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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Arcccccccccccc / SF

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we went to bbqs, yankee game, more bbqs and went to see spiderman 2

btw tomorrow i will be in queens, im suppose to meetup w/ al and other friends at this bar in queens.....u should stop by, is in astoria


Great Yours???? what did u and hubby do?

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i'm not oppressing anything...i cant stop anyone from posting.....believe me if i could i would.

all you gotta do is put me on ignore....problem solved..

why would you want to be put on ignore? whats the point of hating or making fun of someone on a messageboard....isnt it here so people can say whatever the fuck they want?

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why would you want to be put on ignore? whats the point of hating or making fun of someone on a messageboard....isnt it here so people can say whatever the fuck they want?

read that to yourself and stop complaining about what i post.....

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dont even bother Al hes a loser who has nothing better to do then talk crap about people//

nah i really wanna know......i just wonder why the fuck people are so miserable in EVERY aspect of their lives....even on a god damn message board.....it just boggles my mind

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