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I've never done Coke


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Coke is boring... its one of those drugs I'll try when offered, just because I'd like to eventually figure out why everyone likes it, but I'd never pay for it. (FWIW, after 20-25 times [including crack] I still don't get it--its ok, but what's the big deal???)

Just remember coke gives you bad breath.. too many people forget this.

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coke is a good high but an expensive high. if you do not have a lot of self control do not take this drug. plain and simple.

graveyard has thousands of people in it with fabulous self control and self- discipline- ask LEN BIAS about self control and discipline- #1 draft out of college basketball- after being drafted #1 his senior year- by the boston celtics- he went out to celebrate with his friends- and some top quality kick ass coke- bought it from the " best dealer" was touted to be the purest- best coke on the east coast..etc etc..blah blah blah,.. he partied for about 5 minutes- he died the same night he was drafted. now.. you're gonna tell me its worth fooling with this drug...and youire gonna tell me the opinions and advice of people on this board about using this drug is accurate and worthwhile??? gimme a break.. or better yet...the people here onhthis board dont know shit about coke..they are all amateius, rookies, and ignorant..or just plain stupid..as to what they're condoning and discussing when it comes to coke usage....just as ridiculous are the people that ask about coke here..and take it as the gospel...lmfao...look around how many users here will die a premature early death from drug usuage...i know it " couldnt happen to any one here..thats what they all say...but if there are 100 users here on this board...take a guess at the number of people that will develop drug-family-jail-health etc issues, and how many will die prematurely.......but of course..it couldnt happen to you or anyone you know---of course not lmfao

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who died and made you the king of drug usage? you do not know my habbits or the habbits of the people on this board. what are your credentials to make you the all knowing druglord?

drug lord..drug king..no. know peoples habits just reading their posts here....I have many credentials- none to share on this board..but i do know what happens when you play with matches...a percentage will get burned.. some will dies of the burns others lives will change from the burns..others wont get burned at all...which one will any of you be...???? are you sure??..its called basic common sense

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who died and made you the king of drug usage? you do not know my habbits or the habbits of the people on this board. what are your credentials to make you the all knowing druglord?

oh and hey...don't take things so personally....its not you..its the drugs thinking..lmfao

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graveyard has thousands of people in it with fabulous self control and self- discipline- ask LEN BIAS about self control and discipline- #1 draft out of college basketball- after being drafted #1 his senior year- by the boston celtics- he went out to celebrate with his friends- and some top quality kick ass coke- bought it from the " best dealer" was touted to be the purest- best coke on the east coast..etc etc..blah blah blah,.. he partied for about 5 minutes- he died the same night he was drafted. now.. you're gonna tell me its worth fooling with this drug...and youire gonna tell me the opinions and advice of people on this board about using this drug is accurate and worthwhile??? gimme a break.. or better yet...the people here onhthis board dont know shit about coke..they are all amateius, rookies, and ignorant..or just plain stupid..as to what they're condoning and discussing when it comes to coke usage....just as ridiculous are the people that ask about coke here..and take it as the gospel...lmfao...look around how many users here will die a premature early death from drug usuage...i know it " couldnt happen to any one here..thats what they all say...but if there are 100 users here on this board...take a guess at the number of people that will develop drug-family-jail-health etc issues, and how many will die prematurely.......but of course..it couldnt happen to you or anyone you know---of course not lmfao

First off... Len Bias Died of a heart attack at the age of 22... There were "traces" of cocaine found in his blood at the time of death. Would he have died at that time if he hadn't done that coke? Who knows? Not even the coroner but probably not. This is Kid who obviously had health problems other than a possible coke addiction. Drug abuse accelerates mostly all health problems. The key word "abuse". Alchohol abuse has also killed many people and ruined many others' lives. Cigarettes have done the same. Car exhaust, paint fumes,silica dust, asbestos... I would like to think that adults can make thier own decisions...... For you to talk down and berate people like some kind of parent figure DOESN'T WORK.... ASK NANCY REAGAN. Let me ask you a serious question: Are you a former drug addict? have you lost a friend or relative that was?

For the benefit of those who don't know who Len Bias was read here:


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First off... Len Bias Died of a heart attack at the age of 22... There were "traces" of cocaine found in his blood at the time of death. Would he have died at that time if he hadn't done that coke? Who knows? Not even the coroner but probably not. This is Kid who obviously had health problems other than a possible coke addiction. Drug abuse accelerates mostly all health problems. The key word "abuse". Alchohol abuse has also killed many people and ruined many others' lives. Cigarettes have done the same. Car exhaust, paint fumes,silica dust, asbestos... I would like to think that adults can make thier own decisions...... For you to talk down and berate people like some kind of parent figure DOESN'T WORK.... ASK NANCY REAGAN. Let me ask you a serious question: Are you a former drug addict? have you lost a friend or relative that was?

For the benefit of those who don't know who Len Bias was read here:


yeah I had a friend who died from fooling with drugs his name is LEN BIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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First off... Len Bias Died of a heart attack at the age of 22... There were "traces" of cocaine found in his blood at the time of death. Would he have died at that time if he hadn't done that coke? Who knows? Not even the coroner but probably not. This is Kid who obviously had health problems other than a possible coke addiction. Drug abuse accelerates mostly all health problems. The key word "abuse". Alchohol abuse has also killed many people and ruined many others' lives. Cigarettes have done the same. Car exhaust, paint fumes,silica dust, asbestos... I would like to think that adults can make thier own decisions...... For you to talk down and berate people like some kind of parent figure DOESN'T WORK.... ASK NANCY REAGAN. Let me ask you a serious question: Are you a former drug addict? have you lost a friend or relative that was?

For the benefit of those who don't know who Len Bias was read here:


and if you don't think you a screwing around with the odds, against your health being affected by abusing drugs-- don't ask nancy regan- ask some one else YOU might know who lost some one close to them because of drugs, whether it be a one time user, a long time abuser, or person killed by a car driven bya druggie or drunk.....tell me if just because you can dance longer, or the food tastes better when youre high, is that worth risking it all???

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Obviously your sermons didn't help him either...

so your answer is now.. to say nothing..or worse encourage experimentations- and risk some ones well being...by the way..I guess you dont give a fuck about a friends health..if one friend goes down, you don't have the " energy" to try and help another??? or is that a druggie code of ethics you read about some where in a club???

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so your answer is now.. to say nothing..or worse encourage experimentations- and risk some ones well being...by the way..I guess you dont give a fuck about a friends health..if one friend goes down, you don't have the " energy" to try and help another??? or is that a druggie code of ethics you read about some where in a club???

sure hope no body close to you goes down from drugs,alcohol etc...you'll have to look in the mirror one day and say to yourself...???could I have done anything to help???---maybe you dont get it

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ADULTS MAKE DECISIONS ON THIER OWN......AND PAY THE PRICE FOR THIER MISTAKES........ There are no children here as far as I know. Stop trying to treat ADULTS like children and maybe someone will listen.... You keep sating shit like ... uh you people have no clue... you don't know what you're messing with .... you're a bunch aof losers... Why not lift this great "veil of secrecy" and tell us something we don't already know....... What qualifies you to tell others how to live???? Are you so perfect that we can all learn from you??? Somehow... I seriously doubt it.... This is a board to discuss drug topics... You've made it very clear to everyone here that you're against any kind of drug use...Nobody here is promoting drug use...It's a reality... It's happening and we talk about it.... you must be very very bored to be getting involved in topical discussions that you have no interest in....

P.S. I'm now ignoring you

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ADULTS MAKE DECISIONS ON THIER OWN......AND PAY THE PRICE FOR THIER MISTAKES........ There are no children here as far as I know. Stop trying to treat ADULTS like children and maybe someone will listen.... You keep sating shit like ... uh you people have no clue... you don't know what you're messing with .... you're a bunch aof losers... Why not lift this great "veil of secrecy" and tell us something we don't already know....... What qualifies you to tell others how to live???? Are you so perfect that we can all learn from you??? Somehow... I seriously doubt it.... This is a board to discuss drug topics... You've made it very clear to everyone here that you're against any kind of drug use...Nobody here is promoting drug use...It's a reality... It's happening and we talk about it.... you must be very very bored to be getting involved in topical discussions that you have no interest in....

P.S. I'm now ignoring you

p.s youre naive comments have been ignored lmfao- I have value for my friends and family's health and lives..when there's a known bump( lolol) in the road ahead- I will try and help them steer around it...thats what friedns and family do for each other...anybody who doesn't- aint a fridn of family...youre comments and youre condoning- appeasding ways now are being ignored lmfao...cancer is also a reality many have died... the battle to help those suffering continues, and that is also a fact of life...float on

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its like saying- hey..here's aloaded gun- put it to your head-and squezze the trigger...it didn't kill ME- it mis-fired- so" its all good" give it a try- not wise - and a naive thing to say- is my point- youre condoning the use of TNT- thats what i call naive

Naive is when one compares cocaine to a loaded gun or TNT .

I find it intriguing how people are always trying to put full blame on drugs when in actuallity much of the problems resides in his/her own head from the get-go . (self defense mechanism ? )

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Naive is when one compares cocaine to a loaded gun or TNT .

I find it intriguing how people are always trying to put full blame on drugs when in actuallity much of the problems resides in his/her own head from the get-go . (self defense mechanism ? )

your comments are getting more naive post by post..talk to a parent of a child who was killed by a driver who was drunk or on pills, or some kids who OD in a club- tell THEM how you feel about their child and drugs-- you dont have a CLUE lmfao

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your comments are getting more naive post by post..talk to a parent of a child who was killed by a driver who was drunk or on pills, or some kids who OD in a club- tell THEM how you feel about their child and drugs-- you dont have a CLUE lmfao

Bro ...your simply a close minded/introverted kid ..stay with your "wholesome" life and leave others alone .

ps...lay off the drugfreeamerica website, it kills neurons

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Drunk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implying alcohol , as in a legal drug ....by far the deadliest drug known to man .

Bro ...your simply a close minded kid ..stay with your "wholesome" life and leave others alone .

ps...get off the drugfreeamerica.com website , it kills neurons .


yeah- I heard alcohol is legal- its all the same shit-

babe- get a life- first get a brain- open your mind up- drugs are tying up millions of lives-stay with your naive life- drugs are cool- and- the graveyard is full of ice cold bodies from them- keep sniffing shit- its kills organs!!!! lmfao

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yeah- I heard alcohol is legal- its all the same shit-

babe- get a life- first get a brain- open your mind up- drugs are tying up millions of lives-stay with your naive life- drugs are cool- and- the graveyard is full of ice cold bodies from them- keep sniffing shit- its kills organs!!!! lmfao

Go eat some oatmeal , its good for the heart .

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You people bullshit way too ******** much.

PEOPLE do what THEY CHOOOSE to do. That is that. Grown people make grown up decisions. If they do drugs...they do drugs. Thats that.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

There are ALOT worse drugs out there then coke. If you know you have an addicting personality...DONT TRY ANYTHING. A person knows what the out-come is going to be like. YOu dont try things expecting it to suck and then never do it again.

This thread has officially become annoying.

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You people bullshit way too ******** much.

PEOPLE do what THEY CHOOOSE to do. That is that. Grown people make grown up decisions. If they do drugs...they do drugs. Thats that.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

There are ALOT worse drugs out there then coke. If you know you have an addicting personality...DONT TRY ANYTHING. A person knows what the out-come is going to be like. YOu dont try things expecting it to suck and then never do it again.

This thread has officially become annoying.

ahhh, really?? lmfao

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When one does coke for 3 yrs almost everyday , its obvios it'll become overated and it'll take its toll on you ( physically & mentally)

moderate ! :)

why bother at all then? some people can't control themselves. it's mindless to start a drug and risk getting addicted. i've never known anyone to be "moderate" with coke anyway.

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