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Republican National Convention (August 30th - September 3rd) Your Thoughts Here


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When it comes down to it you are right !!!! The debates are what make it or break it but speakers such as Arnold should be interesting to hear or see. After all he is a perfect example of dreams being accomplished in the land of opportunity aka USA

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When it comes down to it you are right !!!! The debates are what make it or break it but speakers such as Arnold should be interesting to hear or see. After all he is a perfect example of dreams being accomplished in the land of opportunity aka USA

yep come to america bang chicks, do drugs, make bad movies, and still after all these years not be able to really speak the native language. :funny::eek:

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My opinion:

John M. was good, but not great,,,,but still very good....especially at the end of his speech.

Rudy,,,Rudy,,,,Rudy,,,,,He was just brutal......I thought he was great! He never personally attacked Kerry, but he did question his record. I don't consider that attacking, I consider that debating. Especially since it's not emotional psycho-babble like "HE LIED, YOUR KIDS ARE GOING TO DIE, YOU GRANDPARENTS ARE GOING ROT, H A L I B U R T O N!!!!,, ETC..ETC.."

The 9/11 families were pretty powerful too......

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I agree completely. McCain was good and I respect him, but he did not have quite the electricity that Rudy brought to the table. The Dems can call it attacking all they want, but the truth is that they have a flip flopper whose record they cannot defend. I will be refering to Rudy as "The Hammer" from here on out.

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I agree completely. McCain was good and I respect him, but he did not have quite the electricity that Rudy brought to the table. The Dems can call it attacking all they want, but the truth is that they have a flip flopper whose record they cannot defend. I will be refering to Rudy as "The Hammer" from here on out.

thats b/c he really does not like George Bush

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ihave lost all respect i have ever had for guiliani :(

Guliani is a clown with a annoying ass lisp , and uses a national tragedy for his own political gain ..

..I still don't know what he did during sept 11th that made him such a man made icon ?

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Dont be economic girlie men. We are here to terminate terrorists.

Arnold was killing me last night. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, the speech was great. How many times did he reference his immigrant status or movie career? I love it. Arnold in '08.

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even you know that Guliani wasn't a popular mayor , until he "heroicly" put that white mask and went to ground zero to survey the damage ...


...whats so special about that ? Isn't that what any mayor would do ?

He wasn't a popular mayor to some because he was so tough. Some even called him a Nazi cause of his determination to clean up New York. Guess what? That is exactly what he did. No other Mayor in history brought down crime rate in the amount that former Mayor Giuliani did. I'm not a native New Yorker but I would bet my balls that they all now this is true and would agree with me on this. So true that most New Yorkers wanted to reelect him for a third term but we all know that is not allowed.

Please name me one other New York Mayor that brought down crime rate (% wise) and cleaned up New York more than Giuliani.

Please name me one.

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He wasn't a popular mayor to some because he was so tough. Some even called him a Nazi cause of his determination to clean up New York. Guess what? That is exactly what he did. No other Mayor in history brought down crime rate in the amount that former Mayor Giuliani did. I'm not a native New Yorker but I would bet my balls that they all now this is true and would agree with me on this. So true that most New Yorkers wanted to reelect him for a third term but we all know that is not allowed.

Please name me one other New York Mayor that brought down crime rate (% wise) and cleaned up New York more than Giuliani.

Please name me one.

guliani was grreat in his first term.

during the second term, his quality of life campaign went too far. he started going after everything to make the city "clean": street vendors, sidewalk cafes, nightclubs, independent newspapers, jaywalkers, museams, and the homeless.

he basically tried to make the city something it will never be: quiet and orderly. i wish bloomberg would stop his continuation of the campaign.

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He wasn't a popular mayor to some because he was so tough. Some even called him a Nazi cause of his determination to clean up New York. Guess what? That is exactly what he did. No other Mayor in history brought down crime rate in the amount that former Mayor Giuliani did. I'm not a native New Yorker but I would bet my balls that they all now this is true and would agree with me on this. So true that most New Yorkers wanted to reelect him for a third term but we all know that is not allowed.

Please name me one other New York Mayor that brought down crime rate (% wise) and cleaned up New York more than Giuliani.

Please name me one.

..that doesn't take away the fact that he's reaping the rewards of a National tragedy (sept 11th) ....he did reduce crime in NY by around 20% , but he's not known as Americas Mayor for that accomplishment .

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He wasn't a popular mayor to some because he was so tough. Some even called him a Nazi cause of his determination to clean up New York. Guess what? That is exactly what he did. No other Mayor in history brought down crime rate in the amount that former Mayor Giuliani did. I'm not a native New Yorker but I would bet my balls that they all now this is true and would agree with me on this. So true that most New Yorkers wanted to reelect him for a third term but we all know that is not allowed.

Please name me one other New York Mayor that brought down crime rate (% wise) and cleaned up New York more than Giuliani.

Please name me one.

..that doesn't take away the fact that he's reaping the rewards of a National tragedy (sept 11th) ....he did reduce crime in NY by around 20% , but he's not known as Americas Mayor for that accomplishment .

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