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once you kiss someone......its a different ball game...

Really disagree with some of these posts including this one, with all respect. There is no cliffnotes to this post, so be forwarned lol j/k

Mere Making Out.

Mere making out with nothing else doesnt really mean squat. It means you wanta kiss the person at that moment.

Mere kissing is the random kissing of someone after hanging out with them. Mere kissing is not coupled with anything else, like hugging, deep expressions of emotions verbally, or similar.

Mere kissing doesnt mean you luv the person, doesnt mean you want the person, doesnt mean anything more than you like to kiss and want to kiss her, maybe cuz of something she just said, or something she just did. Mere kissing is a spontaneous act. Mere kissing is done generally for two reasons - affection or expedition. Often you make out with someone, just that merely, because of a spontaneous feel to show an affection more than hugging or facial kissing can show. Other times, often in a drunken stake, exhibition kissing is done merely for the purpose of having fun, showing off, being playful, or the like.

What is Mere Making Out

The spectrum of what mere making out, making out with nothing else, is very broad. You can do it for seconds. You can do it for close to an hour. It depends. Therefore when people say they made out, there is a whole spectrum of how long or short it was.

What Value to you Place on Kissing

a) Personal Preference

Some people really dont kiss people at all unless they are in love with them. Some people feel that kissing should only occur when you love the person. Other people feel that kissing, simply, is "no biggee", and enjoy kissing people they feel somethign for, something that may be less than love.

c) Cultural

Kissing is often a cultural issue. To kiss someone in some cultures is a big deal. In others, it's not. For example, in Italy, when you give a two sided kiss, with relatives, genearlly the tiny tip of your mouths do touch a bit. Its disrepectful not to give a double kiss hello and goodbye.

More than mere Making Out

It's really here, when you make out in a way that is more than mere making out, that it is a different ballgame. This can involve hair pulling, fondeling, stroking, caressing, pushing and shoving, variations for where the tongue goes (ear lobe, inner ear, neck, shoulder, breasts). This is when you have left the spectrum of mere making out.

Comfortable with who you Are

Overall, kissing is wonderful. For those of you who are afraid to kiss unless it means something, try it sometimes. We are all different. Some of us like kissing. Some of us adore kissing.

I pesonally luv kissing and have no guilt being called by friends a kissing bandit lol. Not that I'm all that, but I cant recall more than just a few dates since high school where I havent at least merely made out. I love kissing. The feel of different lips. The feel of how lips bend and swell. The feel of how different people kiss. The dragging of your lip. The swirling of your tongue. The feel of someone's breath. The soft giggle or purring moan under the kiss as you caress her. The thought that your tongue is causing someone pleasure.

Kissing is wonderful in that it can be done anywhere, anytime. One of my funniest kissing stories was when I moved in to make out with this latin girl in November last year at a club with my buddy and other girl at the table near us. The kiss with the girl lasted about 15-20 minutes. When I was done, I opened my eyes and saw a whole flock of brand new drinks on the table. I looked at my buddy in a daze and said "where those there before we started kissing." He said "No. I went to the bar, waited in line, and bought another round for you two for when you're done. I figured it would be a few minutes."

Time passing slow when you kiss, slow in a very good way.

The End lol :D

I need to go kiss someone right now.

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More than mere Making Out

It's really here, when you make out in a way that is more than mere making out, that it is a different ballgame. This can involve hair pulling, fondeling, stroking, caressing, pushing and shoving, variations for where the tongue goes (ear lobe, inner ear, neck, shoulder, breasts). This is when you have left the spectrum of mere making out.

God I luv That!!~


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dude.....in all respect, you need to just answer the question and not give a fucking broadway song and dance that prolongs the response....cuz for real......no body really gives a shit...why cant u just get to the point?

when u kiss someone theres GOT to be emotion there......end of story IMO

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Why a Guy would Act different after you Make out with him?? :makeout:

What u think ?

Maybe he didn’t get that Chemistry w/ ya?

of He’s not interested anymore??

I was reasing this magazine & I read something about this.

He probably wants nothing to do with her anymore since all he got was a kiss...I mean no blowjob or anything? Who the hell just makes out anymore :lame:

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