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Godskitchen Reviews 21st... Post here!

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Kevin Saunderson in the main room was great, he was dropping some sick beats. The sound system was perfect: loud enough to make you want to dance but not loud (and bassy) enough to make your drink jiggle in your mouth and make you choke (ahem, spirit) and the lighting was good too. Staff was pretty cordial and even were kind enough to tell me that the ATM inside charges $5 surcharge while the one by the door charges $3. The mainroom also had lots of paid dancers in fancy costumes. What really sucked though was that the main room never filled up. There were a couple of points in the night when it looked like it was going to fill up, but it never materialized. The terrace was nice and was playing spanish themed house when I was there, but it didn't have too many poeple either and was a bit ghetto. The hip-hop room was the most packed, but it was also the smallest - it was *really* ghetto, it looked like Ikon didnt have any dress code rules. A beer also cost me $11 there, which is a bit pricey for a venue of this type. Overall, it is a really nice venue with good music but not enough poeple comming to it. It was kindof sad, because the DJ was 100x better than JP and JP always gets a packed house. I really hope that when GK promotes this thing more they will get a packed house, because it has lots of potential and I would love to go there again if they got some more poeple.

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humm.. i posted in the sticky.. oh well ill crosspst.. :)

i wasnt familiar with saunderson and pullen before this weekend but i heard good things and they were..

AMAZING last night!


The place was fucking ****DEAD****!! (and freezing!), and at first i thought it was going to completely suck.. and it DID SUCK with that "live house music" crap (that was bathroom music, can you dance to that?) and the opening dj was boring (caught the end of him). you could tell the "tourists".. because they seemed to be the only ones dancing until the Saunderson and Pullen came on.. if you were there i was the skinny black guy with grey shirt with orange sleeves dancing like a maniac all over with my peoples.. lol.

The guys in the pink room were ripping shit up upstairs and it was great!

Didnt stay for after hours so i couldnt tell you.

I swore to myself id never step foot back in exit/whatever its called ever again like a year ago (im sure 99% are in that same boat) and almost didnt bother when i couldnt get my comp and had to pay like $20.

but honestly even though it was dead as hell, maybe like 2 or 3 outside of the group i was with could actually, dance and my hatred to that shithole... that was the best track selection ive heard in a LONG time and and that means alot to me personally being that im out 3-4 days every week in nyc.

didnt even go to the hiphop room.

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humm.. i posted in the sticky.. oh well ill crosspst.. :)

didnt even go to the hiphop room.

Were you with that little blonde girl in white pants that was tearing up the dancefloor? I was easy to spot because I was the tallest guy there lol(6'5)...most of the time I was dancing with my ex-girl and her friend.

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I was easy to spot because I was the tallest guy there lol(6'5)...most of the time I was dancing with my ex-girl and her friend.

Black shirt and pony-tail?


ANywayz...was there too and thought as everyone else said...wish the place would have been more filled. At one point my hubby and me walked around on the balcony level and we were the ONLY people up there on the side with black curtain... it was weird!~

Main Floor music was slammin! Was totally loving it around 4-5am!!!!! Again, because of the floor not being packed...I wasn't feelin a vibe and only really chilled with my own... instead of the whole dance floor as one. This was where we spent the majority of our night anyway.

As part of our "roaming" tour...

Terrace....didn't care for music up there (spanish) and wonder why they did away with the nice circular bar? Still can't beat the fact that you can go "outside" within the club though!

Pink room...didn't stay there much but music was cool and the decor is just to effin cute!

Hip Hop room...was digustingly hot and filled with nasty bitches imo (wtf? don't dance in the doorway and then suck teeth when I say excuse me!LOL)

Overall had a good time. Wish continued success for GK and hope they are able to promote more and fill at least the main room. People spread the word this can be a great party!

BTW, we paid $25 each to get in because we weren't on any list. :(

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That is pretty much summarize it ... but knowing me .. i will go on for some detailed review ... so here it is ..

i was pleasantly happy that the line moved fast .. very fast indeed compared to the two other times i went there .. so that was a great start ..

thanks David Joseph for being courteous at the door . that was nice of you ..

the music was amazing ..

first the pink room .. DJs there were all great .. i did not know the opening DJ name unfortunately but he was good ..

then i was pleasantly surprised to see my boi and friend Walden Hann .. that kid can play some sick beats and he did .. and all my friends were soo excited and danced their ass off to his music ..

we also met Vector Dennaire and Jason Jollins .. too bad that my foot was injured from last night and we had to leave without listening to them but I am sure they took care of business ...

on the main floor there was Sanderson and he was simply amazing .. the music was sick sick sick .. great music .. and great sound system .. i danced my ass off at times and rested other times to take care of my foot which was only getting worst .. hehehe

kutekimee, beatahuk, ibrandon and myself went to the roof .. and had a nice breath .. music there was really nice . sounded like latin house to me .. too bad it was not loud enough .but still danced there and did our thing .. people there were merely chilling and drinking . so we were a change in that room rythem .. hehe

the crowd was fine .. i know people are saying that the club is empty .but this club is hugeeeeeeeeeeee .. and i mean .. really big .. and it takes a lot to fill it up .. but the facts are .. the pink room was full .. at times really packed .. and the hip hop room as usual was full .. and the main floor .. while it was not full .. had the people there all jumping all over the place .. not your typical dancing crowd .but this does not bother me like many other people ..

actually persnoally i dont mind the club a little empty .. coz i need lots of space ..

met few people there .. and it was fun to make new friends .. i hope they come back and say hi since i am really bad with names .. LOL

my crew were as usual amazing ..

ibrandon .. did not stop dancing .. this kid can move .. and i can see me retiring not worrying about who to fill my shoes .. go for it kid ..

beatahuk .. looked nice and happy as usual .. i did not see u dance really hard until you and i .. did our own close-up dancing .. which had some people screaming oh shiiiiittttt ..

drewmanati danced his ass off as usual .. dude .. u keep complaining u r tired . but u keep dancing .. u r complicating my life kid .. great moves and nice attitude .. keep it up kid ..

also it was nice to meet your boi (can't remember his name) .. really nice dude .. hopefully he feels better soon and come back for dancing

last but defintely not least .. my girl .. kutekimee .. tore that floor up ... people were like "what on earth!!!!" .. whose that cute looking, sexy body and great moves .. girl that is all over the place .. oh .. sheattt .. it is the v.... ni..... .. gangsta style kid .. all the way .. sorry did not see your last move coz i was tired . but i am sure u will give me a lil preview before that .. or may be next weekend .. and our dance together .. u were great as usual .. and dont worry about syncing in .. u r doing just fine .. oh . and say hi to Seinfield ... (sorryyyyyyyyyy had to say it)

overall .. GREAT night and i am definetly going back there if they keep bringing those great DJs .. and if they keep the line short and fast ..


the MASK

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Were you with that little blonde girl in white pants that was tearing up the dancefloor?

Thanks a lot, music was awesome so i couldn't stop myself or ibrandon ( not to mention Kutekemee or Tha MASKKKK ).

Great nite peeps thanks and next time I'm down too :party::aright:

But seriously they should do something to bring more crowd.

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Thanks a lot, music was awesome so i couldn't stop myself or ibrandon ( not to mention Kutekemee or Tha MASKKKK ).

Great nite peeps thanks and next time I'm down too :party::aright:

But seriously they should do something to bring more crowd.

I just have to say that you were incredible. I was like daaaaaaamn that girl is good (and friggin pretty too)! :D

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ibrandon .. did not stop dancing .. this kid can move .. and i can see me retiring not worrying about who to fill my shoes .. go for it kid ..

WOW.. are you sure??? ;)

You made me smile like i was peeing my pants, from ear to ear.. :)

Thanks buddy, that really means alot to me coming from someone like you thats been around close to FOREVER. :) :)

Kim is like the energizer bunny!, all the times ive been out with her ive NEVER seen her get tired.. and is ALLLLLLLWAYS game for after hours.. lol.

Betsy is such a flirt and can move!, her and pops were getting down! ;)

Drew bring your boy out beenie (i think??) again, hes was mad chill and i had a good time bs'ing with him. and you should of kept dancing with his cane, it was starting to look dope as hell!


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WOW.. are you sure??? ;)

You made me smile like i was peeing my pants, from ear to ear.. :)

Thanks buddy, that really means alot to me coming from someone like you thats been around close to FOREVER. :) :)

i am sure kid .. and i mean it too .. keep it up .. and u might be the next Godfather .. the question will be then .. how are you gona find another kutekimee as a Godmother??? LOL

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i am sure kid .. and i mean it too .. keep it up .. and u might be the next Godfather .. the question will be then .. how are you gona find another kutekimee as a Godmother??? LOL


Godmother?.. whoa whoa whoa.. im not THAT old yet. lol.. besides dont they have to try out for that position? i got time ;)


too bad u couldnt stay up for breakfast..... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

whos that ugly black guy???

..pfft! i dont know him!

Damn!, always thinking us brothas all look the same.. tisk tisk

lol.. ;)

"Black Magic 3000"

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Godmother?.. whoa whoa whoa.. im not THAT old yet. lol.. besides dont they have to try out for that position? i got time ;)

sure you are not . but you wana be prepared so when u r .. u got that energerizer bunny next to you .. hehe ..

try out ha .. LOL .. sure .. they be like . where is the fitting room?

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Kim is like the energizer bunny!, all the times ive been out with her ive NEVER seen her get tired.. and is ALLLLLLLWAYS game for after hours.. lol.

Those beats were all over my bodyyy...those beats were all over my bodyyy...heh heh... "So anyone up for afterhours??" (head bop side to side) :biggrin:


Yeah! What Brandon said! Thanks Matt! We jammed all the way to the diner as the sun came up...love that Green Velvet CD :)

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