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8/7 Spirit??

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Dude, you don't even know...it's those times when your body rubbing up against some fat guidette you met 2 minutes prior on the 105 degree dancefloor, while you're dancing to JP's SIIIIIIIIICK BEATS in a k'ed up stupor...bro, i live for those moments...my entire life is based on moments like that...

JP :bowdown:

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Dude, you don't even know...it's those times when your body rubbing up against some fat guidette you met 2 minutes prior on the 105 degree dancefloor, while you're dancing to JP's SIIIIIIIIICK BEATS in a k'ed up stupor...bro, i live for those moments...my entire life is based on moments like that...

JP :bowdown:


Muthafuckin HIGHMAY!!!!

Got my capris and wristbands ready to go bra.....

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Dude, you don't even know...it's those times when your body rubbing up against some fat guidette you met 2 minutes prior on the 105 degree dancefloor, while you're dancing to JP's SIIIIIIIIICK BEATS in a k'ed up stupor...bro, i live for those moments...my entire life is based on moments like that...

JP :bowdown:

i dont frequently rub against fat guidettes or otherwise... but wat i can say DEFINITIVELY u are wrong about is that place is A FREEZER. deep freeze ALL NITE LONG fckin crazy, im bringing a sweater from now on it almost ruined my night i was shivering lol. i have been to each sat nite at spirit since jp started except one, some nites were better than others but NOT being a jp fanatic...i can honestly say not a BAD nite of music yet. or im sorry, were u not actually interested in how the party was, but more in making your obligatory jp party smashing HILARIOUS posts :)....u do all have that weekly quota to meet...... :bounce:
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i dont frequently rub against fat guidettes or otherwise... but wat i can say DEFINITIVELY u are wrong about is that place is A FREEZER. deep freeze ALL NITE LONG fckin crazy, im bringing a sweater from now on it almost ruined my night i was shivering lol. i have been to each sat nite at spirit since jp started except one, some nites were better than others but NOT being a jp fanatic...i can honestly say not a BAD nite of music yet. or im sorry, were u not actually interested in how the party was, but more in making your obligatory jp party smashing HILARIOUS posts :)....u do all have that weekly quota to meet...... :bounce:

It's true what my friends who've been in the scene for years say: the only things that change are the faces...the bullshit stays the same.

here we have another example of the verbal vomit that's spewed by the human parasites known as Jonathan Peters' fanbase...

Look you dumb-as-a-doornail hanger-on, JP depends on people like you for his respect, no one else. With the support of drugs, he has a circle that worships him. Yes, the majority of your fellow supporters are drug users. But then again, how enlightened do you want our future garbagemen to be when they're sober?

Does he drop good music? Yes. Is he consistent? Absolutely not. What makes him inconsistent? His loyal fanbase. How do I know this? His growth as a DJ has become stagnated because he primarily spins for his circle. He doesn't go on tour, therefore he lacks a diverse selection of music. All that equals not being a good DJ. Now imagine me imitating a retard and reiterating what I just said because I KNOW you didn't that on the first try...

Now please fuck off...

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verbal vomit?? funny i thought i was entitled to an OPINION. WONDERFUL how u assume im "spewing" this bs, being the human PARASITE that i am? are you insane? dumb as a doornail hanger on? you LEAP to such RIDICULOUS conclusions all b/c of what, b/c i ENJOY his party at spirit? did it OCCUR to you that maybe i was not a fan of jp during sf, i didnt go. so save ur JP WORSHIPPING BS for someone else- YES, many of the ppl I WANT to spend my sat nite with did go to sf, and they do go to spirit b/c they like jp but NOT ONLY spirit. they go all over the city, all clubs, different dj's, not the CLOSED minded retards u make them sound to be. as i said in another post YES some nights have been better musically than others, but you know what...the music's always at least GOOD...the ppl i wanna see , R THERE havin a good time n thats enough for me. amazing how fckin HOSTILE n JUDGMENTAL u get over A DJ.

It's true what my friends who've been in the scene for years say: the only things that change are the faces...the bullshit stays the same.

here we have another example of the verbal vomit that's spewed by the human parasites known as Jonathan Peters' fanbase...

Look you dumb-as-a-doornail hanger-on, JP depends on people like you for his respect, no one else. With the support of drugs, he has a circle that worships him. Yes, the majority of your fellow supporters are drug users. But then again, how enlightened do you want our future garbagemen to be when they're sober?

Does he drop good music? Yes. Is he consistent? Absolutely not. What makes him inconsistent? His loyal fanbase. How do I know this? His growth as a DJ has become stagnated because he primarily spins for his circle. He doesn't go on tour, therefore he lacks a diverse selection of music. All that equals not being a good DJ. Now imagine me imitating a retard and reiterating what I just said because I KNOW you didn't that on the first try...

Now please fuck off...

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verbal vomit?? funny i thought i was entitled to an OPINION. WONDERFUL how u assume im "spewing" this bs, being the human PARASITE that i am? are you insane? dumb as a doornail hanger on? you LEAP to such RIDICULOUS conclusions all b/c of what, b/c i ENJOY his party at spirit? did it OCCUR to you that maybe i was not a fan of jp during sf, i didnt go. so save ur JP WORSHIPPING BS for someone else- YES, many of the ppl I WANT to spend my sat nite with did go to sf, and they do go to spirit b/c they like jp but NOT ONLY spirit. they go all over the city, all clubs, different dj's, not the CLOSED minded retards u make them sound to be. as i said in another post YES some nights have been better musically than others, but you know what...the music's always at least GOOD...the ppl i wanna see , R THERE havin a good time n thats enough for me. amazing how fckin HOSTILE n JUDGMENTAL u get over A DJ.

In other words, you're saying that you can defend why you like a certain DJ, but when I systematically break that DJ down like you would a wardrobe, all of a sudden I'm "fckin HOSTILE n JUDGMENTAL"?? Look you dumb gnat, I'm judgemental because a DJ's an artist. I treat a DJ like a music critic in Rolling Stone would treat a rock band. I'm a musical snob and God loves me for it. If you don't hold the same passion for music, I suggest you SHUT THE FLYING FUCK UP because you WILL get verbally murdered for it.

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yes HOSTILE n JUDGMENTAL b/c why do you feel the need to SYSTEMATICALLY break down everyones opinion/ point of view just b/c it might not be the same as yours? or for the same reasons? like i would a wardrobe?? that's cute...but unfortunately i don't quite fit the lovely little materialistic club snob stereotype you assume i do. THATS FINE, i understand dj's are artists...I GRASP THE CONCEPT. THAT, however, does not mean EVERYONE has to critique them to the extent you do. Is someone wrong for going to see a movie thats less than oscar quality just for kicks?? or just goin for a laugh and not to analyze the INNER MEANING of the flick? i can enjoy music, be passionate about it in my own way, listen to it for my own reasons and know FULL well plenty of people know the finer points that i dont but that doesnt make me A DUMB GNAT and my OPINION irrelevant. why the hell would u want to "VERBALLY MURDER" someone who just said they had a good time at a fricking club....B/C U DONT HAPPEN TO LIKE THE DJ?? and u think i have problems

In other words, you're saying that you can defend why you like a certain DJ, but when I systematically break that DJ down like you would a wardrobe, all of a sudden I'm "fckin HOSTILE n JUDGMENTAL"?? Look you dumb gnat, I'm judgemental because a DJ's an artist. I treat a DJ like a music critic in Rolling Stone would treat a rock band. I'm a musical snob and God loves me for it. If you don't hold the same passion for music, I suggest you SHUT THE FLYING FUCK UP because you WILL get verbally murdered for it.
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