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farenheit 9/11 discussion thread!!!!!!!!!


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Forget the numbers for just a second...

Anyone who thinks that American citizens are safer (across the globe) today than they were before this disgustingly misguided war in Iraq......

is :lame:

well... your still more likely to die in your hotel shower than by a terrorist.

but Ill ask you the same questions I usually ask about our misguided war.

since it is too easy to point out mistakes, (ask any coach)

What should we have done?

How many people did sadam have to kill to get this acchievment award presented by our troops?

After starting two wars that killed millions, and agreeing to inspections for 12 years but not following through, trying to assasinate a former US president, and trying to buy a missle system from N.Korea .... how much more time were were suppose to take??? twelve years wasnt our best effort??? He was suddenly supposed to change from the psychopath he was??? enlighten us with your plan??

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FARENHEIT 9/11 breaks records!!!

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" took in a whopping $21.8 million in its first three days, becoming the first documentary ever to debut as Hollywood's top weekend film.

If Sunday's estimates hold when final numbers are released Monday, "Fahrenheit 9/11" would set a record in a single weekend as the top-grossing documentary ever outside of concert films and movies made for huge-screen IMAX theaters.

Adding the film's haul at two New York City theaters where it opened Wednesday, two days earlier than the rest of the country, boosted "Fahrenheit 9/11" to $21.96 million.

"Bowling for Columbine," Moore's 2002 Academy Award-winning documentary, previously held the documentary record with $21.6 million.

"Fahrenheit 9/11," Moore's assault on President Bush's actions after the 2001 terrorist attacks, won the top honor at last month's Cannes Film Festival and has attracted attention from both sides in the presidential campaign.

The movie has been embraced by left-wing groups, which mobilized members to see it during the opening weekend. Conservative groups sought to discourage theaters from showing it and asked the Federal Election Commission to examine its ads for potential violations of campaign-finance law regulating when commercials may feature a presidential candidate.

"I want to thank all the right-wing organizations out there who tried to stop the film, either from their harassment campaign that didn't work on the theater owners, or going to the FEC to get our ads removed from television, to all the things that have been said on television," Moore said. "It's only encouraged more people to go and see it."

The Wayans brothers' comedy "White Chicks," about two black FBI agents who go undercover as white debutantes, opened in second place with $19.6 million for the weekend. That pushed the total for "White Chicks" to $27.1 million since opening Wednesday.

The previous weekend's No. 1 movie, "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story," slipped to third place, taking in $18.5 million and pushing its 10-day total to $67.2 million. Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks' "The Terminal" fell from second to fourth place with $13.9 million, raising its 10-day gross to $41.8 million.

Premiering in fifth place with $13 million was the tearjerker romance "The Notebook," featuring Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams, James Garner and Gena Rowlands.

Despite good reviews, the family film "Two Brothers," about tiger siblings separated in youth and reunited as opponents in the ring as grown cats, opened weakly at No. 9 with $6.2 million.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" opened in 868 theaters, a wide release for a documentary but narrow compared to big Hollywood flicks. The film averaged $25,115 a theater, compared to $7,190 in 2,726 cinemas for "White Chicks."

Distributors Lions Gate and IFC Films plan to put "Fahrenheit 9/11" into a couple of hundred more theaters this Wednesday, when competition heats up with the release of "Spider-Man 2," summer's most-anticipated movie.

Lions Gate and IFC came on board after Disney refused to let subsidiary Miramax release "Fahrenheit 9/11" because of its political content. Miramax bosses Harvey and Bob Weinstein bought back the film and went looking for independent distributors.

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well... they are down over 40% from the begining of the "War on Terrorism" (what ever that really means)

and winning the war isn't linked to the number of terrorism incidents. It just means we are on our way to destroying the main groups responsible for the majority of them. (not that I totally agree with that either btw) Now if he said "we won" and then we keep seeing attacks, that is a different story.

interesting down from the beginning of the war on terrorism. as you stated "winning the war isn't linked to the number of terrorism incidents" .when the commander and chief says we are winning the war on terrorism; then it would seem logical that the same would include terrorism incidents. the president may be a bit arrogant, but he is not stupid enough to make a bold statement such as "we won the war on terrorism". clearly that is a never ending battle. Bin Laden is as strong as he has ever been, and can still attack at will. our incidents of indiscretion in Iraq, our turn the cheek attitude where Israel's indiscretions are concerned, etc. I'm sure has helped in recruiting more terrorist. the jury remains out on that assertion; but I'm sure I'm not to far off. sadly, I see things getting worst globally where terrorism is concerned. while the politicians here continue to play the smoke and mirrors game, giving the citizens of the US a false sense of security. until there is no more smoke left, and all hell breaks loose again. it's a very sad state of affairs.
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The film is an insult to anyone's intelligence.

Moore is pandering, to the uninformed, and is more hypocritical than anyone I have ever seen.

a few examples....

Moore uses Wesly Clarke as his moral hero about all the things that should have been done in the war against terrorism. Moore then goes after bush for leting some of the Saudi royal family (including some bin laudins) fly out after the 9/11 attack.

but he doesn't mention that Wesly Clarke is the one who suggested and authorized the flights after the FBI had interviewed or cleared everyone on board.


He shows these idlyic pictures of Iraqi civilians (kids flying kites and shit) talking about the people we are killing with our bombs...

but never a word about the 300,000 pluss civilians that Sadam killed or the ones he would have continued to kill.

I'm dissapointed that Moore who I always liked, threw out all standards in making this propiganda... :(

This pretty much summed it up for me as well. Typical Moore fashion, he picks and chooses which facts he wants to include to make his point. More propaganda than documentary. But I have to say, I loved the final sound bite. LMFAO at that one!

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picks and chooses which facts he wants to include to make his point. More propaganda than documentary.

this goes for 99% of every documantary!!!!!!!!!!!!! or film for that matter.....ur gonna get whatever angle the director wants to give u!!!!!!!!!

so yes he picks and chooses but as has been said...at least he always goes to the source...or tries too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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..much of the mass media we have always seems to pick and twist the facts that serve their agenda (right wing) , Therefore i dunno whats the big fuss about Michael Moore putting his own imput .

..for me it balances it out a bit , and makes one see things in more than 1 perspective .

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i think the most insulting thing about the movie was Moore trying to target the race issue. it was a cheap move trying to polarize blacks and whites in this country in relation to the Bush presidency and the war in Iraq. Although i couldnt really figure out what point he was trying to make but, it seemed that he was saying that only poor blacks are joining the evil U.S. army and they are the only ones getting killed in Iraq and this sucks for them because not one black voted for Bush. WTF??

I was at least expecting a intelligent, alternative view point. What i got was a bunch of cheap attempts to get publicity.

waste of the 5 bucks i spent for the bootleg DVD. :mad:

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I finally got to see the documentary today. It was alright. The Bush bashing was evident, although at times it might have seemed to go over the top, but hey, it's a documentary against Bush and his policies, way of handling issues, etc. not to praise him :tongue:

The information given was slanted, yes, but that's whole point. He wants to show everyone his point of view. Same goes if someone did the opposite of what Moore has done; which in fact there is one being made and is coming out the end of this summer "Michael Moore Hates America". It goes both ways. You may not agree with what he is saying, but there is truth/facts behind it. I'm waiting for that Moore Hates America film to come out as well and see what they say.

Michael Moore is great at what he does. I give him A LOT of credit for that. I was a getting a little teary eyed towards the end of the film. I also praise him because he stands up for what he believes :clap:

One thing I have concluded from this film:

Everything boils down to $$$$$$$$$$

And it's amazing what some people will do to get more and more of it; lots of lies and deception......

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this goes for 99% of every documantary!!!!!!!!!!!!! or film for that matter.....ur gonna get whatever angle the director wants to give u!!!!!!!!!

so yes he picks and chooses but as has been said...at least he always goes to the source...or tries too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suppose you're right with respect to political documentaries. I guess I've just seen so many historical documentaries where the point is to be as objective as possible that I found this movie to get on my nerves. It's not like I was going to vote for Bush anyway. But if his motive was to sway votes, I think the final product was just too over the top.


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..much of the mass media we have always seems to pick and twist the facts that serve their agenda (right wing) , Therefore i dunno whats the big fuss about Michael Moore putting his own imput .

..for me it balances it out a bit , and makes one see things in more than 1 perspective .

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The film is an insult to anyone's intelligence.

Moore is pandering, to the uninformed, and is more hypocritical than anyone I have ever seen.

a few examples....

Moore uses Wesly Clarke as his moral hero about all the things that should have been done in the war against terrorism. Moore then goes after bush for leting some of the Saudi royal family (including some bin laudins) fly out after the 9/11 attack.

but he doesn't mention that Wesly Clarke is the one who suggested and authorized the flights after the FBI had interviewed or cleared everyone on board.


He shows these idlyic pictures of Iraqi civilians (kids flying kites and shit) talking about the people we are killing with our bombs...

but never a word about the 300,000 pluss civilians that Sadam killed or the ones he would have continued to kill.

I'm dissapointed that Moore who I always liked, threw out all standards in making this propiganda... :(

Well the "propaganda" worked. He's making his money, friends and enemies all at the same time. You have to love the USA. Freedom of speach at it's best.

on another note. Today history was made. I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. It was brilliant!!!!!! Pulled the rug out from under the terrorist who probably had planned to sabotage the transfer of power. Paul Bremer is already on his way back to the States and Nato has just agreed to give assistance to Iraq. Don't expect the Bush haters to acknowledge this.....IT WAS BRILLIANT!

Congratulations to the Iraqi people.

Didn't mean to change the subject. Just happy for the Iraqi's today.

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bush haters = hysterical maniancs who just hate Bush because they like to hate him, no good reason whatsoever, they're just jealous because he's rich and looks good in a flight suit or something, or it's just because they have mental problems, mental problems that could be cured instantly if they just suddenly realized that Bush is so great, they'll say anything, slant anything, just to make Bush look bad, and we all know Bush is so great, you really have to twist the truth way out of proportion to make him look bad, yeah that's it

bush lovers = real men who know that everything Bush does is exactly what needs to be done to protect us from all our enemies, they know that Bush does no wrong, ok maybe he used the salad fork for desert one time, but that's it, everyone's human, and Bush isn't one of those sissies who cares about which fork is which, the important thing is he knows which end of an Abrams tank is supposed to be pointed at the bad guys, and everybody else who happens to be in the same neighborhood at the time, yeah that's right Bush knows what's best, and God loves him more than anyone, so there!

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Bush does exactly what needs to be done to protect us from all our enemies

Some people get this, others CHOOSE not to (for whatever reasons).


the sky is falling, the sky is falling. somebody save me! it's all Bush's fault. I'm incapable of any sort of success w/out direct gov't assistance at the cost of the producers of this society to be redistributed to the non-producers of this society.....AKA-> Socialism..............

I thank God (oops, did I just say God? Isn't it "en vogue" to classify "God" as a bad word these days?) that this country had leaders guided by PRINCIPLES rather than public opinion or polls. Without the great leaders guided by CORE PRINCIPLES America would have never taken the great risks which ended slavery, communism and which now combats terrorism.

I've always found I get much more out of life when I live it optimistic rather than pessimistic. As for "conspiracy theories", they're a dime a dozen. I tend to think more logically. If a story sounds too crazy or too twisted, it probably is. That's when I question the source and then use perspective to come to my conclusion. To listen to the news today and any mis-guided or ill-informed person would think anything bad that happens in their life is due to 1 thing and one thing only,,,,,BUSH! BUSH DID IT!.....Wild fires-Bush did it. Twisters- Bush did it. Black out- Bush did it. Terrorism- Bush did it. "Stealing oil- Bush did it. Abusing terrorist prisoners- Bush did it. Beheading civilians and soldiers- Bush did. 9/11- Bush knew and did nothing. And the beat goes on............................................................

Only pure ignorance would lead a human being to make sense of that non-sense I just wrote about Bush. America-hating has become the new fad. As an objective observer I can only say that's the small price to pay for being the BIG DOG. Lots of playa' hater's doing the only thing they know how to do, playa hate! I assume it's because it's easier to just sit back and critique rather than actually do something and make something out of oneself. Damn lazy Americans! LOL

Good day. :)


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Bush does exactly what needs to be done to protect us from all our enemies

Some people get this, others CHOOSE not to (for whatever reasons).

and if their aren't enough enemies to warrant having a tough guy president like Bush then he'll just make some more, let's see who can we piss off this week! and it's not too hard, when you're filthy rich, and just trying to get filthier, you're bound to take what rightfully belongs to others, so you can kill two birds with one stone, make enemies and take their stuff, so you get to stay in power to fight them, and your buddies get richer, sounds like a plan to me...

seriously if you support Bush and you're not getting rich then (fill in the blank)... a lot of guys seem to stand behind him because of principles like "if I'm the biggest guy around then everybody deserves to get their ass kicked by me unless they give me their lunch money", that's the real pricinciple that appeals to much of Bush's base of support, don't hate da playa yo, you should feel honored to let him fuck you over, since he is such a fine playa, whoa boy

bush & friends = biased by greed

bush haters = biased by humanistic values

seriously the real producers of this society, the workers, are getting shafted, being forced to work more for less, while the owners get richer

formula for a great conspiracy: "hey let's do something so twisted that if anyone ever figures it out we can just say they're crazy for thinking it up" the truth is there are all kinds of conspiracies that come to light (Iran Contra for example) while I'll bet there are also at least a few others that never see the light of day

and nobody is accusing Bush of being the single handed source of all problems, it's what he stands for, him and all his buddies and their buddies buddies, and their interests

I defintely can't agree with the "anyone but Bush" people though, because that usually just translates into votes for Kerry, who really is no better, he's playing on the same team, just a different position

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kerry is a another balless pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and obby dont u worry...if kerry wins...i will complain just as much with him!!!!!!!!!!!! so dont think uve got anything figured out yet!!!!!!!!!!!


To late. I figured you out a while ago.



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To late. I figured you out a while ago.


thats impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if ur so sure of this i welcome u to fliptoniaaa so we can sit and ill commence to run circles around u!!!!!!!!!!!! my wife at times gets surprised by me. and shes been dealing with me for 8 years....i even surprise myself sometimes...so if i can surprise those closest to me.....u will be no challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D but since i put this u will now come to me with a no matter what i tell u u wont be surprised attitude!!!!!!!!!!!

if anything the constant one around here would have to be u!!!!!!!!!! u always come through with the same thing everytime!!!!!!!!!!!! lets go u.s.a. no matter what!!!!!!!!!! even if we r at fault!!!!!!!!!!!!

but u know i mess with u cuz i like to bust ur balls, no not in that way.....homo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: ill see u tonight when we will spark up the liberal fatty if u will...cuz conservatives dont smoke...they started a war against it in the 80's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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