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I don't see how metadone is addictive. It aint that good. No where close to oxy's or hydros.


it may not have been your personal experience, but its addictive quality is one of the reasons that it's used in this country

it replaces one addiction with another

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no- youre wrong again, this eventually happens to lots of people, who mess with alocohol, and drugs- of any kind-

usually the user, wakes up a little too late...but it couldn't happen to you, or anyone you know, so dont sweat it...keep doing more...thats what rick james is uttering right now...lmfao...keep uttering your fucking drug and alcohol garbage...lmfao

i really hate when random people post lectures on this board.. i never asked you or anyone for your fucking advice. stop being a pretentious know it all and consider that i know more than you think i do. you don't know my habits or what i'm struggling with personally, so please, stop.

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i really hate when random people post lectures on this board.. i never asked you or anyone for your fucking advice. stop being a pretentious know it all and consider that i know more than you think i do. you don't know my habits or what i'm struggling with personally, so please, stop.

lol...dont u just hate when ppl try to tell u how to do things...

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it may not have been your personal experience, but its addictive quality is one of the reasons that it's used in this country

it replaces one addiction with another

Yes, I realize this and I am glad it did sux. B/c that shit is way to easy to come by.

And as far as this country. Yes, that is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard of. Replace one addition for an even greater addiction.


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no- youre wrong again, this eventually happens to lots of people, who mess with alocohol, and drugs- of any kind-

usually the user, wakes up a little too late...but it couldn't happen to you, or anyone you know, so dont sweat it...keep doing more...thats what rick james is uttering right now...lmfao...keep uttering your fucking drug and alcohol garbage...lmfao

And you, my friend. Well, you are either very naive or very young. My guess would be both.

Do you realize that in every society for as long as civilizations have been in existence, so have drugs? Some civilizations even today in third world countries will take a drug in order to keep working through times of starvation. And, without the drug the people quite working or searching for food. Not only will the individual suffer but the entire civilization will too. Drugs can be the absolute greatest thing that can happen to a person (or group of people) or can be the absolute worst thing that can happen. It all depends on how you use them.

Do you actually think that drugs are the only way a person can ruin their life??? Do you actually think that everyone that does drugs has or will ruin their life??? Do you actually think that your opinion will affect one's use one way or the other???

Good luck, maturing and waking up to the real world.


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i really hate when random people post lectures on this board.. i never asked you or anyone for your fucking advice. stop being a pretentious know it all and consider that i know more than you think i do. you don't know my habits or what i'm struggling with personally, so please, stop.

not a lecture..just the facts..whatever you " think" your habits are, or your struggles are...dont matter..drugs will end them all...so do as you please..personally i dont give a fuck..lmfao

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And you, my friend. Well, you are either very naive or very young. My guess would be both.

Do you realize that in every society for as long as civilizations have been in existence, so have drugs? Some civilizations even today in third world countries will take a drug in order to keep working through times of starvation. And, without the drug the people quite working or searching for food. Not only will the individual suffer but the entire civilization will too. Drugs can be the absolute greatest thing that can happen to a person (or group of people) or can be the absolute worst thing that can happen. It all depends on how you use them.

Do you actually think that drugs are the only way a person can ruin their life??? Do you actually think that everyone that does drugs has or will ruin their life??? Do you actually think that your opinion will affect one's use one way or the other???

Good luck, maturing and waking up to the real world.


uh...ive forgotten ore than you will know about this topic.. the good and the bad...dont get "poetic " about 1000's of years of drug use... its doesnt apply to the losers here using it on this board, and most of the usa..99.999% of folks. don't know how to use drugs..stats will tell you where you will end up..what i say or think doenst matter..its a game of numbers... you keep playing with drugs.and you "chances of fucking up yourself, friends, family or total strangers increase.. thatS A FACT YOUNGIN!!

as far as naive, and real world...youngin...i lapped you...decades ago..clubbing, partying, drugging....lmfao!!!

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Drugs can fuck up your life. That does not mean that drugs will fuck up your life. Not all people who use drugs end up dead or addicted.
so..your point is?? do drugs, and take a chance?? it cant happen to you?? its fun, cool, hip?? makes you feel good?? wrong on all the above..sometime dead wrong..but hey, why not...take a chance...there s so much to gain from doing drugs lmfao
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my point is not all people die or become addicts when they do drugs. It sounded like you were implying that all people do die or become addicts, I just thought that was not true.

settle down old wise one.

And i am not going to argue with you that drugs are not bad, I will not defend them, they are what they are. A means of escape. Some people can handle it some can not. I am sure we have both seen people who can not and what happens. Just not everyone ends up dead, or stealing, or living on the street. I think the numbers back me up, when you figure the amount of people in this country that do drugs and the amount that are alive and living well.

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my point is not all people die or become addicts when they do drugs. It sounded like you were implying that all people do die or become addicts, I just thought that was not true.

settle down old wise one.

And i am not going to argue with you that drugs are not bad, I will not defend them, they are what they are. A means of escape. Some people can handle it some can not. I am sure we have both seen people who can not and what happens. Just not everyone ends up dead, or stealing, or living on the street. I think the numbers back me up, when you figure the amount of people in this country that do drugs and the amount that are alive and living well.

of course not everyone winds up dead etc...when you weigh the positives and the negatives...the negatives win..big time..so with all the light weights there are out there..esp on the message board...."experimenting " with drugs, not all, but many of them end up fucked... why take a chance getting fucked by drugs.. what bebefit do it hold for you..." a religious" experience"??? helps you dance better??? give me a break,,, the slugs around here..dont have a clue what theyre doing, what theyre messing with..or basucally what theyre talking about..they are all little drugged out kiddies...they dont add up to shit...thinking drugs can help them out... however, you seem different then the rest...good for you...lets say there are 500 people fucked up on drugs now...do you know what decades of statistics will tell you will happen to those 500?? do you want to be one of the big timne losers?? want to take a chance..that you can handle drugs, that they wont get the best of you??? i think rick james thought the same lmfao

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"its a celabration, bitches"

Coming from a person who has had two friends kill themselves, 5 go to jail, a cousin who can not kick heroin, another friend so fucked on oxys i don't trust him in my house, i know where you are coming from.

But I also have a friend who has done just about everything and functions quite well being a programer and goes to school. Two girls I am friends with that finished Bu in 3 years and one is finshing suffulk law, the other is finishing law school in DC. I have other friends that do (did) drugs but are not as well off as these but are in no way doing bad. No one would be impressed with holding down a job as an insurance salesman. :)

It all depends on the person and no matter what people see or hear they will always find out for themselves. For me I am done with my weekend adventures. I have been known to take a vike or 4 on friday, smoke some weed on saturday, but I do not take rolls anymore, same with K, coke I try to stay away from.

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"its a celabration, bitches"

Coming from a person who has had two friends kill themselves, 5 go to jail, a cousin who can not kick heroin, another friend so fucked on oxys i don't trust him in my house, i know where you are coming from.

But I also have a friend who has done just about everything and functions quite well being a programer and goes to school. Two girls I am friends with that finished Bu in 3 years and one is finshing suffulk law, the other is finishing law school in DC. I have other friends that do (did) drugs but are not as well off as these but are in no way doing bad. No one would be impressed with holding down a job as an insurance salesman. :)

It all depends on the person and no matter what people see or hear they will always find out for themselves. For me I am done with my weekend adventures. I have been known to take a vike or 4 on friday, smoke some weed on saturday, but I do not take rolls anymore, same with K, coke I try to stay away from.

so..your point is...your life and welfare is worth gambling with...so use drugs????

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"its a celabration, bitches"

Coming from a person who has had two friends kill themselves, 5 go to jail, a cousin who can not kick heroin, another friend so fucked on oxys i don't trust him in my house, i know where you are coming from.

But I also have a friend who has done just about everything and functions quite well being a programer and goes to school. Two girls I am friends with that finished Bu in 3 years and one is finshing suffulk law, the other is finishing law school in DC. I have other friends that do (did) drugs but are not as well off as these but are in no way doing bad. No one would be impressed with holding down a job as an insurance salesman. :)

It all depends on the person and no matter what people see or hear they will always find out for themselves. For me I am done with my weekend adventures. I have been known to take a vike or 4 on friday, smoke some weed on saturday, but I do not take rolls anymore, same with K, coke I try to stay away from.

this is what i've been talking about. i think it totally depends on the persons ability to keep their priorities in check. i've been doing drugs for the past 10 years and it's DEF not something i'm particularly proud of at ALL, but i've always always always been able to keep my head straight concerning things that were very important to me, such as upholding any job i had at any time, keeping healthy relationships with friends (those who were drug users and those that were drug free) as well as doing excellent in school (i've been an honor student my entire life). eventually, whenever the time is right or when things are sorted out in my head or maybe when i just finally fucking grow up, i'll stop abusing drugs, but for the time being everything in my life is wonderful: working full time, getting my BA in english education and my relationships with family and my boyfriend are very healthy.

then again, i know people as well, friends i've grown up with who are living in shit. but that's all their perogative. to me, it's worth the gamble, but that could possibly be my fucked up psyche talking..who knows..

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this is what i've been talking about. i think it totally depends on the persons ability to keep their priorities in check. i've been doing drugs for the past 10 years and it's DEF not something i'm particularly proud of at ALL, but i've always always always been able to keep my head straight concerning things that were very important to me, such as upholding any job i had at any time, keeping healthy relationships with friends (those who were drug users and those that were drug free) as well as doing excellent in school (i've been an honor student my entire life). eventually, whenever the time is right or when things are sorted out in my head or maybe when i just finally fucking grow up, i'll stop abusing drugs, but for the time being everything in my life is wonderful: working full time, getting my BA in english education and my relationships with family and my boyfriend are very healthy.

then again, i know people as well, friends i've grown up with who are living in shit. but that's all their perogative. to me, it's worth the gamble, but that could possibly be my fucked up psyche talking..who knows..

doing drugs, is kinda like going to las vegas- you might win a little bit in the beginning..but in the end you lose..the gamble is mindless

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so..your point is...your life and welfare is worth gambling with...so use drugs????

Babbo, this is the first time I have ever said this to anyone on any board. BUT, Babbo, you are a fucking idiot.

No one on this board or any other board says that one should use drugs (unless of course they are a street dealer). But, the fact of life is that many many people use drugs. Some get fucked up but most don't. Yes, I said most. People with addictive personalities will have a much higher chance of being addicted, but with this type of personality if it is not drugs they are addicted to, it will be something else. Thats just the way it is and your lecturing will do absolutely no one any good what so ever.

If you would like to share personal experiences in a non condesending way, maybe, just maybe it will do some good, but your lectures will not.

Btw, a comment on you alluding to your great knowlege and my lack of it. I recieved a bachelors in business in 92. I am now 33 and retired from the real estate business at 30. At which time, instead of playing the rest of my life I decided to go back to school. In 2.5 years I will have recieved a bachelor in both biology and chemistry and will graduate first in my class in both with a 4 point. Btw, next year I will also be attending medical school. So you can take your superior knowledge and shove it up your ass.


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i do drugs on the weekend. not every weekend but maybe 2,3 a month but its pretty much what i have grown to live for. i get thru the school /work week and the only thing i look forward to at all is getting trashed on the weekend. i see no problem in this at all. maybe ill grow up by the time i graduate but i have many friends who have graduated and still live like that. growing up and living in ohio blows. thats what i blame it on. cold shitty weather 8 months out of the year keeps you bored, depresed and out of your mind and stuck in your house for the majority of the year!

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Babbo, this is the first time I have ever said this to anyone on any board. BUT, Babbo, you are a fucking idiot.

No one on this board or any other board says that one should use drugs (unless of course they are a street dealer). But, the fact of life is that many many people use drugs. Some get fucked up but most don't. Yes, I said most. People with addictive personalities will have a much higher chance of being addicted, but with this type of personality if it is not drugs they are addicted to, it will be something else. Thats just the way it is and your lecturing will do absolutely no one any good what so ever.

If you would like to share personal experiences in a non condesending way, maybe, just maybe it will do some good, but your lectures will not.

Btw, a comment on you alluding to your great knowlege and my lack of it. I recieved a bachelors in business in 92. I am now 33 and retired from the real estate business at 30. At which time, instead of playing the rest of my life I decided to go back to school. In 2.5 years I will have recieved a bachelor in both biology and chemistry and will graduate first in my class in both with a 4 point. Btw, next year I will also be attending medical school. So you can take your superior knowledge and shove it up your ass.


sounds like youve got some serious issues... you cant hold my jock strap- go in the corner and go fuck yrself- do it real good- sounds like you need it lmfao

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