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att DAVE!!! about that POP UP vodka AD!

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Dave.....i agree.....everytime you refresh your screen....it pops up.........it's kind of...well.....annoying..........

Thanx, Dave!


The entertainment business is a cruel and shallow money trench - a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and weak men die like dogs.......


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I agree that same freakin pop-up is annoying as hell, but we all have to remember this site most likely got a hell of a lot of $$ to keep running for that ad, which gives us all this place to ramble, advise, and give our two cents. I don't like the pop-up, it is a bit drastic with its impressions (how many times and when it shows itself), maybe if it were linked to a different action rather than refresh. But until we (the users) are going to anti up the cash to keep this place running, I'm pretty sure the pop-up will remain or be replaced by something else, so we as users should do our part and click on these advertisements even if we are going to just close the window, that is how a website earns capitol to keep going by clicks, not just shown logos etc. Click one banner each time you visit the site and I guarantee things like pop-ups will vanish for good. I know these things from being a web-designer myself...but as with anything I could be wrong.


Legendary pain in the ass, woman chaser & ass grabber...sleep by day and sleep with others by night.

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i hate it! i hate it! i hate it! i hate it! cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them. - Edgar Allan Poe


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I was about to post the same topic, it blows my cover @ work!


Dave sort it out, can we inidicate in our profile if we want the pop ups or not!?!


hapfac01.gif coming to party with you - when my H1 comes thru!------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I hate them!!!! cwm23.gif Couldn't they advertise in a regular banner form....like most other sites.

Other sites that have pop ups I won't even

visit because they ABSOLUTELY SUCK!!!!!This

must be taken care of!!! cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm28.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm43.gif


---its my life and I'm livin' it now!---you don't even know me!!!---

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

finlandia and Bacardi listen up:

Mark my words...

You will NEVER EVER see one penny from me in my entire life time.

you harass me and offer no recourse with your pop up video adds.

haha you are so funny but I second that smile.gif

I swear I am gonna give up alcohol now!!!

I hate this stupid ad


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by rachel1997:


I don't need to get fired because of a pop up thing!! If clubnyc is not making $$$$ then do it in other ways then that!!

and tranza I don't find that thing you were talking about...

i don't want to start drama, and i don't mean to offend, but if you don't want to risk getting fired, then maybe you shouldn't be posting at work. i don't think you should blame dave or clubplanet. having an ad like that on this site is very lucrative, and gives the site the financial ability to provide us with all the cool things that are on it. perhaps you should look into downloading one of those pop up filters as was previously suggested. while the internet is free for us to accesses it is far from cheap to put together such a cool site as this one. i think that putting up with the ad is a small sacrifice to make on our part in order to have such a great forum for us to discuss and receive information on something that all of us are obviously very passionate about. cwm7.gif

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Originally posted by jnjboy:

i don't want to start drama, and i don't mean to offend, but if you don't want to risk getting fired, then maybe you shouldn't be posting at work. i don't think you should blame dave or clubplanet. having an ad like that on this site is very lucrative, and gives the site the financial ability to provide us with all the cool things that are on it. perhaps you should look into downloading one of those pop up filters as was previously suggested. while the internet is free for us to accesses it is far from cheap to put together such a cool site as this one. i think that putting up with the ad is a small sacrifice to make on our part in order to have such a great forum for us to discuss and receive information on something that all of us are obviously very passionate about. cwm7.gif

LIsten to me.

I asked for the third time already about that link to take away those ads, CUZ I CAN"T FIND IT!!!! so don't go saying SHIT to me.

And about me posting here when I'm at work Is FINE but not when I have a window minimized and suddelny out of NO WHERE that thing decides to POP UP and my boss will think I drink on the JOB or something!!! I do have my own office and will not get into trouble, but when you have people in your office.... bla bla. Thank you.!

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

I do have my own office and will not get into trouble

So, when can I visit? Is there a lock on the door? Is the room soundproofed? sevil.gif



Would Like To Discuss "Work Flow"


You know what I was, you see what I am: change me, change me!

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