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Patriot Act


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i dont get how anyone can support this act. all it does is give the gov't more rights to breech our freedoms and does nothing to curb any terrorist activity what-so-ever. I must reiterate the fact that we could have prevented 911 if we had enforced the laws that were on the books before 911. so what good is making more laws such as the patriot act which have only been used to attempt to incriminate lawful protestors and the like?

i would love to see the day when and if kerry gets elected and he throws a bunch of pro-bush protestors in jail using the patriot act ... that would make for a good laugh

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i dont get how anyone can support this act. all it does is give the gov't more rights to breech our freedoms and does nothing to curb any terrorist activity what-so-ever. I must reiterate the fact that we could have prevented 911 if we had enforced the laws that were on the books before 911. so what good is making more laws such as the patriot act which have only been used to attempt to incriminate lawful protestors and the like?

i would love to see the day when and if kerry gets elected and he throws a bunch of pro-bush protestors in jail using the patriot act ... that would make for a good laugh

Give me an example of how the gov't can breech our freedoms. I'm not being a smartass, I am just curious and I don't know where I stand on this issue.

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i bet thats what the jews said when Hitler began extending the tools of the SS in order to deal with "dissention"

That is a reach. A huge reach.

1-The Jews never flew planes into German buildings

2-The Jew didnt earn the right to be called "Public Enemy #1"

If you dont have anything to hide, you shouldnt worry about the Patriot Act. No one is going to be kicking down your door for no reason. The act is designed to better equip our law enforcement groups to deal with the Muslim Terrorists who declared war on the US on 09.11.2001

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i dont get how anyone can support this act. all it does is give the gov't more rights to breech our freedoms and does nothing to curb any terrorist activity what-so-ever. I must reiterate the fact that we could have prevented 911 if we had enforced the laws that were on the books before 911. so what good is making more laws such as the patriot act which have only been used to attempt to incriminate lawful protestors and the like?

i would love to see the day when and if kerry gets elected and he throws a bunch of pro-bush protestors in jail using the patriot act ... that would make for a good laugh

Are you in between classes at clown school?

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Give me an example of how the gov't can breech our freedoms. I'm not being a smartass, I am just curious and I don't know where I stand on this issue.

it's mainly privacy ... they can read your email without a warrant and put wiretaps up without a warrant, search your personal records without any justification ... things like that mainly ... i do not have anything to hide but i prefer my email and telephone conversations to be private and i am not worried that they are going to put up some surveillance sting at my house, it's just the only thing they have ever used this for is to arrest anti-bush protestors ... and that is breaking our first amendment rights

you can read this for more info:


Are you in between classes at clown school?

stop stealing my lines :) see you're supposed to tell me to go back to reading dr. suess than *my* line is suppose to be something like you should goto clown school for some new matierial:aright:

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it's just the only thing they have ever used this for is to arrest anti-bush protestors ... and that is breaking our first amendment rights

That is a lie. Period. If you would like me to site examples, I will be happy to pull specific ways that the PA has been used. Otherwise, dont use statements that are just BS.

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Law inforcement can also get warrents with no evidence. They can search your house, work anything without you knowing.They can take any info from any source without your permission(creditors and such). Pretty much violate our rights as american citizens.

If you have nothing to hide do not worry.

Taking away rights is not cool, as long as this is used properly it should be harmless, but i doubt it will be.

See this is the type of thing that makes those crazy people in montana flip out and blow up buildings.

big brother is watching

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actually i would like to see some examples of how the pa has been used.

the thing that really bugs me is the sneek and peek warrents that can be issued. Police with this can enter private houses and look around. Sounds pretty cool right. Now that is alot of power to give people. It would be real easy to plant shit in someones house. But our police would never do that right. Like i said as long as it is used right we will be fine, i just doubt it will be used right.

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