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YAY!!!! a feminine hygeine question!!!!!


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ok so ... i was in my cousin's bathroom recently and there was a bottle of FDS (feminine deodorant spray, :vomit2: just sounds gross!!!) on her counter. she is sexually active, and is about a year older than me. so here's my question, for both guys and gals ... is using some kind of FDS a good thing, or is pussy au naturel the way to go??? do you like natural pussy, or say, floral scented pussy????????? :confused::)

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natural all the way ... but ive seen a couple of instances where some bitches pussy just stank no matter what they do ... so if u aint a natural stinker ill take it natural ... if you have the funk , then spray that shit bitch !!

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lol no i have always, and i mean always, gotten rave reviews, got a five star gourmet dish here as far as i know!!!! but then i got all confoosed when i saw that on on my cuz's counter! she's all like, trendy and stuff, and i thought maybe there was something i had missed out on!!!!!!!

so the consensus is, spring rain flavored pussy is :no: ?????


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i heard eating citrus makes it smell yummier and eating like garlic makes it...less yummy...

scary- i love garlic! but generally avoid it for a few days before going out on a big date anyways cuz of the breath factor! i do like oranges too though!!!! hmmmmm, i wonder if that is true, it def makes sense!!! :)

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..since your related to her , you might smell/taste similar to her down there . :)

..As for me i enjoy the natural (pungent/sweet) taste & smell of clean pussy .

jesus does that mean me and my mother and my grandmother all taste the same? :vomit2: nah, everyone has their own individual smell, the general scent of thier skin, as well as down there. pheremones, baby, pheremones!!!!! :lickit:

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... i said SIMILAR , not the same .

don't be so self consious ........geeez :type::)

me, self-conscious? nah, maybe about some things, but i love my pussy(every girl should!!!), i just wanted to get opinions on the matter of pussy that doesn't smell and taste like pussy! i was perplexed by the idea, i guess you could say ;)

btw, eat this, bitch! :finger:

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I dont have a problem with that spray it's not like it makes it smell that strong anyways...

so yer girl's got a skanky twanky????

just kiddin babe ;)

but since you have had experience with it, does it taste like aerosol or something?!?!?! can that be healthy to inhale and ingest? aw shit, maybe i should just go out, buy some, spray up some bitch and test it out for myself ... :biggrin:

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scary- i love garlic! but generally avoid it for a few days before going out on a big date anyways cuz of the breath factor! i do like oranges too though!!!! hmmmmm, i wonder if that is true, it def makes sense!!! :)

hold on, someone just said that eating garlic makes your pussy smell like garlic, and you said that it makes sense

i would think that you would have to eat it with your pussy in order for it to smell like it, but since it makes sense to you and i think that it's one of the most ridiculous things someone can claim, can you explain it to me?

thanks in advance


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Guest gabo

mmmmmm I just lovvvvvvvve the smell of pussy. It can be the worst smell ever (dirty hoe) or it can be the best.

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Guest gabo

on the other foot, i love to eat her puss after she gets home from the gym :tongue:

hmmm I guess it depends how hard she works out ehh? I mean if she runs 10 miles, does weights for 2 hours right after... idk if Ill just start licking that puss.

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hold on, someone just said that eating garlic makes your pussy smell like garlic, and you said that it makes sense

i would think that you would have to eat it with your pussy in order for it to smell like it, but since it makes sense to you and i think that it's one of the most ridiculous things someone can claim, can you explain it to me?

thanks in advance


sure! tried to find a good scientific article on it for ya, but i am tired and don't care about you that much, so ... according to Ask Alice ...

Several factors play a role in a woman's genital odors: genetics, age, hormonal status and balance, diet, exercise, hygiene and the menstrual cycle.

I suspect that if you take good care to prevent any unnecessary dampness and avoid going too long without cleaning (even with just a warm wash cloth), you may find you can endure this condition by shifting your thinking and feeling about it. Try to be fastidious about bathing regularly, eat foods without spices, avoid sauces such as soy sauce or tamari, and dress for health. You may find a difference right away.

and according to CNN ...

Your skin has two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands occur over most of your body and open directly onto the surface of your skin. Apocrine glands develop in areas abundant in hair follicles, such as your scalp, underarms and genitals.

You have between 2 million and 5 million eccrine sweat glands. When your body temperature rises, your autonomic nervous system stimulates these glands to secrete fluid onto the surface of your skin, where it cools your body as it evaporates. This fluid (perspiration) is composed mainly of water and salt (sodium chloride) and contains trace amounts of electrolytes — substances that help regulate the balance of fluids in your body.

Apocrine glands, on the other hand, secrete a fatty sweat directly into the tubule of the gland. When you're under emotional stress, the wall of the tubule contracts and the sweat is pushed to the surface of your skin where bacteria begin breaking it down. Most often, it's the bacterial breakdown of apocrine sweat that causes a strong odor.

A number of factors can affect how much you sweat and even the way your sweat smells. Certain foods, drugs or medical conditions can cause excessive sweating, whereas drugs or conditions may interfere with your ability to perspire normally.

it's fuckin true dude, fuckin true! now put down the garlic spread and pick up some pineapple, your stuff is stankin!!!!!! :biggrin:

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if any chick should ever need pussy deodorant, then she aint keepin house very well.

on the other foot, i love to eat her puss after she gets home from the gym :tongue:

damn!!!! do ya get yer face all messy and then hop in the shower with her? or do you just stick with the sweaty pussy-face? ;)

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:vomit2: first supporting england , now eating sweaty pussy .......... your def. going on my shit list . :)

listen u, beat the french and maybe we'll talk, until then, simma down.

and sweaty pussy is better than no pussy ya portugezeeee lova. :D

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