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Official Twilo (PVD) Meetup

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Okay you mofos... TONITE...

The master, the man himself... PVD... November fawking 10, 2000 in the year of our Lord. His last performance at Twilo for Y2K... miss it and you're history...

Powerbar 3 am then another at 6 am.

You with me? Well, are ya?


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-06-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-07-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-09-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 11-10-2000).]

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aaaahhh. I'm so excited! I'm coming to NYC this coming weekend and I am DEFINITELY going to PVD @ Twilo. I want to meet all of you. Q, though: where is the powerbar? [sorry, I'm from Cleveland. ONly get to NY every once in a while...]

And, an aside - what is veruka's like? Me and a group of friends were invited, the owner wants to host a little party or soemthing for us. Is it decent?? And what about Upstairs @ Studio 54?? anyone been there??

fantc wink.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gif





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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

I swear to the higher god (PVD Himself) I will be there... or off with my head! I have been making too many unkept promises...sorry guys missed last night! frown.gif

yr nothin but a lot of talk and a badge!!

or something. . . from now on, i'm just going to assume that yr not coming, so when you do show, i'm happily surprised! cwm35.gif


i wanna give you everything, i wanna give you energy. . .

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okay kiddies. . .

i expect nothing less than complete insanity next week from each and every one of you at PvD. but you may ask yrself, "how can i muster up enough energy to keep up with young noiseboy?" well, this is a question for the ages, but luckily, the one-and-only noiseboy is here to give you some pointers.

1. sleep. it is vital. rest up ALL week. try not to get too tanked on Thursday night, and if you do, take the proper hangover preventions as not to be in trouble Friday morning. and then take a nap, 20 mins or more before the event.

2. hydrate yrself all day Friday. there's gonna be too many people there. you know it, and i know it. we're gonna sweat. and with the large amounts of Red Bull going to be consumed, yr body's gonna need that extra water weight.

3. take yr vitamins ALL WEEK. invest in some vitamin of the C and E variety. . . keeps sickness away and prepares you for any candy you may be taking. . . yr body will thank you!

4. eat something. an empty stomach at Twilo is a dangerous thing. don't eat a lot, but eat something that will get you through a marathon PvD night. . . or until 10am, whichever comes first.

5. when that first song gravitates you toward the dancefloor. . . lose yrself. just give it up. . . lose part of yr mind and go crazy. letting loose is the only way to be!!

that's it, you may ask? what about candy and trees and whatever else?? well, i leave that up to you. . . to each his own i say.

but remember, when noiseboy REALLY parties, he doesn't plan on sleeping until Sunday mornin. . . afterhours are a must!

oh dear, am i refering to myself in the third person again?? next Friday will be somethin' else. guaranteed.

we now return you to our regularly scheduled post. . . cwm35.gif


i wanna give you everything, i wanna give you energy. . .

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omg! i'm a PVD virgin & i can't wait to dance my fuckin' ass off! and i really want to meet some of you peeps. the only one i've met so far is ezdreamer & co. and none of us really remembers! see you all at powerbar 3am. otherwise i'll be at the top of the steps in the corner buggin' out! bring on PVD!! i feel the need...

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

Can we do a double meet-up? I haven't met anybody from the board yet except for trippintrance briefly one night and would like to meet people earlier, say 3 a.m., then again around 6 a.m. I'm probably one of the oldest people on this board, so I'm usually not there much past 6 or 7 a.m. And, it's my birthday!!!

its my bday 2... wOo hOo ... happy early...




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I'll be there! Hope people don't get confused with 2 G-money's. As for the week crawling by, I'm off on Monday and Friday is Veterans Day so a three day work week should be no sweat! See y'all there!



"I'll take my problems to the dancefloor!"

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I'm so there. I've just recently been turned on to PVD, and his are the only CDs you'll find in my player these days. I deliberately avoided the clubs this weekend to save all my energy for Friday. The whole board is pumped for this one .. looking forward to getting fucked up with all of you once again. And make sure you follow Noiseboy's earlier advice - prep that body for the torture you'll put it through on Friday!

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Originally posted by roby:

I'm so there. I've just recently been turned on to PVD, and his are the only CDs you'll find in my player these days. I deliberately avoided the clubs this weekend to save all my energy for Friday. The whole board is pumped for this one .. looking forward to getting fucked up with all of you once again. And make sure you follow Noiseboy's earlier advice - prep that body for the torture you'll put it through on Friday!

Yea roby.....looking forward to chillin with you again......by, the way, it was cool hangin with you at S&D that night and PVD should be no different.......be ready...he he



"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

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Can we do a double meet-up? I haven't met anybody from the board yet except for trippintrance briefly one night and would like to meet people earlier, say 3 a.m., then again around 6 a.m. I'm probably one of the oldest people on this board, so I'm usually not there much past 6 or 7 a.m. And, it's my birthday!!!

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not back from cox for a few hours and already planning the next meetup biggrin.gif good stuff

powerbar 6am, kinda late for me, think i'll be wiilin out by the time

3 am, i'm all over that




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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I'll go. I suspect a lot of you are gonna be there. So will I.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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I'll see you all at 3 and at 6 and all the hours in between....I'll be under the mirror ball all night freakin' out!!!! I've waited so long for this!!! So many wonderful things are going on that night....I can't f'in wait this week is going to crawl by!!!!! I'm getting there early and I'm not leaving until they kick my ass out...and you know we are doing afterhours so prepare yourself...forget about any saturday night plans, we'll still be going strong from PVD!!! cwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gif


"deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you..."

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i know none of you, but i do know i've been planning on being there for two whole weeks. i'll be there.

the need for livin' is in the music.

let the DJ play till comes the d-day.

keep the beat rollin' cwm10.gif

[This message has been edited by pipedream (edited 11-04-2000).]

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... and by the way, Frank, nobody on this board says more with fewer words than you. It is a skill you must teach the others (although Stephon comes close). Perhaps you could write a PVD haiku for us. smile.gif

See you Friday.

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