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Love Vs. Infatuation


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So Vamp....can't you work out whatever problems you're having with your man? If you love each other enough...you can solve whatever issues you may have.
I wish it was that easy.......I've tried but, he has changed so much in the past few months, basically what it is, is a control issue. Out of nowhere he has become very controlling, and that is what basically has pushed me away from him. We were never like that, we were very carefree and we gave each other space.....but all of the sudden he is smothering me, and it drives me up the wall!!! To be honest with you, he was in Colombia for the past 6 days and I did not miss him one bit.....so that right there is a sign that I basically am over him. Yes I do care for him, but thats not enough for me to want to go back!!! I don't know something extreme has got to happen in order for me to change my mind.
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good one vixen

love is soooooooo complicated and tricky and sucks !!!!!

looong time ago i was living with my fiancee.

we were never in love but we never fought, it was no problems, anything but i guess we knew something is missing so we backed off.

later on after yrs i fell in love with a really good guy. all was good but after a while problems started, and fights.

its really hard to do that when u love someone so much.

why is happening like that????

they say love will survive everything, but i say its BS


Anyone ever been in love with someone for like 5 years or more, living together and then finding yourself not so sure. Then even having feelings for someone else...but think maybe it's just an infatuation. Seems the longer you are with someone, the harder to let them go. Any thoughts?
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why is happening like that????

they say love will survive everything, but i say its BS

Yep, thats what i've been trying to tell myself all these weeks, but I guess you reall won't know until time passes by and if you do end up back together then its meant to be..................if not then you never were!!!!

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I know the difference.....just don't know if I'm in love anymore. We both have sacrificed many things but basically it's come down to me not showing him enough "affection". And now we just argue about it all the time. One day at a time I guess.

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I just dont understand you anymore.

:laugh: :laugh:

bro, I'm sorry but that sounded so fucking gay...something my girlfriend would say to me

does this mean we're not gonna be partying it up together pounding shots of silver patron at the Hard Rock for Memorial Day weekend?

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:laugh: :laugh:

bro, I'm sorry but that sounded so fucking gay...something my girlfriend would say to me

does this mean we're not gonna be partying it up together pounding shots of silver patron at the Hard Rock for Memorial Day weekend?

So you actually readdddd my posts? lol

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yeah man...so whats up....you gonna have some type of Real World suite up in the Hard Rock for me to chill at with a bunch of hot bitches running around naked getting blown out, or what?

Who said youre invited? lol jk

Im not saying how many hot chicks are gonna be in my room.

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