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Question about Relationships and dating...


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basically you can get your bitch to settle for anything with you, as long as you follow certain basic rules of the game.

first off, you've gotta let her know, right from the get-go, that her primary role in the relationship is that of semen receptacle / cum-dumpster. the occasional slap / punch-in-the-eye can go a long way towards making her understand this.

how do you think i was able to subdue a bellicose hottie like mystify22 and make her go down on me within a week after our first real-life encounter? ;)

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no no no no NO you just can't have your cake and eat it too!!!! one of my best friends is going through that very thing with her boyfriend since highschool, and i could kick his ass for it. i wanna tell him to break it off or start appreciating what you have.

oh no.......most people have their cake and eating a lot of it.

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Would it be possible to maintain a relationship with someone while at the same time dating people.

Here's the situation. You're still a young guy or girl. You've been with this person for a long time, but when you go out you're still tempted to talk to other guys/girls and leave fate in the hands of whatever may happen.

You really like your better half and don't want to lose them. So you propose this idea. You agree with your better half NOT to sleep with anyone, and the most you can do is kiss/make out. you can go out on dates with other people, but it can never get to the serious part. And if it does start getting serious, you tell your better half about it.

Would you do this or not? Would it work?

Well, i would obviously tell her before i do anything. Im not gonna just start going out with chicks while im with her.

What im getting at is if there's a way to be with one person (i.e. she'll be my number 1) but still just casually date other girls.

Im only a dog in bed ;)

are you crazy??

you have enough drama with this chick do you want to add even more??

either you want to be with her or you dont, none of this well i'll have sex with her, she'll be my number one, but i get to make out/date other women. That would be a big NO. See how long both of you remain happy with that situation. For as long as you two have been together...throw in past history, hers and your emotions, sex, and casual dating and that is definately not a situation meant to work at all

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lol. i consider myself to be pretty cool & the idea of my boyfriend getting emotionally close to anyone really bothers me. a meaningless fuck is less emotional than kissing & making out sometimes. i just see the image of my boyfriend looking into another girls eyes and wanting her very disturbing, and kissing is a real tease so the fact that he couldnt do more would make anyone want someone more i am sure. eventually they will meet up and kissing wont do it anymore...

if i am with him and we both want her that is another story b/c we are both on the same wavelength, shes there for her purposes and we are for ours & when things die down, shes gone... if i dont like how he acts with her i am gone. if he stays, we are over. you have to draw a line somewhere.

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Muzikchick....r u moslem??? in that case none of these arguments apply to u, so u would have no idea what these ppl are talking about......

if it's your "dream girl"......then nothing else would seem appealing...that's that "dream" idea....why the need to keep comparing etc.?

Whatever, I'm no one to talk at this moment...commitment phobe, that i am.

good luck, hope it turns out well for you, if she doesn't feel the same about this "open" type relationship....she will be very hurt while your out gallavanting. "no sex"....yeah, in the heat of the moment, I'd like to see who adheres to that "rule"....hello, human dahlings.


(so u can feel impotent, i mean important--while at it)

just don't give her anything she can't return.....(healthwise)

have fun, be safe.

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that was quite an ignorant observation (so, you thought). My ex was a boring jock christian, actually. as for me, I'm actually a potential budhist, approached by Gurus, as a matter of fact.

furthermore, what makes you ASSume Muslims don't date? How do you think people meet, marry and procreate.

Ignorance is pathectic....and in NY....wut a dumb ass.

*as a first date, when you meet a lady....don't invite her to the beach as a potentian first date....it says your cheap and want to see her almost naked without even trying....kind of pathetic. He got no number for being tacky.

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