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God if you are listening: thank you


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its 421 in the morning and i just got back from the emergency vet in kendall. tonight around midnight i noticed that my dog jack was acting wierd. his belly was sticking out really bad and i had no choice but to take his to the ER. he went unconscious on the way and by the time i got to the vet he was in shock. what happened was a condition where dog intestine gets twisted and they usually die. the vet told me they were gonna do some procedure, but it didnt look good..and if it didnt work, then emergency surgery. i sat in the waiting area and asked god to please save my jackie-boy's life. about 20 min later the vet came out and said that miracle had occured and they had untwisted his stomache.

my wallet has taken a hard hit but my jackie-boy is alive. he is one week shy of his 12th birthday and he has been with me through the last 12 years of my life.....the 12 toughest. there arent words that have been written or a song thats been sung that can come close to describing what my jack has meant to me and im thanking god tonight for saving his life.

Hands down one of the sweetest things I've ever read on Miami CP.

I'm so glad your dog is okay... I'll send some prayers that he makes a speedy recovery!!!!!!!!

Thanks be to GOD :)

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its 421 in the morning and i just got back from the emergency vet in kendall. tonight around midnight i noticed that my dog jack was acting wierd. his belly was sticking out really bad and i had no choice but to take his to the ER. he went unconscious on the way and by the time i got to the vet he was in shock. what happened was a condition where dog intestine gets twisted and they usually die. the vet told me they were gonna do some procedure, but it didnt look good..and if it didnt work, then emergency surgery. i sat in the waiting area and asked god to please save my jackie-boy's life. about 20 min later the vet came out and said that miracle had occured and they had untwisted his stomache.

my wallet has taken a hard hit but my jackie-boy is alive. he is one week shy of his 12th birthday and he has been with me through the last 12 years of my life.....the 12 toughest. there arent words that have been written or a song thats been sung that can come close to describing what my jack has meant to me and im thanking god tonight for saving his life.

I think the condition is called "Bloat?" I know it happens to a lot of dogs, especially larger breeds, when they eat a lot of dry dog food and then drink a lot of water right after. It causes the food to swell up and cause damage/twisting along the intestine.

Your dog is very lucky...and so are you! :)

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Now this is the last place I would ever think to read anything like this. A miracle at that, more then likely. What happend to your dog happend to a friend of mine rotti. unfortunately his dog didn't make it. My best friend is a vet and said to me the chances off getting your pet to a vet in am emergency situation like this and having him survive are slim. Can you imagine if you were not home when this was going on and having to come home to this ? My prayers go out to you and Jake ! Lots of luck man :-)

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coming from another pet lover i'm glad to hear he's gonna make it...

my last dog got sick & didn't make it... it hit me so hard that i couldn't beleive it.. my first dog died of old age.. accepted it

but when my barley 3yr old dog dies from one day to the next... it killed me...

hope jack pulls through..

good luck

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