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Yousef @ Crobar on 7.17.04???


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i am not going to miss yousef. i haven't been to crobar in almost 2 years. i hope i end up going, yousef is wicked. :bounce: attn: rcrespo!!! i know that u know this one. who is nick f. @ space what is his alias? i know he has tracks under a presumed name. thanks bro!!!

abe :pint:

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i am not going to miss yousef. i haven't been to crobar in almost 2 years. i hope i end up going, yousef is wicked. :bounce: attn: rcrespo!!! i know that u know this one. who is nick f. @ space what is his alias? i know he has tracks under a presumed name. thanks bro!!!

abe :pint:

nick f is skylark

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i haven't been out clubbin in a while. i can't wait to listen to yousef. i've heard so much about this cat. especially from digital7. i love crobar. i can actually leave the club and come back as many times as my heart desires.

cheers!!! hope to see a lot of u out @ crobar for yousef 7.17.04 :pint:

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have i run into you in the middle of the street podster. at 2:00am or 3:00am. then i run into you again in the club. that's the advantage of having re-entry. i like to walk around and get some fresh air. and go to my car for a while. remember these are the post "x" years. :yuck:


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i haven't been out clubbin in a while. i can't wait to listen to yousef. i've heard so much about this cat. especially from digital7. i love crobar. i can actually leave the club and come back as many times as my heart desires.

cheers!!! hope to see a lot of u out @ crobar for yousef 7.17.04 :pint:

I'm psyched for this event - Yousef rocks it proper and he is so much different from the sound that usually gets played in the big clubs...can't wait.

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i hurried up after a long ass day of work so that i can make it to crobar b-4 12:00am. as i had received an e-mail from cool junkie to go to crobar for free entrance b-4 midnight. shit i got to the beach @ 11:40pm and ran my ass to crobar. i made it to the front door @ 11:45pm (yes i ran) then i am encountered by some stupid ass bitch which can kiss my u know what. she says oh by the way all guest lists are reduced 2night. $25.00 cover charge. hells no. i couldn't believe it. on top of that she was rude and condesending. she stated to a group of guys at the door that they were going to have to find some girls if they ever wanted to get in 2night. bitches like this make me wanna :gang: . in no way is this a reflection of co*****kie as i know the club changed the rules for the guest list.

well here we go. the only time u will see me @ any club is for a "bliss" event. or a wmc event. shit i rarely go out clubbing anymore to begin with. but the last few times i have gone out to a club i have been reminded of the fact that i hate that life. all the bull shit and politics that we have to go through just to release some stress and dance. i am 26 and thanks to god my career is in order. i just wish i had a place that i could go to and release some stress once a month and dance after working so hard.

i will stick to the bar scene where atleast i can meet some women and have some fun. thank you for listening to my bickering mates. :yuck:

as for anyomne who went please tell me how yousef played. i'm sure he was great.

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i hurried up after a long ass day of work so that i can make it to crobar b-4 12:00am. as i had received an e-mail from cool junkie to go to crobar for free entrance b-4 midnight. shit i got to the beach @ 11:40pm and ran my ass to crobar. i made it to the front door @ 11:45pm (yes i ran) then i am encountered by some stupid ass bitch which can kiss my u know what. she says oh by the way all guest lists are reduced 2night. $25.00 cover charge. hells no. i couldn't believe it. on top of that she was rude and condesending. she stated to a group of guys at the door that they were going to have to find some girls if they ever wanted to get in 2night. bitches like this make me wanna :gang: . in no way is this a reflection of co*****kie as i know the club changed the rules for the guest list.

well here we go. the only time u will see me @ any club is for a "bliss" event. or a wmc event. shit i rarely go out clubbing anymore to begin with. but the last few times i have gone out to a club i have been reminded of the fact that i hate that life. all the bull shit and politics that we have to go through just to release some stress and dance. i am 26 and thanks to god my career is in order. i just wish i had a place that i could go to and release some stress once a month and dance after working so hard.

i will stick to the bar scene where atleast i can meet some women and have some fun. thank you for listening to my bickering mates. :yuck:

as for anyomne who went please tell me how yousef played. i'm sure he was great.

Sorry to hear that - I had to bargain with the cashier - no way we were paying $25 a person - I got 3 of us in for $40 bucks and it was 3 dudes. Yousef didn't play in his usual style and basically nothing stood out about his set for me last night...nothing special. I managed to get shit faced drunk because every time I turned around someone was buying me drinks - on the way out I did something I haven't done in like 10 years - face plant to floor - fell straight down on my head and looked like a drunk retard. I wont be going be back to Crobar unless something really extra-ordinary is happening....too much hassle.

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I managed to get shit faced drunk because every time I turned around someone was buying me drinks - on the way out I did something I haven't done in like 10 years - face plant to floor - fell straight down on my head and looked like a drunk retard. I wont be going be back to Crobar unless something really extra-ordinary is happening....too much hassle.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Im glad to see you are ok. Did that happen inside or outside the club?

And dont forget to be at Crobar on August 6th for Anthony Pappa and more importantly...MY BIRTHDAY! :D

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Im glad to see you are ok. Did that happen inside or outside the club?

And dont forget to be at Crobar on August 6th for Anthony Pappa and more importantly...MY BIRTHDAY! :D

It happened in the club and in front of one the security guys....so you know he was one me the second he seen it...I was so trashed but I am good bullshit artist - I told him I tripped over my shoelace and played it off really well....I have a black eye and bruises and cuts on my arm though. I am really down today. I was suppose to go the rapids water park and because I was too drunk I didn't wake up and I got left. :( All my friends and wife are still there and I am at home feeling like an idiot and the wife isn't too happy with me. I really have to watch the drinking with the low carb diet and now that I am like 40 pounds lighter it really catches me when I drink and I get too drunk. I am so sad...I wanted to go to the waterpark so bad...I am like a little kid for waterparks, carnivals and amusement parks.

i might be out of town for your b-day.

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OMG Lyrik!!! That is terrible. I hope you heal up quickly. At least you didnt break anything.

Well anytime you want to go to Rapids just let me know...you guys could even nap at my place afterward before your long haul back home. :D

And I hope you arent out of town. :(

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Too funny Lyrik, too funny!!! Since I know you're in one piece anyway :)

Ya I have this funny little drinking habit. :pint:

Never again - At one point I had 4 drinks in my hands...I actually had to give some of them away. Gotta love the friends though that will get ya shit ass wasted so much that you fall on your face...I think Seth, Vane, Andrew Thomas and maybe even a couple others were buying me drinks...I remember JT and SS were there and POD but the night starts to blur after Yousef got on the decks. Somehow I managed to get way too wasted, fall on my face, get a black eye, bruises up and down my right arm, cuts all over my hand and lost my nice white button up shirt walking back to the car.....good thing I had the under shirt on....I think I had gotten something on the front of the shirt and got pissed off and threw it on the street....oh well if you see a bum wearing a nice white long sleeved button up dress shirt (prob. 2 sizes too big) you'll know how they got it.

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Ya I have this funny little drinking habit. :pint:

Never again - At one point I had 4 drinks in my hands...I actually had to give some of them away. Gotta love the friends though that will get ya shit ass wasted so much that you fall on your face...I think Seth, Vane, Andrew Thomas and maybe even a couple others were buying me drinks...I remember JT and SS were there and POD but the night starts to blur after Yousef got on the decks. Somehow I managed to get way too wasted, fall on my face, get a black eye, bruises up and down my right arm, cuts all over my hand and lost my nice white button up shirt walking back to the car.....good thing I had the under shirt on....I think I had gotten something on the front of the shirt and got pissed off and threw it on the street....oh well if you see a bum wearing a nice white long sleeved button up dress shirt (prob. 2 sizes too big) you'll know how they got it.

:laugh::eek: holy crap...now that sounds like a one of a kind night out!!! I was busting up about you drinking too much and falling flat on your face infront of the crobar security guy, but looks like it didn't stop there. Sounds like you did a real number on yourself. Oh well, all in good fun, at least your friends got ya home. Heal up quick there now :)

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