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Friends that suck!!!! Please Help!

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I know this guy for 10 years and I can't fucking stand him......He's my boss's ( who's my best friend) bro-inlaw, and as of this Jan 00 I've been working with him....We've have had good times, but the guy Is a total loser, liar, and thief just to name a few of his traits.

Last night I wanted to kill him because he insists on lieing to us for every little thing......We drove in 2 cars last night and he was in mine......Right after his lie he hopped into my car, and I told him I didn't want to drive him. he then slammed my door so hard I'm surprised he didn't brake my window and door.......It made me so mad but It was right in front of a club and I didn't want to wipe his ass with the floor in front of everybody......He's part of a group of 5 of us and again I'm forced to hang with him because he's part of the group.......How do I continue this??.......Please help I hate him!!!! cwm23.gif

[This message has been edited by antvill (edited 11-03-2000).]

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You are in a tough situation but one that is not something you cannot extract yourself from. We all have people we cannot stand too much but if you are stuck with him, here is some advice.

Since his brother in law is your best friend, I suggest you have a chat with him. Now, I dont mean mention shit he already knows but sit your buddy down over a drink and talk to him like you have never brought the subject up. Bring it up in a rational way and maybe, just maybe your buddy can figure something out.

Ive noticed the only reason things like this do not get rsolved are because its a sore topic, you need to put a fresh spin on it and "try" to be objective. Aside, form not haning with this guy, you do not have many options. I suggest you try this one.




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Oh sweetie!!!!

I think we all know "that person". My advice is that your best bet is to remember that your the better person. Don't let people like this bring you down. You especially don't want to start anything being he is your bosses bro-in law, and it would probably be disrespectful to your boss. Take everything he says with a grain of salt, and don't let him know anything that he could use to turn into something else. Play his game, make him hapyy...like I said be the better person. I'm sure that you are not the only one who views him this way. Others will see it and see that you aren't willing to lower yourself to his level. As far as fighting, I don't believe in it, and you don't want to cause any stress between yourself and your boss. Just remember that you have the advantage by knowing what he's all about. It sounds like it'll be hard for you to avoid him, so just keep in mind what an ass he is! It should make you feel better about yourself..you are such a sweetie, even though me and you met by a little misunderstanding...which I'm glad we did!!!

Anyway hun, don't strees this guy. Just remember though, keep your friends close, ememies even closer!


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Thats tough, cause as for me, If I can't stand someone anymore, I can't hang out with them at all, I get this feelings for that person that I cant' stand the sight of him that makes me wanna ... cwm8.gif

I guess u can try and hang out with him again after that incident and see how u feel. Or just ignore him when you're hanging out with him in that group

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Originally posted by myrlin:

You are in a tough situation but one that is not something you cannot extract yourself from. We all have people we cannot stand too much but if you are stuck with him, here is some advice.

Since his brother in law is your best friend, I suggest you have a chat with him. Now, I dont mean mention shit he already knows but sit your buddy down over a drink and talk to him like you have never brought the subject up. Bring it up in a rational way and maybe, just maybe your buddy can figure something out.

Ive noticed the only reason things like this do not get rsolved are because its a sore topic, you need to put a fresh spin on it and "try" to be objective. Aside, form not haning with this guy, you do not have many options. I suggest you try this one.

Everyone knows he's a dickhead including my boss......We've talked to him and sat him down just like you optioned........To no avail!..........I just don't know what to do anymore........This has been going on for 10 years!!!!!


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I am never too good at pretending when it comes to liking or disliking someone. Whether they be my best friend's sister or not. I just don't like to hang out with people I don't like. Once I feel that I don't really like someone I stop hanging out with them. If they come and ask me why then I'll confront them about their behavior. If they don't then I just let it be . . . no use in causing any conflicts.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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Anyway hun, don't strees this guy. Just remember though, keep your friends close, ememies even closer!

That's just it......I'm forced to be around him.........To make matters worse I'm not at work yet and i have to go in and see him because he sits right next to me!!!!!!

aghhhhhhhh! shoot me now!!! cwm36.gif

[This message has been edited by antvill (edited 11-03-2000).]

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

Thats tough, cause as for me, If I can't stand someone anymore, I can't hang out with them at all, I get this feelings for that person that I cant' stand the sight of him that makes me wanna ... cwm8.gif

I guess u can try and hang out with him again after that incident and see how u feel. Or just ignore him when you're hanging out with him in that group

I've done that.......And eventually we talk after days of not talking then he reverts to his stupidity again........Geez I'm spent


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Originally posted by antvill:

[bThat's just it......I'm forced to be around him.........To make matters worse I'm not at work yet and i have to go in and see him because he sits right nest to me!!!!!!

aghhhhhhhh! shoot me now!!!

Look for another job. When you find one, tell him to go fuck himself.

Or you're gonna spend another ten years in hell with this guy.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Originally posted by blueangel:

I am never too good at pretending when it comes to liking or disliking someone. Whether they be my best friend's sister or not. I just don't like to hang out with people I don't like. Once I feel that I don't really like someone I stop hanging out with them. If they come and ask me why then I'll confront them about their behavior. If they don't then I just let it be . . . no use in causing any conflicts.


Beleive me If circumstances were different I would not even be around.........That's my problem I have to see this guy!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Look for another job. When you find one, tell him to go fuck himself.

Or you're gonna spend another ten years in hell with this guy.

Why do I got to wait to tell him to fuck himself untill I get a new job???.....Besides I've already told him A billion times to go fuck himself!!!!!!!! cwm23.gif

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you can do what i do and just tell him exactly how ya feel.....i CANNOT pretend to like someone that i have such an intense dislike for as you do with this person...just be prepared for consequences.....the truth is a hard thing for a lot of people to handle and you could end up looking like the bad guy.....i'm ALWAYS in that situation.......good luck, sweetie


The entertainment business is a cruel and shallow money trench - a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and weak men die like dogs.......


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Originally posted by antvill:

Why do I got to wait to tell him to fuck himself untill I get a new job???.....Besides I've already told him A billion times to go fuck himself!!!!!!!! cwm23.gif

Well, then like Vampie said... go postal on his ass. Either that or you're fucked.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Originally posted by lightinggirl:


you can do what i do and just tell him exactly how ya feel.....i CANNOT pretend to like someone that i have such an intense dislike for as you do with this person...just be prepared for consequences.....the truth is a hard thing for a lot of people to handle and you could end up looking like the bad guy.....i'm ALWAYS in that situation.......good luck, sweetie

Thanks but i think I'm just gonna ignore him today and tell him tomorrow or something.....I have to much rage in me right now......I'm opt to doing something I might regret....


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Originally posted by antvill:

Hey EZ can you lend me that club your caveman has in your auto sig??? cwm27.gif

Maybe one good whack will solve my problems!

I tell you what... I'll send my caveman ovah to beat the living shit outta that dude and give him a new personality...

Charges may apply...taxes and fees not included.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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his name wouldn't happen to be garry sinette would it???

everyone keep your eyes out for this guy, he's a total asshole. he lies and steals. he's a big s.factory guy and he claims to be a "promoter".......which he's not. so if someone comes up to you saying his name is garry sinette and he promotes....kick him in the nuts for me


and on the 6th night god said "let there be trance, and dancing!" and on the 7th day he rested and it was damn good

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

smoke a lot of dope!! that should solve everything.....

j/k. that's too bad. i don't have any assholes like that that hang out, but i do live with one and i just wish she'd move the fuck out. she's the most miserable piece of humanity i've ever met!! i sympathize with you!

Maybe we should hook them up??


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garry sinnet is one of the most annoying, obnoxious, phony, fucked up people i've ever met in the clubbing scene. i partied with him once, and he's a guaranteed bad night. he'll say anything to get things from you (naive me; he still owes me a lot of money) or even just to make himself look cool. he epitomizes the type we shouldn't have to put up with when we just want to go out and have fun

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smoke a lot of dope!! that should solve everything.....

j/k. that's too bad. i don't have any assholes like that that hang out, but i do live with one and i just wish she'd move the fuck out. she's the most miserable piece of humanity i've ever met!! i sympathize with you!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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