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Can we all admit........


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that going into iraq was a bad idea now. Enough with the bullshit.

The reason why we are all going to die is simple, instead of us working together as a country to actually defend ourselves all we do is fight amogst ourselves. What we lack is a president o canidate who can cross the lines and unify us. We lack good leadership, from both sides.

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explain to me why it was. and i do understand he is a shit bag murderer but there are alot of shit bag murderers out there.

we are not safer, we are not safer, we are not safer

But Haliburton and United Defense's investors are richer, are richer, are richer.

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Well at the time it was a good idea, the threat of wmd's the possible capture of saddam, good times. I am saying now we can look back and say "shit that was not a good idea" maybe we should of done other things to protect us.

Unfortunatly , many of these patriotic/flag hypnotized folks have sooo much pride/arrogance that they won't admit that this gov't Fucked up .

simple as that .

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La La Land

Tell me that spending 150 billion on that war and not shoring up our homeland makes us safer. 4000 illeagle immigrants come into our country everyday. 4000 and that is through the mexican border where it is more secure then the canadian. How about our ports where we are so underfunded and under staffed we only can check 1% of shit that comes through. How about using the national guard to help protect these borders instead of playing police and babysitters in Iraq. How about spending that money to help train and staff local law enforcement.

you are in LALA land, and do not want to admit the fact we are not safer. Please explain how being in iraq makes us safer then doing any one of these things. I would love to hear it.

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Tell me that spending 150 billion on that war and not shoring up our homeland makes us safer. 4000 illeagle immigrants come into our country everyday. 4000 and that is through the mexican border where it is more secure then the canadian. How about our ports where we are so underfunded and under staffed we only can check 1% of shit that comes through. How about using the national guard to help protect these borders instead of playing police and babysitters in Iraq. How about spending that money to help train and staff local law enforcement.

you are in LALA land, and do not want to admit the fact we are not safer. Please explain how being in iraq makes us safer then doing any one of these things. I would love to hear it.

No money to be made in doing that.

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dont u understand the there r people on this board who have their noses wayyyyyy to far up the ass of the republican party to ever notice anything else but the gas that their leaders tell them!!!!!!!!!!! its a lost case with most of them!!!!!!!!!! so sit back and laugh....cuz at least they r good for that!!!!!!!!!!!

if kerry wins i cant wait to start messing with the people who r totally on the other side....cuz they they will start posting all the gas that their leaders give them!!!!!!!!!!!

i should be president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oops i forgot im allready a GOD....i dont need to be president!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cmon matas and obby come get me!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh::D

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I am just waiting for a response.

these are the ones i have


"la la land"

"No, I believe the world is a better/safer place with Saddam out of power."

Just admit it. It is ok. I felt the same way at the beginning to. But we all fucked up. We went after the wrog people. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11,he was in no way am immediate threat, we should of used the resources to find and take out al qaeida or even finished off the taliban. Come on we fucked up , just say it. Its ok. We are all gonna die

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I am just waiting for a response.

these are the ones i have


"la la land"

"No, I believe the world is a better/safer place with Saddam out of power."

Just admit it. It is ok. I felt the same way at the beginning to. But we all fucked up. We went after the wrog people. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11,he was in no way am immediate threat, we should of used the resources to find and take out al qaeida or even finished off the taliban. Come on we fucked up , just say it. Its ok. We are all gonna die

Honestly, I really believe that Saddam had WMD. Why wouldn't he let inspectors in? Do you think he was stalling in order to destroy or hide the weapons? Almost the entire terrain of Iraq is desert. Do you think we've checked every square inch of the country? The Iraqi-Syrian border. Could they have been moved to Syria? Iraq has always had a relationship with Syria, Saddam with fellow Ba'ath leader Hafez al-Asad (Ba'athism involves the establishment of a pan-Arab state) Although they aided the U.S. in the '91 Gulf War, they have become increasingly anti-American after recent developments including the U.S. pro-Israel stance and U.S. involvement in Lebanon.

Now I know what you are thinking. "What's next? Do we invade Syria?" I honestly don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it came down to it. Same thing with Iran. I hate to admit it but I feel that the U.S. must be on the offensive in the war on terror. Perhaps diplomacy will prevail. It didn't work in Iraq, but the recent breakthrough with the disarmament of Libya gives us hope.

Saddam was extremely powerful and extremely insane, with an extreme hatred for the United States. That, in conjunction with harboring Hezbollah/Hamas factions, and possible WMD, poses a great threat to the U.S. and its citizens. IMO, the greatest threat (slightly ahead of Iran). So yes, I do feel MUCH safer.

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Honestly, I really believe that Saddam had WMD.


HAD !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As for the rest of your reply , it's useless .........but the fact remains that there were UN weapons inspectors in Iraq before Bush decided to invade ....bush didn't want to give them time to find the WMD's cause he most probably knew they didnt exist ...so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on that subject .

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HAD !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As for the rest of your reply , it's useless .........but the fact remains that there were UN weapons inspectors before Bush decided to invade ....so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on that subject .

should have just assassinated hussein- and used heavy artillery on strategic targets- never put us men on the ground there....there is a large % of muslims who want all us " infidels" dead- and do not value any other life form unless its an islamo-fascist...

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Honestly, I really believe that Saddam had WMD. Why wouldn't he let inspectors in? Do you think he was stalling in order to destroy or hide the weapons? Almost the entire terrain of Iraq is desert. Do you think we've checked every square inch of the country? The Iraqi-Syrian border. Could they have been moved to Syria? Iraq has always had a relationship with Syria, Saddam with fellow Ba'ath leader Hafez al-Asad (Ba'athism involves the establishment of a pan-Arab state) Although they aided the U.S. in the '91 Gulf War, they have become increasingly anti-American after recent developments including the U.S. pro-Israel stance and U.S. involvement in Lebanon.

Now I know what you are thinking. "What's next? Do we invade Syria?" I honestly don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it came down to it. Same thing with Iran. I hate to admit it but I feel that the U.S. must be on the offensive in the war on terror. Perhaps diplomacy will prevail. It didn't work in Iraq, but the recent breakthrough with the disarmament of Libya gives us hope.

Saddam was extremely powerful and extremely insane, with an extreme hatred for the United States. That, in conjunction with harboring Hezbollah/Hamas factions, and possible WMD, poses a great threat to the U.S. and its citizens. IMO, the greatest threat (slightly ahead of Iran). So yes, I do feel MUCH safer.

There are many reasons he would not let inspectors in. Maybe he wanted people believe he had them. Who knows. So saddam is ahead of Iran but i still have him behind Al qaeida, lets see 200 billion and how many tropps. I think we might of been able to put a dent in osama and his travelling circus.

DO you think after all the time and money it takes to create these weapons he would just give them away? Hand them to syria.

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There are many reasons he would not let inspectors in. Maybe he wanted people believe he had them. Who knows. So saddam is ahead of Iran but i still have him behind Al qaeida, lets see 200 billion and how many tropps. I think we might of been able to put a dent in osama and his travelling circus.

DO you think after all the time and money it takes to create these weapons he would just give them away? Hand them to syria.

agree with ya- we could have spent $$$ and manpower much more wisely than we have. he could have been taken out/assasinated- a much better action

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Iraq was bad timing...we should have finished Bin Laden, then after that was done with...go after Saddam...our military is stretched too far, our generals dont have any good ideas and i dont like their plan for dealing with the insurgency...the moment the US leaves, Iraq will be more stable...

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HAD !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As for the rest of your reply , it's useless .........but the fact remains that there were UN weapons inspectors in Iraq before Bush decided to invade ....bush didn't want to give them time to find the WMD's cause he most probably knew they didnt exist ...so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on that subject .

the fact remains that Saddam was continuously playing games with UN inspectors. He kicked them out, he invited them back in, he gave them restricted access. don't write my post off as useless.

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should have just assassinated hussein- and used heavy artillery on strategic targets- never put us men on the ground there....there is a large % of muslims who want all us " infidels" dead- and do not value any other life form unless its an islamo-fascist...
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the fact remains that Saddam was continuously playing games with UN inspectors. He kicked them out, he invited them back in, he gave them restricted access. don't write my post off as useless.

there are alot of countries that fuck with the UN. We just had more important things to take care od then that.

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I think that the war in iraq was a very good idea and remains as such. The problem, as we are now witnessing, is that for some reason (beyond me) george and his boys did not properly plan for the reconstruction. a successful mission in iraq is still possible, but it will require a longer period of time and greater political unity at home now. what aggravates me the most is how important this mission is and that there was no need to rush into it. I still agree with the neo-con foreign policy, but it sucks that its implementation in the region got started (and possibly fucked) in this terrible way. anyone with half a brain knew that success would be measured by the reconstruction...fucking kills me.

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