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Farenheight 9/11-what did u think???

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Well under bush the drop in value of the dollar is what I mean plus the dangerous enviorment he has created with this war on iraq and stupid terrorist warning (u know code yellow,orange etc) that have caused losses in the stock market as well, under clinton, i mean the stock market, cause all the enrons and worldcoms flurished under his watch, most of the frauds were done during clintons watch but clinton had put an incompetant SEC governor who was a crook himself....I hope you know what I mean.....I could explain just dont have the time to write a detailed analysis...maybe I should write an op-ed....

i certainly hope you arent including the stock market's drop within monetary losses
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Well under bush the drop in value of the dollar is what I mean plus the dangerous enviorment he has created with this war on iraq and stupid terrorist warning (u know code yellow,orange etc) that have caused losses in the stock market as well, under clinton, i mean the stock market, cause all the enrons and worldcoms flurished under his watch, most of the frauds were done during clintons watch but clinton had put an incompetant SEC governor who was a crook himself....I hope you know what I mean.....I could explain just dont have the time to write a detailed analysis...maybe I should write an op-ed....

a few things:

First of all, the fall in the value of the dollar was caused by the decline in US interest rates, not the US's military actions.

Second, the drop in the value of the dollar was VERY good for the economy. It made US made goods cheaper than those produced in the EU and Japan. With the US dollar falling in value, the US also became cheaper tourist destination. The fall in value also made the currencies of most developing nations more expensive, limiting the attractiveness of outsourcing.

Third, yes the stock market did drop in value. However, most Americans saw a net increase in their net worth thanks to rising real estate values and lower mortgage rates. For example, my parents were pissed off about their stock market losses since 1999 of about $3000, but very happy about the rise in the value of their home since that time (from $270k to $800k). Thanks to the low interest rates, most housing markets experienced large price increases (notable exceptions include Atlanta and parts of Southern California).

Fourth: How was the head of the SEC in the 90's a crook? Arthur Levitt is a a great shareholder advocate. It is not his fault that Congress left the SEC severely underfunded for 10 years and took steps to undermine the agency's authority. Monitoring the stock market takes a lot of resources, manpower, and authority, things that Congress and Clinton successfully stripped from the agency.

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No the drop in dollar is because of the staggering debt that bush has accumulated, plus our rising trade deficit, it has very little to do with interest rate drop...believe me the dollar is the currency of exchange for the world, the drop in interest rate would have minimal impact!

BTW how was it good? think about this, since Oil is traded in dollars, the europeans or chinese now could buy oil for less since the euro can now buy more dollars thus more oil, in other words the drop in dollar value, caused a drop in oil value for the forigen exporters thus their cost to produce goods went down aswell, in respect to US goods prices going down the rest of the world saw a drop in cost of producing their own goods, so retrospecitvely speaking it did not help the US goods....second of all we dont produce a whole lot anymore, remember outsourcing to mexico and china for manufacturing???

So pls before arguing do some more detailed analysis.....but its good keep it up...I like where this exchange is going....

a few things:

First of all, the fall in the value of the dollar was caused by the decline in US interest rates, not the US's military actions.

Second, the drop in the value of the dollar was VERY good for the economy. It made US made goods cheaper than those produced in the EU and Japan. With the US dollar falling in value, the US also became cheaper tourist destination. The fall in value also made the currencies of most developing nations more expensive, limiting the attractiveness of outsourcing.

Third, yes the stock market did drop in value. However, most Americans saw a net increase in their net worth thanks to rising real estate values and lower mortgage rates. For example, my parents were pissed off about their stock market losses since 1999 of about $3000, but very happy about the rise in the value of their home since that time (from $270k to $800k). Thanks to the low interest rates, most housing markets experienced large price increases (notable exceptions include Atlanta and parts of Southern California).

Fourth: How was the head of the SEC in the 90's a crook? Arthur Levitt is a a great shareholder advocate. It is not his fault that Congress left the SEC severely underfunded for 10 years and took steps to undermine the agency's authority. Monitoring the stock market takes a lot of resources, manpower, and authority, things that Congress and Clinton successfully stripped from the agency.

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BTW how was it good? think about this, since Oil is traded in dollars, the europeans or chinese now could buy oil for less since the euro can now buy more dollars thus more oil, in other words the drop in dollar value, caused a drop in oil value

but the price of oil did not fall now did it?

recently the US dollar has been climbing again, and the price of oil has been falling.

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....second of all we dont produce a whole lot anymore, remember outsourcing to mexico and china for manufacturing???

we dont produce a whole lot anymore?!

wtf does that mean? the auto industry alone produces more stuff than most other countries entire economies!

btw: I did not say that a fall in the dollar would stop outsourcing to other countries. The dollar could be worthless but it would not stop outsourcing to china since China has pegged its currency to the US dollar.

Also, you should check your facts. Outsourcing to Mexico does not happen that much anymore. In fact, Mexican companies have been outsourcing to China.

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well since bush took office the price of oil did go down, but then after the plan to attack iraq became apparent oil prices went up, but remember since the dollar was lower in value, it costed americans more relatively than europeans cause the rise in oil prices was offset by a strong euro, so in other words the drop in dollar did not make US goods any chaper...thus I say that bush caused monetary loss to americans by implementing policies that harmed the dollar....

we dont prodcue that much exportable items, most automobiles we manufacture are for domestic comsumption....and that trend too is shifting to mexico.....and please we are talking about exportable goods here....and if you look at the stats we now import more cars then we ever did in history and our trade deficit with the rest of the world is mushrooming....

I hope u get it now....cause I am getting tired of explaining this to you....

but the price of oil did not fall now did it?

recently the US dollar has been climbing again, and the price of oil has been falling.

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thus I say that bush caused monetary loss to americans by implementing policies that harmed the dollar...........

i thought you said the monetary loss was due to the stock market drop? dont change the subject.

Here is a viewpoint from lord Abbet Asset management on what a US dollar decline does for the economy:

American-based multinationals will, of course, benefit from the dollar’s decline. It not only increases their volumes abroad by making U.S. product cheaper to foreigners, but any earnings in euros or other appreciating currencies will translate into more dollars.


I hope u get it now....cause I am getting tired of explaining this to you....

well stop changing subjects...i think that would help

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so in other words the drop in dollar did not make US goods any chaper...thus I say that bush caused monetary loss to americans by implementing policies that harmed the dollar....


this argument is not a strong one....

because US goods did not get any cheaper...US consumers lost money?

using that logic, i guess if US prices do not change at all....US consumers lose money?

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Exactly, compared to the purchasing power of europe we lost value in our currency, I read a recent report that said the Feds increased the rates for fear of increasing inflation....

so in other words the drop in dollar did not make US goods any chaper...thus I say that bush caused monetary loss to americans by implementing policies that harmed the dollar....


this argument is not a strong one....

because US goods did not get any cheaper...US consumers lost money?

using that logic, i guess if US prices do not change at all....US consumers lose money?

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Ok, let's say Bush DIDN'T go to war; what do you think the liberals would be saying then? "Oh, Bush didn't do anything about 9/11, what a horrible President." Face it, not every arguement can be solved with a treaty, especially with the people we are dealing with. I'm starting to think Americans are forgetting about 9/11, THEY KILLED OUR PEOPLE! . ALL soldiers in Iraq VOLUNTEERED to go to war... They wanted to fight for their country and they are doing the right thing...

I don't think you guys watch the new very much because Saddam HAS USED weapons on his own people! What more proof do you need? He was a threat to the US and there were connections with him and Al-Quaida. That right there is enough to go to war.

If bush did not go to war with iraq the liberals would not say that bush did nothing about 9/11 for one reason...... Iraq had nothing to do with it. We have never once had a real threat from iraq nor were we ever attacked by them and thats a fact.

Second of all not all of the soldiers volunteered to go to iraq... many just like my brother joined the armed forces to better thre live with the promise of jobs and funding for education long before the conflict started. and others who faithfully served the there time already and should be going home from iraq or be retired from the military already are being told they have to stay for an indefinite amount of time.

so just tell mne what ACTUAL proof is thiere that he was a threat to us or that he was connected to al-quaida?

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Second of all not all of the soldiers volunteered to go to iraq... many just like my brother joined the armed forces to better thre live with the promise of jobs and funding for education long before the conflict started.

so did ur brothers ever think that maybe one day they might be called for a war or conflict or even become peace keepers? just wondering...

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