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Does anyone really have a type?


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I used to think i had a type, but when I look back at men I have dated the did not look anything alike nor did they have much in common.

So I guess I really dont have a type cwm34.gif

I guess i just know what is not my type. cwm40.gif

My friends and I have came to the same conclusion....

We dont necessarily know what we want- But we deffenetly know what we dont want.


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Originally posted by luz:

I used to think i had a type, but when I look back at men I have dated the did not look anything alike nor did they have much in common.

So I guess I really dont have a type cwm34.gif

I guess i just know what is not my type. cwm40.gif

My friends and I have came to the same conclusion....

We dont necessarily know what we want- But we deffenetly know what we dont want.


I knoowww whhattt yoouuu wannttt girlie. You want what Hung Low has to offer, huh? Isn't that right. Come here Hung Low will whip it out for you and all your cow friends.

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your certainly unlike most women. A higher percentage of women have "a type".. Men-really don't care-if your look hot-then your in...men are more versatile and broad minded (ability to get along with many different personality types) then women.. Women are quite narrow minded, has these near-to-impossible standards that they look for in men..thus.. Men lie to them..to get them...women later realize this..and cry about why all men are liars... fuck, because if you see an honest man..you call him a loser... it's a never ending pendulem... cwm35.gif



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thats sooo true for me too. I thought I had a type but the guys I have noticed I am attracted are of all various types...My friend the other day thought I was mainly into one type of guy and swore by it (b/c thats all he saw me hang around) but now he was taken aback when I pointed out guys I would consider dating and was shocked! cwm27.gif



...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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Ha Ha I love this question.

I dont have a type persay. I just love guys who are fun. Appearances are NOT important AT ALL! I totally love the fun guys who can be goofy and not care. Thats all

Now girls...well we wont even get into that...



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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when u mean 'type', do u mean physically speaking???

me personally, i know that looks can only go so far...just go to a club and you will see 100's of good looking girls. for me, it goes beyond just looks...too many things that cant be eplained..everything from the way they dress, to the way they carry themselves, to the way they talk, to the way...etc, etc, etc.

so if someone says i like blondes, or preppies or whatever, then i just think theyre shallow...cause i can show you brunettes or redheads or green haired people who are drop dead gorgeous and great people as well.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I don't have a type.. I go mostly by chemistry and personality.. Can't say that I choose guys by any standard (height, hair color, eye color, whatever else..) Just whatever pleases the eye and warms my heart smile.gif

That was nice myst! I like that answer too. I think ultimately we all just wanna be happy and feel good about ourselves and our significant other(s). cwm27.gif



...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I don't have a type.. I go mostly by chemistry and personality.. Can't say that I choose guys by any standard (height, hair color, eye color, whatever else..) Just whatever pleases the eye and warms my heart smile.gif

Well said smile.gif I think this will be the most quoted answer of the day. And um nickfire...sounds like you've had some bad experiences, sorry to hear that--but most women I know aren't narrow minded at all! I don't base attraction on a 'type,' rather on how I feel about the person when I meet him...plus, variety is the spice of life wink.gif



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Good question.

I find myself attracted to the same type of girls. But what it all comes down to with any girl that i've ever dated is just 2 things.

A HOLE and a HEARTBEAT. That's all i'm asking for. Anything else she has to offer is gravy.

my .02 cents,

yo mamma

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i think that i have a type. i like a girl who has a fun personality a sense of humor, and one that you can carry on a conversation with. i also like the conservative type meaning that they dont dresst to flashy. a club is one thing and thats all good, but when your just going to dinner or the movies take it down a level. i've always said id rather have a girl with a good personality who is averagelooking then a slammin girl with no personality


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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Originally posted by jammy:

That was nice myst! I like that answer too. I think ultimately we all just wanna be happy and feel good about ourselves and our significant other(s). cwm27.gif


Hi Jammy smile.gif (Nice nick btw, I had some trouble with jimjamjiv or whatever it was LOL). I like your answer too! You coming to Twirl/Twilo? How's everything been?

Regina - I know too many narrow minded and shallow ppl.. Sad but true..

yo mamma - LMAO smile.gif You're REAL picky aren't ya..

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Originally posted by luz:

I guess i just know what is not my type. cwm40.gif

My friends and I have came to the same conclusion....

We dont necessarily know what we want- But we deffenetly know what we dont want.

i agree. smile.gif the guys i've dated haven't really been any particular "type".




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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I definately don't have a type. I have dated all types and colors. I have dated artists, actors, buisiness men, teachers as long as we get a long, a man has to make me laugh and not be a lazy ass. Thats all. As long as a man has a "dream" or ambition doesn't matter what it is.

I know girls that judge every guy they meet. They won't date them unless they have the right job, make the right money, and have the right car-and of course looks.

Well pretty funny these woman never have dates or a boyfriend. It is pretty sad if you ask me.


The music makes the people come together...

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MSoprano i totally agree with you. i must say though, my only type as far as guys go, is that they have to have Dark hair. i dunno maybe it's cuz i'm from that whole mediterranean area, but i loveeeeeee guys with dark hair, sometimes i'll make an exception for a blonde, but like what was said before, as long as they're somehow attractive to me, that's all that matters. some people go for hte all american look, for me it doesnt matter, in fact, i like the more exotic guys, because in my experience, they're the ones with great personalities and are more "worldly". dunno, just my two sense. Like my mom used to always tell me, you should be with a guy who's an 8 and treats you like a queen, then be with a guy who's a ten, and is an asshole. nuff said.

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