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should recovering addicts still go clubbing?

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I just moved up to NYC from Miami and I'm trying to start over. I'm 18 and I'm trying to keep off the drugs. Problem is the club scene is my life. I'm scared that I might get caught up in mix again! Anyone else hear me? Any words of advice or know any cool groups I can join?

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nyc isn't exactly the best place to "start over" if you have a club/partying/drug addiction, etc.....Now that Hillary Clinton is senator, its more of a time to get the fuck out of NY, anyway...try IOWA or some place in the midwest, where their idea of fun is inbreeding and cowtipping...I'm sure in no time you'll be able to come back into civilization and learn the meaning and implementation of moderation...good luck to you girly girl.....but before you leave make sure to check out Twilo, SF, Centro Fly, Spa, Exit, Vinyl, Sway (great lounge...coke is WELL accepted there)...I have many more recommendations too. Just joking love, I really hope that you take care of yourself...no one else will....


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't


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Originally posted by janesayshi:


I just moved up to NYC from Miami and I'm trying to start over. I'm 18 and I'm trying to keep off the drugs. Problem is the club scene is my life. I'm scared that I might get caught up in mix again! Anyone else hear me? Any words of advice or know any cool groups I can join?

Yeh just stay out of it for a while. It will still be there when you have enjoyed life without the drugs (which is so importatant).

Change your freinds, do normal things for a while, then the temptation will be less. I have been there and the scene kept me locked in until i took myself away for a while.

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Well...I would say it's up to you.....if you consider yourself a strong person, you will be fine....if you can't resist temptation.....you're dead.....New York has some of the best clubs in the world and I woulnd't want to see you miss out on it because of drugs.......I know many people, including myself, who go out each weekend to clubs and stay sober and have a blast.......let the music and atmosphere get you high....trust me, it will.....BUT, if you think all that will entice you to pop a pill......stay away or reconsider your decision......Hope that helps....



Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


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You picked one helluva town to move into! NYC def. has some of the best clubs/drugs in the world but.....it's not as scary as you think. I've been in recovery for years and through that time I've gone clubbing sober and I've been clubbing when I've thought I was on a different planet. Overall I'd have to say stay away from it for a while, the scene can be pretty intense and only when you feel that you can handle yourself around all the activity should you get back into it, but for right now do the right thing for yourself.



"Imagination is more important than knowledge"--einstein

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Its up to u , if u think u have strong willpower and u won't take drugs, then go and have fun. One of my friends used to do drugs like crazy untill one night he was with his best friend and his friend almost died cause of overdosing, and then he stopped taking drugs, hes been at clubs, but hasn't touched drugs since that day.

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my best friend is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict for 2 years now and she does come to clubs with me, but she makes sure she tells us to keep and eye on her... old habits never die, in other words, but she's never done anything at clubs, no drugs or alcohol, and we've never had to hold her back. basically, i'd say that if you've just begun the recovery period, stay away... if you've built ur way back up, then slowly emerge urself into the clubscene, and make sure you have levelheaded, straightedge friends to keep u on track... good luck!!

peace --daniela


"Ooh baby, I feel like the music sounds better with you..." luna.gif

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well ive been going clean now to the factory since may of this year. i have no desire to drop, snort, or smoke whatever. its all how much will power you have. if you truly love the music you shouldnt need some mind altering substance.

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