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Israel doesn't really give a f*ck about anyone but themselves...and creating chaos where they can.

Actually, their soldiers are busy keeping the barrels of their rifles aimed at little school girls, who by the time they are 15 are so fed up with the bullshit, that they strap bombs to their school bags and start blowing shit up.

Can you blame them? Mental distress, does it all the time....it's not terrorist suicide bombers, it's fed up kids living under emotionally distressing circumstances.....and they know it. Why lie?

Israeli's just have learned how to be little pretend cry babies....they won't admit their own accountability for what they cause these children. And the world watches these hipocrites and does nothing....

(they can't use hitler as an excuse forever--as they become just like him)

The image of the following little girl is one that is ganna blow your asses up in a few years....sweet face, yes?

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but pensively realistic

Sad but true!!!!!!!

The image of the following little girl is one that is ganna blow your asses up in a few years....sweet face, yes?

That's pretty disturbing to hear or read.

I know I am not to believe everything I see and read but from what I hear and have read the Palestinians tend to attack Schools, Cyber Café's, Buses ect ect while the Israelis respond by attacking key Palestinian militants.

Huuuuge difference in my books

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I've hung out with quite a few Israeli's....I learned their "way". they all have to go through the military, so they have all been there. for some reason we have had alot of them come here....

.........as for what the Palestinians target....you know "our" saying...."all is fair...blah blah blah......now don't try to make one prettier than the other...Israeli intelligence, well that is where all their money goes...Military.

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Not trying anything!!! Just giving you my "opinion".

Israeli's attack militants and terrorist Palestinians

Palestinian's attack civilian(specifically women/children)

The militants hide among their innocent(women/children), then cry bloody murder when there are some innocent found dead among the militant corpses.

Those people have been fighting since the beginning of time. 3 religions come from the same patch of sand (Jews, Christians and Muslims).

My opinion: One side has to lose before any progress can be made. Let me rephrase that. One side must be completely annihilated. Either or, makes no difference to me. In fairness, the Palestinians have shown to not want equality. They want all Jews dead. How are you supposed to deal w/ that logic? Besides, I remember Palestinians chanting and dancing in the streets,,,handing out cake and candy when the news broke about the WTC and Pentagon attack. To call that behavior uncivilized is an understatement.

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yeah, Israeli's attack militants and terrorist Palestinians. the 7 year old girl in second picture was shot in back, while going to the grocery store. first picture is civilians from a village that Israel forces decided to invade. Israel hides behind the US and their lose definition of terrorist. you bring death and despair expect to foster the same. two stubborn parties, and neither of them are in the right. it's an endless cycle.


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When it comes down to it, if I had to choose a sides I would naturally choose the side that did not chant and dance in the streets,,,handing out cake and candy when the news broke about the WTC and Pentagon attack.

I forgive but I don't forget!!!!!!

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one side chants in the streets. the other one whines and hides behind the US; when their motives are called into question. you are generalizing when you say one side danced in the street, as a result of what happen on 9/11. I don’t choose sides because neither party is right. the sad part of this is it all boils down to real estate, and control. it's pathetic that innocent people must die, because of the inflexibility of two leaders.

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Could have fooled me chief. From what I have read you seem to favor/defend any side that is anti US.

Good day,

that’s funny that is the sentiment, I feel about US policy towards Israel. similar to your response it's thoughtless, and lacks any rationale. unlike yourself, I won't defend policies I feel are lopsided, regardless of whose policies they are. that clearly is the difference between you and me. so please spear me the anti US rhetoric, it as old as you blind support of everything that is US policy.
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--as far as playing that 9/11 handing out cake and candy roll....don't dare push that button...that's an asshole button.

ask how the rest of the world felt...i was told greece was celebrating that event, as well.....as well as those who just stayed quiet and smirked about it. and america should be asking.....why others in the world felt that way.

dont think israel was that sympathetic, that's a laugh, they just knwo damn well they need american support. israel is like the gold digger relative that pretends to love you cuz they wanna suck you dry. they won't be handing out candy or cake cuz their too damn stingy and cheap. and no better than the hitler regime....turn the tables and see how well so called "persecuted" peoples treat others....pretty damn disgusting.

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And anyone who thinks that 9/11 would still have happened if we were not Israel's unflinching ally is crazy.

Everyone in NYC that lost people w/ that should be thinking about why those "Arabs are crazy"

A close friend of mine had her father blow his head off last week because he couldn't handle the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from being a NYPD on 9/11 and how it brought back all this horrible shit he went through in Nam...

that would not have happened if we weren't allies w/ Israel. I don't care who is wrong and right in that struggle, I am asking what is best for the US. And that is to get out of a relationship from which we gain NOTHING and pay for in blood.

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humans sad creatures.....all im gonna say about this is that...if the u.s. were ti turn on the israelis the whole entire world would embrace us, and luv us to death!!!!!!!!!!! sad what humans to do each other just cuz of involuntary labels that we have made for each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And anyone who thinks that 9/11 would still have happened if we were not Israel's unflinching ally is crazy.


listen you liberal douchebag, Osama Bin Laden even said in the first tape that surfaced after 9/11 that the primary reason for the jihad against the united states is that United States forces were on sacred muslim land (Saudi Arabia) and put a base there. All this info is even in "Dude, Where's My Country?" .You know why we did that?! To liberate Kuwait from Iraq. This just goes to show the warped islamic fundamentalist mindstate. and all you anti-semetic fucks can just keep buying it all up, fuckin' idiots.

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listen you liberal douchebag, Osama Bin Laden even said in the first tape that surfaced after 9/11 that the primary reason for the jihad against the united states is that United States forces were on sacred muslim land (Saudi Arabia) and put a base there. All this info is even in "Dude, Where's My Country?" .You know why we did that?! To liberate Kuwait from Iraq. This just goes to show the warped islamic fundamentalist mindstate. and all you anti-semetic fucks can just keep buying it all up, fuckin' idiots.
this is from the Anti Defamation League

"New Osama bin Laden Video Contains Anti-Israel and Anti-American Statements "

read it and educate yourself.

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listen you liberal douchebag, Osama Bin Laden even said in the first tape that surfaced after 9/11 that the primary reason for the jihad against the united states is that United States forces were on sacred muslim land (Saudi Arabia) and put a base there. All this info is even in "Dude, Where's My Country?" .You know why we did that?! To liberate Kuwait from Iraq. This just goes to show the warped islamic fundamentalist mindstate. and all you anti-semetic fucks can just keep buying it all up, fuckin' idiots.

how is he anti-semetic?

also, how is hating jews worse than hating muslims?

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