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Dating disasters...


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What was your worse (or plural if there are more than one) dating experiences while being single? Was it a psycho girl/guy, stalker, pissed your pants, couldn't get it up...?

I'll throw one of my many out there: Met up with a girl and her friends out in the city one Friday night. I wasn't into the girl, but was supposed to bring a couple of my guy friends to act as wing man since she had good looking friends... needless to say, none of the asses came out so I was with this girl and five of her friends (place was Lot 16 I believe). Well after around two hours in this place we decide to shoot over to Voodoo Lounge and somehow the girl had a limo with her friends, but wanted to ride shotgun with me in her car. The drive is a good shot from the West side to the East side and then South to North... probably a little over 65 blocks or so, but was at night with little traffic. After around 5 minutes of driving she complained that she needed a restroom. I was like - we'll be there in less than 10 minutes so there are no worries... WELL, every minute thereafter she continued to complain and said she needed to go very soon (she was even inclined to request pulling over on the side of the road, but I declined). Finally, after hearing her request a piss stop for 5-7 minutes straight, I finally obliged (for fear of ruining my leather seats) and pulled up around 60 something street and less than a few minutes from Voodoo to allow her to pee in between two cars. When she got back in the car and I cannot help be but disgusted by her act or even the fact that she had nothing to wipe with...

End result was her calling my voice mail several subsequent times and never hearing from me again... sick bitch.

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first and last date w/ this stupid asshole........we go to the tunnel (club) and he comes up to me and asks me if i have $1 for the admission cuz he had no more $, i look at him in disgust and asked him if thats all the $ u have left how are we suppose to get home? he looks at me and said oh thats right :doh:

the night ended quickly, i told him to take me home and i havent spoken to him ever since........

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2 things not related to dating disasters......but things that turn me off....

1. If you agree with everything I say and have no opinion on anything then I will find you pretty boring.

2. If I fuck you on the first date don't expect a long term relationship.

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I'm not gonna get into the whole story but put it this way....guy turned out to be so broke that I ended up buying us both drinks at the bar and getting myself totally wasted with my own money that I flipped out on him and went home and never spoke to him again.

End Result: Him calling me for 2 weeks straight sayin he wanted to take me out and makeup for that night


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first and last date w/ this stupid asshole........we go to the tunnel (club) and he comes up to me and asks me if i have $1 for the admission cuz he had no more $, i look at him in disgust and asked him if thats all the $ u have left how are we suppose to get home? he looks at me and said oh thats right :doh:

the night ended quickly, i told him to take me home and i havent spoken to him ever since........

i apologize for doing that...

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seems like we dated the same stupid bastard!

I'm not gonna get into the whole story but put it this way....guy turned out to be so broke that I ended up buying us both drinks at the bar and getting myself totally wasted with my own money that I flipped out on him and went home and never spoke to him again.

End Result: Him calling me for 2 weeks straight sayin he wanted to take me out and makeup for that night


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took this one girl out to ruth chris steakhouse and spend a nice amount of doe. bought wine, ect. ect. whatever.......we date for about a week. one day i go to pick her up in the city (worked in macy's in herald square) on a sat afternoon just to go chill. we go to starbucks and then go window shoppin on madison ave. she walks into louis vuitton and goes to the register with a $600 bag. so i figure WOW this bitch must like to spoil herself. so once the dude rings it up.....she stands there and looks at me. im like.....what.....shes like "u gunna get it for me or what?". needless to say.....i walk out.....get in my wip and break out. Just cuz i'll spoil you every once in a while, doesnt mean imma cop u a louie bag after dating you for a WEEK. if we were more serious i would....but yo......A WEEK? sorry biotch, walk home.

btw, your head game was weak

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Went out with this guy not to long ago. First date I paid. I asked him out. (If I ask a guy out I pay) The second date we went dutch. Dont have a problem with that. Third date I was hungry and wanted to go get something to eat. He said he did not have enough money. I said I dont care I do! So we get in the car and we drive to Turko's. Im thinking OK we are going to cook. (I love to cook). We go in and I start to walk around and pick out food to make. He turns around and says "What are you doing. We are not buying anything". I looked at him and said "Then what are we here for?" :huh: He had the nerve to say "FREE SAMPLES". Now there is a line that a draw and that was IT! I bought my food. (SHIT! I was hungry). We got back into the car. Drove back to his house. I got out of his car and walked straight to my car with bags in hand got in my car a drove off. That was the last time I saw or heard from him....

That is just one I have even better ones. I seam to date the biggest losers. Thats why I stopped dating. With the exception of about 2.

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first and last date w/ this stupid asshole........we go to the tunnel (club) and he comes up to me and asks me if i have $1 for the admission cuz he had no more $, i look at him in disgust and asked him if thats all the $ u have left how are we suppose to get home? he looks at me and said oh thats right :doh:

the night ended quickly, i told him to take me home and i havent spoken to him ever since........

Seems like a class act. :flush:

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I'm not gonna get into the whole story but put it this way....guy turned out to be so broke that I ended up buying us both drinks at the bar and getting myself totally wasted with my own money that I flipped out on him and went home and never spoke to him again.

End Result: Him calling me for 2 weeks straight sayin he wanted to take me out and makeup for that night



you dont get it?

most guys would only go on a date with you if you were paying.

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well i met this guy one day at a gas station. ( i was pumping gas and he was pumping his gas) he was pretty cute and was asking 4 my # so i figured sure why not... we were talking for a bout a week and hes like i wanna take you out..so i was like ok kool...we decided to have a double date. so hes like bring ur friend and ill bring mine .. so the 4 of us went out for dinner and he didnt say 1 word to me the whole night.. after dinner we went to the 18th ave fest. in brooklyn,,, the whole night his boy was trying to kick it to me and he still hadnt said 1 word to me.. i so wanted to leave it was driving me crayz and was the most stupidest and boring date ever.. he didnt even say hi when we meet up. the next day he called me at 5:30am b4 he wnet to work to apoligize saying he was nervous.. fuk that he didnt even say 1 word to me.. we named them the Mute and Ragu lol...

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first and last date w/ this stupid asshole........we go to the tunnel (club)........

That should've been your 1st indication something was gonna go awry. Who the hell goes to the Tunnel on a 1st date, hahahaha :laugh: classic

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2 things not related to dating disasters......but things that turn me off....

1. If you agree with everything I say and have no opinion on anything then I will find you pretty boring.

2. If I fuck you on the first date don't expect a long term relationship.

Wurd ya heard.

I never had a bad experience dating heh he.

I did have to put up with a girl for 11 days she stayed with me and the only thing we had in common was she liked to fuck and man could she suck some mean dick, that's about it. I quickly killed it once she had to go back home, bleh, talk about boring.

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For one, I dont think guys should be paying for food most of the time, I think it is only fair to split the cost...anyway my story, went out with this chick from hungary a couple of times, each time we went I pay for everything but after 2 dates I figure this shit is getting expensive, at least the bitch should offer to pay for her half....cause dating goes both ways, its not just the guys who are there to have a good time....

I for one have a threshold, I wont pay for the dinner beyond a second date, the women need to understand dat, i am an equal oppurtunity kind of a guy, I expect them to split the bill....or at least pay for either the drinks or the food. its only fair.....

but ladies dont get me wrong, If i like you I will pay for even the wildest most expensive things that u crave, but one of the things I like in a bitch is that she should not be free rider....

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For one, I dont think guys should be paying for food most of the time, I think it is only fair to split the cost...anyway my story, went out with this chick from hungary a couple of times, each time we went I pay for everything but after 2 dates I figure this shit is getting expensive, at least the bitch should offer to pay for her half....cause dating goes both ways, its not just the guys who are there to have a good time....

I for one have a threshold, I wont pay for the dinner beyond a second date, the women need to understand dat, i am an equal oppurtunity kind of a guy, I expect them to split the bill....or at least pay for either the drinks or the food. its only fair.....

but ladies dont get me wrong, If i like you I will pay for even the wildest most expensive things that u crave, but one of the things I like in a bitch is that she should not be free rider....


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For one, I dont think guys should be paying for food most of the time, I think it is only fair to split the cost...anyway my story, went out with this chick from hungary a couple of times, each time we went I pay for everything but after 2 dates I figure this shit is getting expensive, at least the bitch should offer to pay for her half....cause dating goes both ways, its not just the guys who are there to have a good time....

I for one have a threshold, I wont pay for the dinner beyond a second date, the women need to understand dat, i am an equal oppurtunity kind of a guy, I expect them to split the bill....or at least pay for either the drinks or the food. its only fair.....

but ladies dont get me wrong, If i like you I will pay for even the wildest most expensive things that u crave, but one of the things I like in a bitch is that she should not be free rider....

I would have to say that I think when you 1st start dating a chic, it would be nice for her to atleast offer to maybe pay half or something (I would not accept it but it is a nice gesture). I for one, when I have the $$ don't mind paying, I actually prefer to. As time goes by though, things should go both ways a little and girls should have no problem paying for things like dinner at times.

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For one, I dont think guys should be paying for food most of the time, I think it is only fair to split the cost...anyway my story, went out with this chick from hungary a couple of times, each time we went I pay for everything but after 2 dates I figure this shit is getting expensive, at least the bitch should offer to pay for her half....cause dating goes both ways, its not just the guys who are there to have a good time....

I for one have a threshold, I wont pay for the dinner beyond a second date, the women need to understand dat, i am an equal oppurtunity kind of a guy, I expect them to split the bill....or at least pay for either the drinks or the food. its only fair.....

but ladies dont get me wrong, If i like you I will pay for even the wildest most expensive things that u crave, but one of the things I like in a bitch is that she should not be free rider....

chivalry is so dead

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