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the little woman


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correct me if you disagree

from the guys I've known - it seems they do not want equal partners/soul mate wife.

IMO - they want the little wife that stays home ,cooks,cleans, sucks his dick, doesn't talk back to him and stfu so he can eat his steak dinner and watch tv. And he expects her to put up with all his shit while he don't listen or give a dam about her needs becuz she is his servant

That's why I think my friend went from dating hot model sluts (who are high maintenence and don't obey him) - to a nice quiet average Jane - who will obey all his commands like a trained dog

And depending what nationality the guys are - they are more like this . EX. Greeks, Italians + latin men

They have an idea as to how their "little women" should behave and if the girl talks back to him or doesn't "obey " - she's a whore.


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u guys can call me gay if u want but i believe a relationship should be 50/50

a woman should not have to be a man's slave this is not the 50's anymore.

In the bedroom though a woman should rock her man into submisison . and visa versa of course :)

though i personally would love my wife to cook for me. i cant cook for shit but i wouldnt mind learning myself lol

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well Bling you're a modern man and unfortunately not all guys in this day + age think like you

maybe it's becuz I dated severly MACHO , controlling + domineering guys but they seem treat women this way . They were old school Italian, Greeks and latin

Esp. Greek men - they're real strict with their women ..I think

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if you let a guy get away with talking to you that way and treating you that way, then he's gonna do it. LADIES if your man is actin up, bitch slap some sense into his ass....don't bitch about how he's treatin you. if you dont like the woman he wants you to be, don't be that woman. simple.

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I did . I talked back. I slapped him in the face ...

I guess I am who I am and can't be no man's little woman servant ..

now he's with someone else ..

better for me right ? I dunno ..he's the only man I ever really loved ..

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I did . I talked back. I slapped him in the face ...

I guess I am who I am and can't be no man's little woman servant ..

now he's with someone else ..

better for me right ? I dunno ..he's the only man I ever really loved ..

that´s what you get for acting like someone you´re not... if you understand what i mean...

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correct me if you disagree

from the guys I've known - it seems they do not want equal partners/soul mate wife.

IMO - they want the little wife that stays home ,cooks,cleans, sucks his dick, doesn't talk back to him and stfu so he can eat his steak dinner and watch tv. And he expects her to put up with all his shit while he don't listen or give a dam about her needs becuz she is his servant

That's why I think my friend went from dating hot model sluts (who are high maintenence and don't obey him) - to a nice quiet average Jane - who will obey all his commands like a trained dog

And depending what nationality the guys are - they are more like this . EX. Greeks, Italians + latin men

They have an idea as to how their "little women" should behave and if the girl talks back to him or doesn't "obey " - she's a whore.


That is what women think men want, (except for the suckin dick part, we all want that!)

I cerctinly don't want a women with no self esteem or a women who needs me to take care of her. I find independent women with an outspoken personality attractive.

Guys who want women like that have low self esteem themselves and wants to keep his wife's self esteem low so he can control her easier.

A relationship should be a partnership, what ever that means, every cpl is different and this will mean different things to different cpls, but what ever works for you. Some women like to serve and make their man happy because he makes her happy in the ways she wants.

Me & my girl live together and she is very independent and certinly doesn't need me to take care of her. She owns her own business and has money but she still does lots of things for me cuz she wants to.

And just because a women is plain & average or mabey quite and likes to take care of her man dosen't mean she is a servent or his trained dog.(some women like to be this way)

ps: I am 100% Italian and I totaly respect women and would never treat a them as you described here, mabey you have just dated assholes!!!

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correct me if you disagree

from the guys I've known - it seems they do not want equal partners/soul mate wife.

IMO - they want the little wife that stays home ,cooks,cleans, sucks his dick, doesn't talk back to him and stfu so he can eat his steak dinner and watch tv. And he expects her to put up with all his shit while he don't listen or give a dam about her needs becuz she is his servant

only a guy totally self centered, or with no confidence or intelligence would want that. (and only a girl with no confidence or self esteem would accept it!)

Your mate reflects you .... when I see a guy with a wife like that, I think much less of them.

but you do have a point about other nationalities looking at things differently!!! Not a 100% but in general. BTW nothing comes close to the middle eastern, and indian men in their contempt for women and view that they are around for nothing but to take care of them..... not italians, not latins, no one!!!!!

and of course .... it all goes back to how their mom treated them .... if she made their bed, did their laundry and waited on them till they were 35 .... what sort of girl do you think they want??? (besides one with big tits??)

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