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forgive and forget...


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Damn, i can't believe some of you :laugh::confused:

Forgive b/c we are all human and we all make mistakes. If the person who did the bad thing forgives AND admits their fault, then why not Forgive?

Forget is a tougher rule. I think if it's something serious, you can't always forget, but sometimes you just need to forget it in order to get over it and not have a chip on your shoulder.

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its rare that i forgive, and I never forget.. why forgive if you won't forget? it stays with you then.. don't think you truly forgive then...


so if you did something bad to someone else, and they never wanted to speak to you again, you'd understand it and move on :confused:

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why forgive if you won't forget? it stays with you then.. don't think you truly forgive then...

But that's up to the individuals choice

There are people who are stubborn and won't forget something. Then there's people who can overlook an error and give the person another chance. The point is, if someone fucked you over, A) depending on how close you are to that person, you either forgive them and try to put aside their error in order to allow them to redeem themself; or B) it was such a grave thing that you can't forgive them since it affected you physically/emotionally, etc...

I agree with DG. One time i can understand it. but twice, :nono:

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yup, and its happened.. thats life

i just find that hard to swallow

lots of times people make mistakes. Of course it's up to you if you want that person in your life anymore, but unless it was something serious, i don't see why one can't forgive and move on....

"To err is human, to forgive is divine"

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i have forgiven ppl at times, and it's a rare occasion.. but if someone close to me dicks me over, why should I forgive em? That hurts me more than if it's some random person, and if it's some random person i'm not so close with, fuck em, why should I forgive em anyways? That's a wakeup call to me to get ppl like that outta my life. And if it's a person close to me, I feel like I can't trust em anymore, and the friendship would never be the same, ever. trust is important, it's hard to earn anyways, and if you lose it from some shit, it's even harder to regain knowing you've already had it once...

but then again, i'm stubborn as hell...

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Well, this is a difficult question to answer in 1 way. there are so many grey areas involved.

but if it was one of my close friends, i'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance BECAUSE they are my friend and i've invested so much in the relationship. I can't let something that we've spent so much time building up just fall down cuz of 1 mistake....

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