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Bush gets pre-convention bounce--what about after?


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Do you think Bush will get a bounce from the convention?.....I don't....I think the momentuum the last two weeks have to do with the Swift Boat mess, and probably ate into any anticipated bounce from the convention......but who knows....

Bush gets pre-convention bounce

Rasmussen polls show president ahead in electoral, popular vote


Posted: August 29, 2004

11:26 p.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

For the first time all year, President Bush has moved ahead of John Kerry in the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projection, just as the Republican National Convention is getting underway.

The polling comany says its latest numbers show Bush leading in states with 213 electoral votes, while Kerry is ahead in states with 207. There are 118 electoral votes in the toss-up column, and the magic number to win the White House is 270.


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Over this past weekend, Arkansas, Virginia and Missouri moved from toss-up to "leans Bush." Minnesota moved from "leans Kerry" to toss-up. Maine and Michigan moved in Kerry's direction – from toss-up to "leans Kerry."

Rasmussen considers any state where polls show a candidate leading by less than five percentage points to be a toss-up.

The company also reports Bush is ahead in the popular vote 48-45 percent, the first time since the Democratic National Convention that Bush has been up by more than a single point, and the first time since June 12 he's been up by three points.

Meanwhile, the America Online straw poll shows Bush with an electoral lead of 324-214 in its unscientific survey in which AOL members are allowed to cast one vote per month.

As of 11 p.m. Eastern Time with more than 147,000 total votes, Bush also leads in the AOL popular vote by 52-47 percent, with Ralph Nader collecting one percent.

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Dick Morris

August 30, 2004 -- AFTER one of the weakest convention performances in memory, John Kerry has had the worst post-convention period since Walter Mondale found himself defending Geraldine Ferraro's husband's business accounting in 1984.

Even before the gavel pounds opening the 2004 Republican Convention, the Kerry bounce is over and President Bush enters the first day of his conclave with a lead in most national polls. (He's four ahead in the L.A. Times poll and three up in Rasmussen's daily tracking survey.)

What did Kerry do wrong?

* He stressed war in his convention speech, erasing the domestic-policy focus imparted by Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. He became one of the only presidential candidates since Barry Goldwater to lose points during his acceptance speech.

* He made so much fuss over Vietnam that he legitimized the attacks on his war record. What would have been dismissed as right-wing hysteria became mainstream politics because Kerry made his Swift-boat record admissible and relevant to his credibility.

* He did not have any bold new programs to unveil after his convention was over. He had no post-convention game plan.

* He forgot that he had served in the Senate and spent all of 22 seconds elucidating his accomplishments in 20 years in that august body.

What has Bush done right?

* He seems to be pacifying Iraq. Combat deaths in July were a third of the April total and 50 percent lower than in May.

* The success of the U.S.-U.K.-Pakistani military operations in unearthing al Qaeda plans demonstrated his skill as a wartime leader and his success in protecting us.

* He stayed away from the Swift-boat fight and let Kerry and the vets duke it out.

So where is all this heading? If Bush uses his convention skillfully to highlight his homeland-security record and uses Sen. Zell Miller, his keynoter, to attack Kerry's Senate record, he should emerge in great shape.

After four days of Republican rhetoric, it is not fanciful to hope that Bush ends up with an 8- to 10-point margin over Kerry — 52-53 percent for Bush vs. 43-44 percent for Kerry.

After the convention? Expect the lead to shrink a bit in the early days of September, but to grow to robust proportions again when the "third convention" is held — the anniversary of 9/11.

Spurred by the emotion and patriotism that will surround this grim annual event, Bush will probably take a good size lead into the debates that begin in mid-September and run until early October.

How will Bush do in the debates? My bet is: quite well. Will Kerry be able to close in October? My bet is: yes, but not all the way. But that uncertainty is what makes politics fun, especially this year.

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I believe Bush gets a bounce for several reasons:

1-The speeches of very popular Republicans like Rudy G, The Terminator, and others will broaden the appeal of the Republicans.

2-The American people want conviction, consistency, and strength. The President will demonstrate through his record and future plans that he has all three.

3-George W Bush is a plain spoken man who will ultimately appeal to more of our nation than Kerry.

4-Laura Bush doesnt come across like some out of touch socialite. Theresa is a total nightmare.

5-The Bush daughters are hotter than the Kerry girls.(Ok, this may not count for much, but lets be honest)

Like I said, I am a Republican. I will vote for President Bush again, but this is what I believe will cause a bounce for the Republicans. :bounce:

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If ahhnold is the star then the republicans have problems. He is a republican puppet. He is a lefty republican, that the conservitives use to get the moderate vote, but do not even care what he says. Just get the vote big guy.

american dream my ass.

semi rich white guy moves to the united states lifts weights, takes 20 years to become an american citizen. The only reason he was successful is becauase he is a freak of nature with the right genes. lay off the shit. I bet i could find 100 other republicans that actually lived the american dream. Por person moved to the us worked his way through school and was elected on merit instead of being a famous actor. You guys are out of control really.

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Someone who speaks little or no English moves to this country and ultimately gets elected Gov of California would not be considered the American dream.

How about this---My girlfriends parents would roll pennies to buy groceries when she was young. Now, they are millionaires. Would that be American Dream enough for you?

Democrats are such downers. You guys could turn anything into a negative. President Bush is on live w/ Rush.

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There is a huge difference between reminding the nation and exploiting a tragedy. If you think Rudy would exploit 9/11, you dont have an understanding of how that event impacted him and his fellow NYers.

By the way, saying Dems and Reps suck really is profound. I wish I could come up w/ something like that. :bowdown:

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thats what i am talking about, people rolling pennies and now millionare, that is the dream. By the way does she have a sister?

To call arnold an example of the american dream is stupid and a put down to the people who actually lived it.

Let me put it this way if ahhhnold did not make movies, which he got to do because of his genes and his hard work in the gym, would he get elected gov.

Seriously there is no way. He came to this country already somewhat famous, in the body building world, and had money.

This has nothing to do with democrats or republican. Except the fact that the rupublicans are using him as an example of the american dream.

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On some points I agree with you. The Terminator benefits from great genes and smart use of steroids. On the other hand, I still think it says something about his personal drive and the American dream when someone who could barely speak the language has made it to the level that he has made it.

Actually, she is an only child. Sorry about that.

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thats what i am talking about, people rolling pennies and now millionare, that is the dream. By the way does she have a sister?

To call arnold an example of the american dream is stupid and a put down to the people who actually lived it.

Let me put it this way if ahhhnold did not make movies, which he got to do because of his genes and his hard work in the gym, would he get elected gov.

Seriously there is no way. He came to this country already somewhat famous, in the body building world, and had money.

This has nothing to do with democrats or republican. Except the fact that the rupublicans are using him as an example of the american dream.

He is the american dream, he moved here from another country and became super successful. If he stayed in Austria he would not be as rich or famous as he is now. He might not have come here pennyless but without american marketing today he would be just another older bodybuilder.

The sad thing is he and rudy who are moderate republicans don't have any of the same beliefs as the conservatives in the white house today.

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There is a huge difference between reminding the nation and exploiting a tragedy. If you think Rudy would exploit 9/11, you dont have an understanding of how that event impacted him and his fellow NYers.

Rudy was almost hated before 9/11; NYC was tired of him. 9/11 happened and now he has a God like persona. He has a super successful consulting firm now, and is the wet dream of the republian party who helped get most republicans elected in the last 3 years. 9/11 did not hurt Rudy

For him to say we owe George Bush a vote b/c of 9/11 is a joke.

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He is the american dream, he moved here from another country and became super successful. If he stayed in Austria he would not be as rich or famous as he is now. He might not have come here pennyless but without american marketing today he would be just another older bodybuilder.

The sad thing is he and rudy who are moderate republicans don't have any of the same beliefs as the conservatives in the white house today.

well a little but i was refering to the quote that he defines the american dream. You are right if he did not move to america he probably would not be a governor, but he did win 6 mr universes and I am sure he would of found his way into movies. People from other countries do find there way into movies.

I think a person who does come over pennyless with really no back up plan, arnold if he did not make he could move back with daddy, and becomes successful defines the american dream. Shit if he stayed he might of been king of austria.

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