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Republican National Convention (August 30th - September 3rd) Your Thoughts Here


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He wasn't a popular mayor to some because he was so tough. Some even called him a Nazi cause of his determination to clean up New York. Guess what? That is exactly what he did. No other Mayor in history brought down crime rate in the amount that former Mayor Giuliani did. I'm not a native New Yorker but I would bet my balls that they all now this is true and would agree with me on this. So true that most New Yorkers wanted to reelect him for a third term but we all know that is not allowed.

Please name me one other New York Mayor that brought down crime rate (% wise) and cleaned up New York more than Giuliani.

Please name me one.

Fiorello Henry LaGuardia

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Dont be economic girlie men. We are here to terminate terrorists.

Arnold was killing me last night. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, the speech was great. How many times did he reference his immigrant status or movie career? I love it. Arnold in '08.


he was killing me...the best was something like "I once was in a movie called True Lies, that's what the Democratic party should be called"


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even you know that Guliani wasn't a popular mayor , until he "heroicly" put that white mask and went to ground zero to survey the damage ...


...whats so special about that ? Isn't that what any mayor would do ?

that was kind of my point ... where was bush on 911? hiding away like a little scared sissy boy that's where ... at least guiliani was at the fore-front ... and we should expect that much from our leaders but in todays world we dont have the kind of ballsy leadership we used to have

take TR for example the guy got shot by an anarchist on the way to one of speeches and he still went on and made his speech ... and only after he finished did he goto the hospital ... that is leadership ... something that is totally and completely absent and non-existant in the white house today

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that was kind of my point ... where was bush on 911? hiding away like a little scared sissy boy that's where ... at least guiliani was at the fore-front ... and we should expect that much from our leaders but in todays world we dont have the kind of ballsy leadership we used to have

take TR for example the guy got shot by an anarchist on the way to one of speeches and he still went on and made his speech ... and only after he finished did he goto the hospital ... that is leadership ... something that is totally and completely absent and non-existant in the white house today

Sadly, it would seem that your time at Dr. Suess Summer Camp has been an ineffective baby step for you towards some semblance of an IQ.....

Too bad...anyway welcome back ......court jesters are always welcome..

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish........

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Unlike the DNC, we are to expect facts, ideas, specifics and most importantly, VISION.

facts, ideas, and specifics...? Are you really that brainwashed that you somehow think the Republicans are more factual than the Democrats? As a Democrat, even I'll admit that both sides twist information to their favor. But IF you're delusional enough to think your party is somehow above that, and all they speak is the truth, you're FUCKED in the head... absolutely no doubt about it.

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Zell Miller was ONE ANGRY & GROUCHY old man !! dawm !!!! ..kerry bashing , a dash of Fear & with a lil spritz of red white & blue patriotism to appeal to the masses . .....he even tried to pick a fight with Chris Mathews in the after hours show ...classic .

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facts, ideas, and specifics...? Are you really that brainwashed that you somehow think the Republicans are more factual than the Democrats? As a Democrat, even I'll admit that both sides twist information to their favor. But IF you're delusional enough to think your party is somehow above that, and all they speak is the truth, you're FUCKED in the head... absolutely no doubt about it.

D e n i a l .... :)

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facts, ideas, and specifics...? Are you really that brainwashed that you somehow think the Republicans are more factual than the Democrats? As a Democrat, even I'll admit that both sides twist information to their favor. But IF you're delusional enough to think your party is somehow above that, and all they speak is the truth, you're FUCKED in the head... absolutely no doubt about it.

D e n i a l .... :)

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Zell threw some fire and brimstone into the mix. He is more for Bush than McCain.

By the way, for those of you who havent seen the latest swift boat ad, it is brutal. The guy is an extremist, plain and simple. He is a throwback to the 80s liberals who would have let Russia invade our country before they began building up our military. John Kerry is the most dangerous man in America b/c he doesnt understand what it takes to defend our land. We are one generation away from losing our freedom. Lets not let our generation be the one that watches from the sidelines while terrorists and John Kerry give our freedom away.

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Zell threw some fire and brimstone into the mix. He is more for Bush than McCain.

By the way, for those of you who havent seen the latest swift boat ad, it is brutal. The guy is an extremist, plain and simple. He is a throwback to the 80s liberals who would have let Russia invade our country before they began building up our military. John Kerry is the most dangerous man in America b/c he doesnt understand what it takes to defend our land. We are one generation away from losing our freedom. Lets not let our generation be the one that watches from the sidelines while terrorists and John Kerry give our freedom away.


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John Kerry is the most dangerous man in America b/c he doesnt understand what it takes to defend our land. We are one generation away from losing our freedom. Lets not let our generation be the one that watches from the sidelines while terrorists and John Kerry give our freedom away.

Kerry is the most dangerous man in America?!?!?! BULLSHIT!!!

So Bush knows what it takes to defend this land? I guess that's why he shifted America's military focus from Afghanistan, where the threat and enemy were real and identified, to Iraq, where he's juggled several unsubstatiated motives. Had he maintained his focus on Afghanistan where the proven threat to America lives, this election would be a landslide in his favor.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but he dethroaned Saddam Hussein. I suppose you're going to tell me that Saddam posed a more real and immediate threat to America than the already proven Taliban and Al-Qaida forces we originally targeted in Afghanistan. Or worse yet, you're going to try to convince me that Saddam was in bed with Al-Qaida. PROVE IT!!!

Why shift military focus from a region with PROVEN threats to one with UNPROVEN threats before the mission was accomplished?


Bush has proven that he represents the interests of Big Business more than those of average Americans. If you don't see that... you belong in Iraq right now fighting for Bush's cause.

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Kerry is the most dangerous man in America?!?!?! BULLSHIT!!!

So Bush knows what it takes to defend this land? I guess that's why he shifted America's military focus from Afghanistan, where the threat and enemy were real and identified, to Iraq, where he's juggled several unsubstatiated motives. Had he maintained his focus on Afghanistan where the proven threat to America lives, this election would be a landslide in his favor.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but he dethroaned Saddam Hussein. I suppose you're going to tell me that Saddam posed a more real and immediate threat to America than the already proven Taliban and Al-Qaida forces we originally targeted in Afghanistan. Or worse yet, you're going to try to convince me that Saddam was in bed with Al-Qaida. PROVE IT!!!

Why shift military focus from a region with PROVEN threats to one with UNPROVEN threats before the mission was accomplished?


Bush has proven that he represents the interests of Big Business more than those of average Americans. If you don't see that... you belong in Iraq right now fighting for Bush's cause.


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In this day and time, we as a nation must deal w/ threats before they fully materialize. As a result, we dismantled the Taliban in the Stan and while the mission there is still going on, we moved on to another storm that was brewing. Yes, we could have waited while Saddam got stronger. Yes, we could have watched while he consolidated power in the region and formed alliances. Yes, we could have been more sensitive to his needs a leader.

Fortunately, we did none of the above. We dealt with the threat before it materialized and liberated millions of Iraqis.

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Kerry is the most dangerous man in America?!?!?! BULLSHIT!!!

So Bush knows what it takes to defend this land? I guess that's why he shifted America's military focus from Afghanistan, where the threat and enemy were real and identified, to Iraq, where he's juggled several unsubstatiated motives. Had he maintained his focus on Afghanistan where the proven threat to America lives, this election would be a landslide in his favor.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but he dethroaned Saddam Hussein. I suppose you're going to tell me that Saddam posed a more real and immediate threat to America than the already proven Taliban and Al-Qaida forces we originally targeted in Afghanistan. Or worse yet, you're going to try to convince me that Saddam was in bed with Al-Qaida. PROVE IT!!!

Why shift military focus from a region with PROVEN threats to one with UNPROVEN threats before the mission was accomplished?


Bush has proven that he represents the interests of Big Business more than those of average Americans. If you don't see that... you belong in Iraq right now fighting for Bush's cause.

If you can see through the fog of personal attacks on Kerry, it's quite obvious that they have no real vision for this country other then installing fear and paranoia among it's population . . .


.......let em be negative, in the end it might very well bite them in the ass . :)

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