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He was the one that wanted time apart!

I still love him, he knows that..but he has some issues he needs to deal with, and until then..we can;t move on. But this is sooo drastic.

This was all him! Because he lives in the past!

I'm buggin out! cwm31.gif

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WTF?????? Damn you have been on a rollercoaster ride lately babe. Do you think that maybe he is doing it to test you? I have a couple of friends that went to the Armed Services and it took them months to get down there. I don't think that it is that fast of a turnaround. I would investigate. He either enlisted months ago without telling you, or he is trying to get you to beg him to come back.


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by divette:

He was the one that wanted time apart!

I still love him, he knows that..but he has some issues he needs to deal with, and until then..we can;t move on. But this is sooo drastic.

This was all him! Because he lives in the past!

I'm buggin out! cwm31.gif

In that case, get him a subscription to Playboy, buy him a pair of hair clippers as a going away present (cause he won't have hair anymore). And tell him to go rent "Full Metal Jacket" to see what may be in store for him.

good luck!

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Originally posted by divette:

My ex (who I just broke up with last week)..just informed me that in 3 weeks he is leaving for BOOT CAMP..then to the ARMY!!!

Can you believe this?

I am in shock!!!!


Why would that shock you? You left him, remember? He's moving on with his life. I have read everyone of your posts since you dumped him. You're shocked because inside you want him to come crawling on his knees back to you, and now hearing the news of his departure, it hurts you. You must be thinking, "how could he do this to me?"

You can't expect him to wait around for you while you sort out your issues. I know what I'm talking about because I have been there. You didn't want him when he was with you. Since you left him, I'm sure you expected/hoped that he would fall apart. Because he's not and moving on, that pisses you off.

Good for him. I wish him all the luck in the world....and I hope he exceeds everyone's expectations. You left him...remember that. It would be flat out wrong of you to expect that he wait for you while you figure out what you want.



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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Originally posted by divette:

He was the one that wanted time apart!

I still love him, he knows that..but he has some issues he needs to deal with, and until then..we can;t move on. But this is sooo drastic.

This was all him! Because he lives in the past!

initialy you said you left him. don't change your story now...that's cheeeeeesey....

I'm buggin out! cwm31.gif



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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hey, don't feel so bad, I'm going thru the same with my ex, we broke up 2 months ago, well I broke up with her becuse she had no ambition with anything anymore,so ahe up and leaves for a month, without telling anyone where she went, she comes back and tells me she is leaving in a month for good. we were together for a year. Worst thing is I won't take her back cause she went to see her ex.....

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Divette don't worry about it. He's going to make his own decisions. You might think they're silly or drastic (ARMY?!?!), but he' the one who makes them. Maybe that's what he needs right now.

It's very hard to let go, but that's unfortunately what you need to do right now. If it was meant to be, he'll be back and hopefully more ready for it.

Hang in there sweets!!! cwm4.gif

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First of all...I DID NOT LEAVE HIM!

He left me. He was the one with the "issues:..living in the past..jelousy..insecurity...etc.

We left things like..we still love each other..we want things to work out for "us" in the long run..but we both need time to sort things out.

But i feel like this is so DRASTIC.

But I didnt dump him..hello, we were engaged!


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Originally posted by ricfutures:

WTF?????? Damn you have been on a rollercoaster ride lately babe. Do you think that maybe he is doing it to test you? I have a couple of friends that went to the Armed Services and it took them months to get down there. I don't think that it is that fast of a turnaround. I would investigate. He either enlisted months ago without telling you, or he is trying to get you to beg him to come back.

It actually makes sense that he may have enlisted and just not told you. Maybe that is what caused the breakup. He may not even be conscious of it. Maybe since he knew he was going away (and possibly afraid to tell you or deal with the response) he sub-consiciously sabotaged the relationship. I know it sounds weird but I almost did that once.

I was dating my b/f for a few months and all of a sudden I was asking him if he was bored with me, did he still want to be with me...

He became hurt and said maybe I was the one who wanted to breakup. I swore that was def. not what I wanted and in fact what I feared most. The he said something that made a lot of sense. Maybe, out of my fear of something so good ending I subconciously tried to end it sooner than later to lessen the pain of a more involved breakup.

I hope that makes some sort of sense cwm31.gif I know what I'm tring to covey but I don't know exactly how to explain it!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 11-08-2000).]

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Originally posted by ricfutures:

I don't think that it is that fast of a turnaround.

actually, theres usually two ways to enlist. you either go in a month or two or you go ASAP. i had a friend sign up one day and he was en route to boot camp the next!


i love music!

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