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Kerry Daughters Receive Rude Awakening At Mtv Awards


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I was very surprised at this.....


Sun Aug 29 2004 23:36:31 ET

MTV, ROLLING STONE and the rock and roll establishment -- past and present -- have cast their vote, and their man is John Kerry.

So on Sunday night when John Kerry's daughters were announced to speak at the annual MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS, the MTV youth were expected to welcome his daughter's as pop culture princesses.

Instead, in an era of the unexpected, the daughters of the Democratic candidate were met with cheers -- AND JEERS -- during the live broadcast in Miami.

From the moment Alexandra and Vanessa started speaking, the boos outweighed anything close to cheers, and the reaction turned worse when the daughters asked the VIACOM youth to vote for their father. So shocked by the reaction, the taller of the two daughters tried to 'shhhhhh' her peers to no avail.

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what did they really think would happen? i swear to god these celebrities are so out of touch with reality that they think EVERYONE has their views just because everyone they associate themselves with shares their contorted views dont mean EVERYONE everywhere does. hollywood is a strange place. makes me think of an acid trip where every thing is so fake and everything and everyone is just so out of touch with reality like a totally different world these people live in.

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I wonder how many people would of booed if the bush daughters were there?

The bush daughters were on screen and they were booed also, funny how the article does not mention that but this one does]

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Reaching out to young Americans at MTV's Video Music Awards Sunday night, the daughters of President Bush and his Democratic challenger Sen. John Kerry were met by loud cheers and jeers.

It was unclear exactly whom the cheers and the boos were meant for or why. They began immediately after radio and MTV personality Carson Daly introduced "from New York, Barbara and Jenna Bush and here in Miami, Vanessa and Alexandra Kerry."

The Kerry daughters were at the event in Miami; the Bush daughters appeared in a pre-recorded video.

"My sister and I are thrilled to be here tonight with you all in Florida," said Vanessa Kerry, "and to get this chance to suggest that you get involved in this election and vote -- and hopefully that you vote for our father."

MTV cameras showed some audience members apparently giving the women a standing ovation, but the mixture of boos and cheers continued.

Alexandra Kerry added that millions of young Americans can help determine the November election, "but we appreciate that in our democracy people are free to feel differently about who they vote for."

The Kerry daughters then turned around to watch, along with the MTV audience, the video of the Bush daughters.

"Hey Alexandra and Vanessa, and hey to everyone at the VMAs," said Barbara Bush.

"Jenna and I really wish we could be there, but we're in New York this week to support our dad and, as you might have guessed, we want to suggest that you vote for him in November." (Special report: America Votes 2004, the Republican convention)

Jenna Bush said, "We can all agree on the importance of voting."

MTV's broadcast turned down sounds of the audience during the playing of the video, but the vocal audience could still be heard.

The Bush twins are 22 years old. Vanessa Kerry is 27; Alexandra turns 31 on Sunday.

The boos seemed to die down and cheers took their place toward the end of the segment, when the Kerry daughters took back the floor and encouraged people to support victims of Hurricane Charley, which devastated portions of Florida earlier this month.

Vanessa Kerry said, "Despite our differences, we all agree this election and this process are important. And we all agree that all of us are part of a greater American family."

Speaking to CNN afterward, Vanessa Kerry said the booing had "scared" her, but added, "We're fighting for something so strongly, I will go up there and hear the whole arena boo if it means connecting with one person."

She also said it was "surreal" to appear at the VMAs, known for having one of the most energetic and responsive crowds of any awards show.

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so really the people were booing at the bushes and cheering for the kerrys, i should of known

wow..cuz when i watched it...they (the people) clearly booed the Kerry girls and when the Bush girls came on...the crowd noise could not be heard b/c they had the pre-recorded message sound playing higher....

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wow..cuz when i watched it...they (the people) clearly booed the Kerry girls and when the Bush girls came on...the crowd noise could not be heard b/c they had the pre-recorded message sound playing higher....

Now is where your talking shit matas boy ...... didn't you see when the camera was panning out and you saw much of the croud clapping over their heads as the Kerry girls were ending their speech ?!

I dunno , maybe the new fad nowadays is to Clap & Boo at the same time , i dunno . :)

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Now is where your talking shit matas boy ...... didn't you see when the camera was panning out and you saw much of the croud clapping over their heads as the Kerry girls were ending their speech ?!

bro...that was after their little "Charley Speech"...so please...dude the VMA's were on MTV not VH-1...think u were watching the wrong channel...oh and also...get a cell phone or beeper...i called ya back on Monday and u werent there...prob. watching re-runs of the VMAs....:tongue:

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bro...that was after their little "Charley Speech"...so please...dude the VMA's were on MTV not VH-1...think u were watching the wrong channel...oh and also...get a cell phone or beeper...i called ya back on Monday and u werent there...prob. watching re-runs of the VMAs....:tongue:

alrighty ,,record that segment of the VMA's and when i see ya , we'll both watch it together ..........i got 20/20 vision bro ....


...there was booing , but don't be so blind and partisan to say there wasn't cheers aswell .

ps... just get ready for PICOTTO , october 8th ,,,,,,,,crazy weekend in store ! :pint::bounce:

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