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Attn: Foxy


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I was wondering who you were pm-ing all day. Figured you were moving in on Mystify since Gaydup is on a Yacht off the coast of Italy.

Nah, I'm giving up on her for now...too many casanova's trying to get a piece of that ass plus I keep hearing how easy the chics from the Boston board are so I might as well go for the sure thing

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are there any links of pictures of foxy on here...i don't remember if i ever saw what she looks like this way I'll have an idea of how many drinks I'm gonna need to hook up with her thursday?

Um, hello there is pic of her on this thread :laugh:

That pic is Jackie, Foxy and me

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hello every one .. i had a gread night overall . i saw many old and new friends .. and got to hear great DJs .. and nice music

the pink room was hot as usual . and agent orange rocked big time .. i am definetly a fan now .. and thanks foxylady for introducing me to them ..

the main floor was not bad at times and was great at other times .. and phatman, i think the closing DJ was eddie bais . but i gotta check

it was nice hanging out with everyone .. groovefire .. my boi . great seeing u as usual . and i did not see u dance that much .. but u still cool kid ..

unclefester .. your boi is cool as hell .. and i liked that he liked the place and the crew .. may be he wil hang out with us more later .. and wats up with all those numbers u getting kid .. hehe .. no wonder u did not dance that much

phatman . always great to see you happy and bouncing around .. i cant beleive that u had an operation not too far away .. mannn ..u r crazy .. and ur boys . were soo cool .. bring them back again in the future

stymie .. kid .. u got mad energy man .. dont know where u getting it from .. and nice moves too .. u kept everyone excited and energized about dancing .. and u had me dancing though i promied myself and my frineds i wont dance . coz my prior injuries (this ankle twist happened almost 2 weeks ago and it still hurts like hell coz i never give it a chance to heal)

deepspell . i heard u kicked ass in shelter .. good stuff kid . and sorry about your keys man . there was major miscommunication ..

prphze (i think that is the screen name) nice seeing u dear with your fiance.. and sorry if i did not introduce u to everyone . coz some of them were gone when we were looking for them .. hehe . i am sure there will be next times ..

basicmike .nice seeing u on the main floor . u obviously like pappa a lot .. funny how we saw u twice in two consecutive days ..

kaydup. nice to see you bro . even tho i have not seen u dance in ikon .. but it sounds like u had good time in shelter .. good stuff kid ..

teamj5.. my boi .. mad energy man .. i dont care if u say u r tired .. u stil dance like crazy .. and hay nice nice new moves man .. for real . keep it up .. and next time i wana see some floor moves .. but bring them knee pads and gloves .. aiight ???

ras... nice seeing u kid .. and good to see u move like usual .. u looked tired tho darling .. and i know u did not feel good before dancing .. hmmm . but u stil went out .. intersting ..

foxylady.. my girl . u kicked ass as usual . and showed everyone how to be creative .. amazing how u picking up new moves in a flash .. wow .. i ws like . what on earth are all those new moves coming from .. also thanks for listenting to positive criticism . that is the only way to improve if u ask me .. but u know i am really hurt dancing . coz we should not have gone friday too .. well i duno . now that i think of it . friday Tsunami party was great too .. oh well . fuk it .. we had fun . hehehehehe

aiight everyone .. i had a blast .and now i can officially retire . i have been in soo much pain since today .. and i will slow down on dancing .. i mean next week i will go out sat .. since it is digital's bday .but i wont go out friday or any other day .. also going forward i might not go out that much .. to be able to heal .. hehe


the NMN

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hello every one .. i had a gread night overall . i saw many old and new friends .. and got to hear great DJs .. and nice music

the pink room was hot as usual . and agent orange rocked big time .. i am definetly a fan now .. and thanks foxylady for introducing me to them ..

the main floor was not bad at times and was great at other times .. and phatman, i think the closing DJ was eddie bais . but i gotta check

it was nice hanging out with everyone .. groovefire .. my boi . great seeing u as usual . and i did not see u dance that much .. but u still cool kid ..

unclefester .. your boi is cool as hell .. and i liked that he liked the place and the crew .. may be he wil hang out with us more later .. and wats up with all those numbers u getting kid .. hehe .. no wonder u did not dance that much

phatman . always great to see you happy and bouncing around .. i cant beleive that u had an operation not too far away .. mannn ..u r crazy .. and ur boys . were soo cool .. bring them back again in the future

stymie .. kid .. u got mad energy man .. dont know where u getting it from .. and nice moves too .. u kept everyone excited and energized about dancing .. and u had me dancing though i promied myself and my frineds i wont dance . coz my prior injuries (this ankle twist happened almost 2 weeks ago and it still hurts like hell coz i never give it a chance to heal)

deepspell . i heard u kicked ass in shelter .. good stuff kid . and sorry about your keys man . there was major miscommunication ..

prphze (i think that is the screen name) nice seeing u dear with your fiance.. and sorry if i did not introduce u to everyone . coz some of them were gone when we were looking for them .. hehe . i am sure there will be next times ..

basicmike .nice seeing u on the main floor . u obviously like pappa a lot .. funny how we saw u twice in two consecutive days ..

kaydup. nice to see you bro . even tho i have not seen u dance in ikon .. but it sounds like u had good time in shelter .. good stuff kid ..

teamj5.. my boi .. mad energy man .. i dont care if u say u r tired .. u stil dance like crazy .. and hay nice nice new moves man .. for real . keep it up .. and next time i wana see some floor moves .. but bring them knee pads and gloves .. aiight ???

ras... nice seeing u kid .. and good to see u move like usual .. u looked tired tho darling .. and i know u did not feel good before dancing .. hmmm . but u stil went out .. intersting ..

foxylady.. my girl . u kicked ass as usual . and showed everyone how to be creative .. amazing how u picking up new moves in a flash .. wow .. i ws like . what on earth are all those new moves coming from .. also thanks for listenting to positive criticism . that is the only way to improve if u ask me .. but u know i am really hurt dancing . coz we should not have gone friday too .. well i duno . now that i think of it . friday Tsunami party was great too .. oh well . fuk it .. we had fun . hehehehehe

aiight everyone .. i had a blast .and now i can officially retire . i have been in soo much pain since today .. and i will slow down on dancing .. i mean next week i will go out sat .. since it is digital's bday .but i wont go out friday or any other day .. also going forward i might not go out that much .. to be able to heal .. hehe


the NMN

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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