!

What are the 3 things you can't give a nigger...

A black eye, a fat lip, and a job.

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How do you get a nigger out of a tree...

Cut the rope!

Why don't sharks eat niggers...

They don't like dark meat!

What do you get when you cross a nigger and a spic...

Some to lazy to steal!

Why don't niggers take asprin...

They refuse to pull the cotton out!

How does a pregnant nigger fight crime...

Get an abortion!

How do you babysit a nigger...

Wet his lips and stick him to the wall!

What do you call a nigger on a bike...

A thief!

Whats long black and smells like shit...

Welfare line!

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A nigger and a spic jump off of a building, who hits the ground first...

Who cares!

How many niggers does it take to pave a driveway...

One, if you spread him real thin!

Whats the most confuseing day in Harlem...

Fathers day!

Whats the difference between a nigger and a bag of shit...

The bag!

The is a nigger and a spic in a car, who's driving...

The cop!

Two nigger and a white girl, whats the white girls name...


How long does it take a nigger to take a shit...

9 months!

Why is ray charles always smileing...

He doesn't know hes black!

Why are niggers like sperm...

Only one in a million actually work!

Why do police dogs lick their asssholes...

To get the taste of nigger out their mouths!

What can a pizza do that a nigger can't...

Feed a family of four!

Why do niggers call white people honkies...

Thats the last sound they head before they get run over!

How do you stop a nigger from going out...

Pour more gas on him!

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This is a joke board so please do not take any offense to the following.

How do you stop a nigger from drowning...

Take your foot off his head!

Why are there no niggers in the NHL...

To many white guys with sticks!

:laugh::laugh: That's coooooold..hahaha

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What do you call 50 niggers at the bottom of an ocean...

A good start!

Whats the difference between a car strikeing a dog and a nigger in the road...

They tried to stop for the dog!

Did you know that bowling was invented by a black man nocfgs? It's a black ball that knocks down white things with red necks!

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All of you are over reacting, They are jokes its a joke board. I have black friends. I watch the Chappel show. What more do you want from me. They are jokes. Let it be.

damnnn Nocfgs

all these peeps jumpin down your thraot for making black jokes on a joke board . Lighten up people

I dont see you running to defend the Baby Zombies when nocfgs busted jokes on them

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  • 2 months later...
damnnn Nocfgs

all these peeps jumpin down your thraot for making black jokes on a joke board . Lighten up people

I dont see you running to defend the Baby Zombies when nocfgs busted jokes on them

Actually, you are posting NIGGER jokes, not black jokes. You never once made fun of blacks. Only NIGGERS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Actually, you are posting NIGGER jokes, not black jokes. You never once made fun of blacks. Only NIGGERS.

so it's like white trash, but..black

so that's what I call the catty bitch who tries to harrass me, huh? I guess white trash wouldn't be proper since she's actually black trying to pass herself off as a white chick :laugh:

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