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27th st was all ours for one last time...

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2th st aka Spirit aka twilo aka Sound factory was ruled one last time by the man the legend Junior Vasquez.the mutha fucker spun like a champ and the kids were eating up every min of it.i love when he played hey spirit!!! mixed in with welcome to the factory .saying hey Spirit....adios ,or something in spanish saying goodbye.he wont be back there and he doesnt wanna go back it is time for bigger and better things sooo u kiddies just wait and see what Junior has up his sleeve.Alls i can say is new years eve it will all come together.i think spirit sucks sorry but u guys can have it.u can have the craping lighting system.u can have the rude securuty u can have the dudes in the bathroom telling u u cant refill your water bottle u must buy a new one,which by the way noonw listened to.let them try to throw us out for taking water that is free to the world using a water bottle we already purchased.Junior spun till 12am he was only supposed to spin till 10 but he wasnt leaving and neither were we.they turned on the lights they shut off the ac security was standing around the dancefloor watching us like hawks waiting to throw us out.but not lastnight that club was ours again and noone was gonna get in our way.finally it ended with junior playing music is the answer.we must have stood there dancefloor still packed i might add chanting his name and stamping on the floor as loud as we could,the whole ground shook.on the way out some dude had the nerve to be handing out free love satflyers which each and everyone one of us threw to the ground in a pile right before leaving the exit doors.it was just amazing seeing all the orginal sf childern there,all a little older but who cares cuz when it comes down to it we are still the fiercest mofos you will ever find!!!!it was great to see everyone and thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for making this the best night of my life!!!

One Love,


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why do i never hear when djs are spinning. i seriously think i livein a hole.

each messege board has there "core" places.

Junior gets talked about on CP but not really followed.

as with other places.

Certain boards tend to have certain clubs associated with them.

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Exactly if you get your party info from this site good luck

The best parties are not advertised or reported on the next day on message boards.

riiiiight... the best parties are not advertised or promoted.. the owners go by that old rule "if you build it, they will come" and they hope hundreds of people just flood through the doors not even knowing what is on the other side of that door noone's ever heard of or seen... only the most underground of the underground find their way there and then they never speak of it again bc then us "normies" as they call us, would find out and completely ruin it by going there and trying to have fun... yeah...

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riiiiight... the best parties are not advertised or promoted.. the owners go by that old rule "if you build it, they will come" and they hope hundreds of people just flood through the doors not even knowing what is on the other side of that door noone's ever heard of or seen... only the most underground of the underground find their way there and then they never speak of it again bc then us "normies" as they call us, would find out and completely ruin it by going there and trying to have fun... yeah...

Oldtimer you should change your name to clueless.

There are so many banging weeekly parties here in NYC that are not advertised and have the same vibe and good time as the late 90's. How do you think most parties came along here in NYC before the internet? they were not heavily advertised, found out from word of mouth or fliers.

trust me anything you probably go to is already ruined and the owners are just letting you in to make coin

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Oldtimer you should change your name to clueless.

There are so many banging weeekly parties here in NYC that are not advertised and have the same vibe and good time as the late 90's. How do you think most parties came along here in NYC before the internet? they were not heavily advertised, found out from word of mouth or fliers.

trust me anything you probably go to is already ruined and the owners are just letting you in to make coin

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Oldtimer you should change your name to clueless.

There are so many banging weeekly parties here in NYC that are not advertised and have the same vibe and good time as the late 90's. How do you think most parties came along here in NYC before the internet? they were not heavily advertised, found out from word of mouth or fliers.

trust me anything you probably go to is already ruined and the owners are just letting you in to make coin

if i make it to the number of posts where i can change my user name i guarantee ill change my name to clueless.. i know how parties are promoted.. when i was going to parties i would get flyers for other parties and then go to those parties and get flyers at those parties and there it happened i was in the loop... yes i know about promoting... but promoting is advertising in a sense.. when you get a flyer you usually get someone who says "hey check this party out it'll be good times"...

as far as going to small intimate parties goes... im not a big fan.. i like bigger venues.. bigger speakers... more people.. (in general)

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Yes the party was absolutely hands down the best this year ( in my opinion). The music, the vibe, the people, the sound and the lights were amazing. I am kind of glad this doesnt happen every week or we would not appreciate these events when they come up. But a few points. The security was ALOT nicer on Monday than they usually are ( I know, I worked there "briefly".)The party was supposed to go to ten anyway. Junior decided to play later. As far as the lights being turned on, Mike was asked to brighten the room gradually so he did. It wasn't as though the house lights were on. He had some nice things going on. Even with the AC off it didnt seem too hot on the dancefloor. The mezz was hot all night ( AC and all). Think of the whole night on Saturdays there. It feels like a sauna in there ALL night. I would love to have the Arena classics somewhere outside of Discocrack, even in Spirit. Because when the die-hard fans come out, something about Junior, Mike and the crowd seems to work and turn out to be the best parties. I am looking forward to the events coming up.

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great points CHRIS817 and sadly oldtimer BIG ROOM clubs arent "UNDERGROUND" just a bunch of people like to use that term to sound cool. Heres some HISTORY for you all UNDERGROUND PARTIES were always at small places back in the 70s and even now. WHY to avoid being noticed. And yes WORD OF MOUTH and KNOWING SOMEONE is still the best way for these parties to survive, wake up dude theres so much goin on behin your eyes you dont even know.

Put it like this i can name at least 10 world class djs who do parties for like 50 people in a room/private space or underground party and you wont hear or read a review about it ANYWHERE. And if you would go see my wallet you would seen tons of PRIVATE INVITE PARTIES business cards thats how things are done. But like you said your into BIG ROOMs with 1000 of schmucks. And you would be suprise as well at the sounds of some places as well.

As for parties being advertised on other messageboards of cousre i think and many of you know this (thast why ya have joined the REAL ONES) for sure that cp only caters to certain styles and clubs. And doesnt help out with local talent so much. And doesnt have the most knowledgable people. Cp is full of people who only go to for example jp and jersey clubs and go out only on weekends to the big rooms.

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and sadly oldtimer BIG ROOM clubs arent "UNDERGROUND" just a bunch of people like to use that term to sound cool. .

i never said bigger rooms are underground... if anything i said small intimate parties are underground... im not really a big fan anything "underground".. why try to seclude yourself or your party??

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Put it like this i can name at least 10 world class djs who do parties for like 50 people in a room/private space or underground party and you wont hear or read a review about it ANYWHERE. And if you would go see my wallet you would seen tons of PRIVATE INVITE PARTIES business cards thats how things are done. But like you said your into BIG ROOMs with 1000 of schmucks. And you would be suprise as well at the sounds of some places as well.

As for parties being advertised on other messageboards of cousre i think and many of you know this (thast why ya have joined the REAL ONES) for sure that cp only caters to certain styles and clubs. And doesnt help out with local talent so much. And doesnt have the most knowledgable people. Cp is full of people who only go to for example jp and jersey clubs and go out only on weekends to the big rooms.

bull this fued is always going to go on between me and you... i dont care enough about you to look into your wallet which is full of business cards... why dont you look into mine... you know what it's filled with?? money!!! bc going out isn't my main purpose in life... im saving for this thing called "the future"... im sure you've heard of it...

as for small rooms... i dont know how the parties you go to can fit 50-100 people.. your ego takes up HALF THE FUCKING CLUB!! also.. a little fyi.. if you were to go to a jersey club instead of knocking them before even venturing out there you would find out that jersey has nothing but local talent... look at all the dj's that play nj denny, richie santana, richie rydell, manny the greek, joe giorgio the list goes on... all local my friend!!

so while you go and circlejerk with everyone in a small room bc you guys are so secluded and away from me and my tool friends i will be partying with people who dont take the shit so seriously, who go out to have fun, whose noses aren't so high up in the air... you knock me for going out and going to big rooms like avalon and spirit and crobar but i'm having fun doing what i do my man... im not taking this shit so seriously.. im going out drinking a beer with my friend and meeting people... thats all clubbing is..

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your right oldtimer seems like we always will bump heads. But i just figure out way. Thats cause we are the total opposites when it come to our clubbing. Your what i call a casual fan,know some djs wanna drink and hang out with friends and have a good time. NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Anytime you and i have clash i have never said anything like your wrong and i right. I love music/dance which is what my life revolves around im not a dj but i have over 5000 vinly at home and a ouple of thousnds of cd as wellI support the music i love like im sure you support something you love.

Hey im happy to hear your saving for the future cause sometimes people our age dont think about that so much respect to you for that. Personally i always say there are 3 TYPES OF CLUBS, 1.THE HOT NEW TRENDY CLUB AT THE MOMENT, we all know what type of people go there to be seen and dont care about music at all. 2. THE PARTY CLUBS where the music mght be from bad to good dependingon your tastes and everyone is havingfun dancing talking, drinking tring to get laid, basically having a good time.3. THE MUSIC CLUBS- where EVERYONES reason to go out is dance with other people who are there forthat reason only and share that love with ya. ONce you go to shelter you will know what i mean.

I think of you as someone who just lkes to go out and have a good time as long as he doesnt hear ktu type music. Great for you dude thats your thing.

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I agree with Silverbull to an extent, though what would you consider a big room? Crobar is a big room, and Palladium was a big room......and they were/are not underground but some place like the Spirit building which is a semi-big room has held some great underground parties when it was Twilo and SF (at times of course ;) ). Though I must agree I prefer a smaller crowd/room like Vinyl for example, for DT, Shelter and B&S were perfect in my opinion. I guess it's just what you prefer :biggrin:

And P.S. Junior's party at Spirit was really a GREAT party, and I go to his parties a lot and I'm usually pretty dissapointed these days, but I must give credit where it's due. :)

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your right oldtimer seems like we always will bump heads. But i just figure out way. Thats cause we are the total opposites when it come to our clubbing. Your what i call a casual fan,know some djs wanna drink and hang out with friends and have a good time. NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Anytime you and i have clash i have never said anything like your wrong and i right. I love music/dance which is what my life revolves around im not a dj but i have over 5000 vinly at home and a ouple of thousnds of cd as wellI support the music i love like im sure you support something you love.

Hey im happy to hear your saving for the future cause sometimes people our age dont think about that so much respect to you for that. Personally i always say there are 3 TYPES OF CLUBS, 1.THE HOT NEW TRENDY CLUB AT THE MOMENT, we all know what type of people go there to be seen and dont care about music at all. 2. THE PARTY CLUBS where the music mght be from bad to good dependingon your tastes and everyone is havingfun dancing talking, drinking tring to get laid, basically having a good time.3. THE MUSIC CLUBS- where EVERYONES reason to go out is dance with other people who are there forthat reason only and share that love with ya. ONce you go to shelter you will know what i mean.

I think of you as someone who just lkes to go out and have a good time as long as he doesnt hear ktu type music. Great for you dude thats your thing.

bull... i hear what you are saying.. i'll just explain myself.. im into music... have been for years now.. if a dj i like is in town i try to be there even if im going by myself... since im a fan of trance it's not often that a dj i like is in town.. so those 4 or 5 weeks in between the nights i actually look forward to im going out just to have fun... now... when i party, i like to party where i know i'm going to enjoy myself... i find that at smaller type venues people are more "clicky" (sp).. im not a big fan of that and i find less cliques at bigger venues... yeah sometimes the music is corny but whatever.. im having fun with my friends... if the music is terrible we'll all just dance like assholes... if we're at a place where people are shuffling we'll shuffle and laugh amongst ourselves... im sure you are enjoying life too by going to smaller venues... i have no problem with that... my only problem with you is your ego and condescending tone... i have no problem with people who like to party... im ALL FOR people people trying to enjoy their life... but i just cant stand when people get all bigheaded bc they think what they do is cooler and therefore they are superior, when infact that is just not the case... just because someone listens to a certain type of music and goes to certain venues doesn't make them any better of a person...

as far as music goes... yeah you have me beat.. im a dj and i only have about 400 records... i dont buy cd's anymore bc i feel i can just burn them now.. you might be moe of a music fan then i am but i still FUCKING LOVE music... why the contest??

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yeah junior really was amazing monday.. too bad id ecided to take my friend for his birthday who decided to get in a stankin mood and want to leave at 7 (after getting there at 4).. i heard it went til midnight..

the funny thing was though it was so dark in there and when you went outside to smoke and came back in your eyes took a while to adjust and you couldnt see.. people were bumping into each other constantly and falling down stairs hahahaha.. myself included.. though i dont think it was all the lighting ;o)

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