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A Note to JP

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I am sorry, but this post is long overdue. "WHAT THE FUK IS WRONG WITH YOU???" Last night topped it off for me and i know the crowd around me at closing felt the same way. YOU DESERVED TO GET BOOOED FROM THE BOOTH. From the last nights at SF, through Black, and now Spirit - YOU REALLY ARE WASHED UP!!! And it is "stupid me's" fault for paying and coming to see you when I think you would get back half the class AND TALENT you had in your prime.

How dare you leave your fans/crowd standing aimlessly before 7 wanting to just hear a decent beat and not just ELEVATOR MUSIC TO GET OUT THE CLUB. That is just rude and obnoxious. If you and everybody knows you dont have an afterhrs license so at least plan your set with a nice intro, peak, and encore - what you did was a disgrace in my book - we go there to see you, whether its at SPIRIT OR SOMEBODY'S GARAGE. You seem to get stuck in your HOLE and dont come out till half the night is over. REAL DJays have their fans chanting for something they ARE playing, not for something WE HOPE you will play - YOUR MINDGAMES AND YOUR MUSIC IS PLAYED OUT!!!

Don't get me wrong, I had fun last night but no thanks to you. The crowd was there, the vibe was there at points and where were you? Oh - playing the same played out tracks you do each and every week. What happened to your originality and FILLERS??? - I would have rather done my shit at home and listen to my stereo.

In conclusion, I will not be attending another JPE function until i have heard and I am convinced you have picked up your game somewhat. I m tired of getting disappointed almost everytime I come see you. I am not hung up over SF or what is used to be like - i know times have changed but all in all - your FREE LOVE for your fans and the music should never - this is what you need to soulsearch for. TAKE A LOOK DEEPER WITHIN THAT LABEL OF YOUR YOU CALL “DEEPER†AND FIND YOUR TRUE PASSION OTHERWISE HANG UP YOUR BOOTS AND CALL IT QUITS>

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like i said, the venue and vibe were there (except for the 3 juicehead brawls) but JP's head was not, as usual

3 fights reallY?? I know of one that some dickhead was beatin on his gurlfriend, and i heard about another one that an off duty cop or something got beat up, but thats all i heard of....if that party went on for another hour or so there woulda been a 4th tho, i was gettin wayyyy too edgy near closing time (case u couldnt tell LOL)

..still havnt slept yet for all keeping track btw

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Weak set. Last time I saw JP it was a disappointment, but I gave it another try. Same tired tracks. Night had its moments, but nothing spectacular. I did have fun, but that was because of the people i was with. Been to Spirit a few times and I have never seen such blatant drug use there. Not a good sign for the future. That place is gonna start having problems if they don't clean shit up. Yeah, every club has drugs, but JP's crowd can't fucking seem to show any shred of discretion, which is what gets clubs into trouble. And by the way, I know the off duty cop that got into a fight. He's extremely pissed, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

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And by the way, I know the off duty cop that got into a fight. He's extremely pissed, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

from my understanding he got into a fight and he thought he shouldnt be kicked out like every other person that is involved in one just b/c he was a cop...i think his ego just needed to be checked at the door as it should have been...feel free to correct me...

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witht he JP parties of the past were from 4am til whenever....no alcohol served..........now they are 11pm to 7am....drunken bastards all over the place...thats what you get, fights

Spirit was insane, i wanted to dance all night but my stiletto heels wouldn't allow it

i think the only person washed up is Klassiksking

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the fight by the bathroom was a 3 on 3 juicehead brawl - drinks went crashing to the ground, people started slipping on the wet ground and landing on the glass - a bunch of people got hurt - this never used to happen at the REAL JP parties

cry me a river!

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witht he JP parties of the past were from 4am til whenever....no alcohol served..........now they are 11pm to 7am....drunken bastards all over the place...thats what you get, fights

Spirit was insane, i wanted to dance all night but my stiletto heels wouldn't allow it

i think the only person washed up is Klassiksking

shut up already ROOKIE

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witht he JP parties of the past were from 4am til whenever....no alcohol served..........now they are 11pm to 7am....drunken bastards all over the place...thats what you get, fights

Spirit was insane, i wanted to dance all night but my stiletto heels wouldn't allow it

i think the only person washed up is Klassiksking

first off alcohol is rarely a problem - when you mix drugs and juice, the fights start - i am far from washed out, hun - you need to get out more if you think JP is on point or you never experienced SF at its best

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first off alcohol is rarely a problem - when you mix drugs and juice, the fights start - i am far from washed out, hun - you need to get out more if you think JP is on point or you never experienced SF at its best


fuck this, i have no patience to argue with someone who has never said something nice about JP since you started posting.....why dont you go post this thread on his site?

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first off alcohol is rarely a problem - when you mix drugs and juice, the fights start - i am far from washed out, hun - you need to get out more if you think JP is on point or you never experienced SF at its best

alcohol is the problem IDIOT! half of sf was on juice & there was never any problems. please shut up!

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alcohol is the problem IDIOT! half of sf was on juice & there was never any problems. please shut up!

ya i'll def back that one up, actually i'd say more then half of the male population at SF was on juice at any given time and there were never any problems there. Alcohol just has a tendency to make people agressive, and combine that with some extra testosterone and it just makes matters worse

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fuck this, i have no patience to argue with someone who has never said something nice about JP since you started posting.....why dont you go post this thread on his site?

i did post it - and i never asked for an arguement - your problem if you feel like battling - get off his dick already - i am sure there are enough guys online

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i did post it - and i never asked for an arguement - your problem if you feel like battling - get off his dick already - i am sure there are enough guys online

you seriously need help

I am not battling, its a stupid message board, i am just posting my opinion

& just because I think you are a lil harsh with your opinion about JP all the time, means I am on his dick??? yeah OK!!!!!!!!!!

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i did post it - and i never asked for an arguement - your problem if you feel like battling - get off his dick already - i am sure there are enough guys online

she's in the know cause her friends were on true life jp show (wow) and that makes her a jp expert

ahh yes friends you make while being fucked up- E,K,G,T-

friends that will last forever :gang:

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