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For all the REPUBLICANS out there

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some more info on the rich::: as part of the tiered tax system, for married tax payers filing jointly all income over 311,950 is taxed at a rate of 35%(this use to be 39.6%).....

so someone making 3,000,000 pays approximately 1,025,208 tax...........and that does not include state tax or social security and medicare or unemployment........

how would you feel working your ass to make that much and have to give 1/3 of it away.............a couple of years ago it use to be closer to 1/2..............and lets not get into if the individual was self-employed and had to pay the employers portion of taxes..............

anyway the last years tax breaks did include decreases for all levels of income so the tax breaks were across the board almost equal.....................the lowest tax bracket of 15% went down to 10% while the highest bracket went from 39.6 down to 35%...............hmmmm - seems the lower bracket received a slightly better tax break

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fuck bush just trying to finish what his father started and its not going to happen....bush's loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr as u can seee

Why do all people have this myth in their mind he is doing alot more than finish what his father didnt

I am happy he cleared out all those fucking arab whether they had something to do qith 911 or not

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Lets See The More Money You Make The Money You Get Taken Away....does That Seem Fair????

If It Does Maybe You Should Consider Moving To A Socialist Country Where Everyone Is The Same

The Rich Dont Deserve To Get More Money Taken Away Just Because They Make More

you must be rich, huh ?? :biggrin:

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"the child tax credit" or "advanced tax credit" is also eliminated after a certain level of income................so when someone says the rich get so much blah blah blah, they dont know what they are talking about.............for married taxpayers filing a joint return those amounts start to phase out at only 110000....................so for someone making 3mil................they get nothing.......no special treatment!!!!!!

the only difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich either stepped into shit or worked hard to get where they are.................does this mean they should give their money to the government so the democrats can start a welfare system to give money to people who are capable of working but would rather sit home and have 87children from 87 different fathers.............thats BULLSHIT....

and no a tiered tax systme is not fair and a Flat tax would be a better system but would also put me out of work.......lol

agreed :)

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i could debate this ALLLL day long. Instead I will just state my opinion. The republicans are nothing but crazy hicks that are bent on world domination. Anyone who could actually support then and beleive their lies needs to open up their eyes. The democrates might not be any better ..because lets be honest..almost all politicians are corrupt. But to beleive that BUSH and his administration is right for this country , is flat out sad and horrible. I cant beleive so many people back him up. He is a MORON. kerry IS NOT any better. But BUSH fucked EVERYTHING up..and the least we can do is give another moron a chance..and not let bush fuck everything up anymore. As a nation , after 9-11 ..the whole world wanted to help us and they were by our side. TWO months later...the whole world hates us and we have no allies but england...THATS A MAJOR FUCK UP...lets not forget bush went into office KNOWING he wanted an exuse to finish his fathers job. We waited months b4 taking action after 911...and what did we do?..NOT GO AFTER THE SAUDIS...-where most of th terrorists were..instead we attacked IRAQ..FOR NO REASON...NO WEAPONS..NO NOTHING...NO IRAQI HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE INVOLVED ON 911..BUT WE WENT IN THERE..TORE UP THIER HOMES..KILLED THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT..AND CREATED MOE TERRORISTS FOR THE NEXT GENERATION..OUR KIDS WILL BE ATTACKED BY NEW TERRORISTS...look at it this way..you 14...your country gets bombed and attacked every day for no reason..your family killed..GEE WHAT ARE U GONAN DO?..YOUR GOING TO GROW UP AND HATE THE PEOPLE THAT DID THIS!. so many ignorant people out there look at iraq as if its some kind of wasteland of stupid smelly retards..BUT NO..they are people..living..yes..in a poor country..BUT LIVING..and whether they were happy with their govt or not..that has nothing to do with 911. and we shouldnt have gotten involved. WE DID MORE DAMAGE....its horrible. Its like someone going into italy or greece and doing that...if that was the case..we wouldnt think its a good idea..we would think its horrible....bush is no better than hitler. ahh im too tired to write..i just cant beleive so many people dont see the truth. AMERICA is on the downfall..and instead of realizing it..people just keep saying to themselves..WE ARE THE BEST..FUCK EVERYONE ELSE..WE WILL KICK THEIR ASSES.>WE ARE THE BEST CUONTRY..FREEDOM..LA LA..keep saying that..because in the end..we will be studied in highschool..just how they study the fall of the roman empire.

USA vs. The rest of the world.

and G.W. is the don king of this fight..instigating and using us for his personal gain.

(as i look back and review what i just wrote, i realize that there are MANY gramatic/spelling errors..but bottom line, this topic fires me up and i wrote this at superhuman speed trying to spit out all my thoughts at once..but you guys get what i was trying to say)

Thank you...it's good to see there are actually people who see the truth

you summed up the exact way i feel about bush and his bs politics

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Why do all people have this myth in their mind he is doing alot more than finish what his father didnt

I am happy he cleared out all those fucking arab whether they had something to do qith 911 or not

most ignorant statement of the year. Because you know what..what if thatas what the terorrists think about us?..we didnt do anythign to them..but they are attackign us..we are doign the same thign to iraq..WHEN THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

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Republicans vs Democrats.....

.........this is what it has come to.

This biggest rivarly in all of the world at this moment, at the point were it is so pathetic.

It's at the point were it even seems live a civil war is near.

I have friends/co workers who are both hardcore to the right and left as there gets

and it is so pathetic how both sides try to sell me a pitch in why I should vote for there guy in NOV.

They do it the same way talk radio/tv does with people like Al Franklin/ Sean Hanity

They do it the same way our two pres canidates do

They tell me how bad the other side, tells me what a mess the other side is and tells me we will be in big trouble if so and so wins, bla bla bla.

I wish a Bush or Kerry could just tell me what they are going to do for our country now, instead of telling us bullshit on shit the oposing party did over 30 years ago.

they both suck and I know it is really important to vote in Nov, but I just can't see myself giving a vote to either one

These are the 2 worst possible canidates in history.

I also think it is so pathetic how much americans hate americans today.

What happen to the day when u were u can have an opinion ?

200 some years ago people fought for that right to have in this country

and now if somebody does not feel the way they do ,he/she is a stupid fuckface liberal or dogdick war hungry redneck!!!

There is a war in our own country between the right and the left.

I was at a party the other night and I saw 2 friends fight over debating politics, pathetic.

I can honestly say I' m neither Repub or Dem, I have a mind of my own

I'm not commited to one party and then be brainwashed to agree with every thing a Bill O'Rielly says or Michael More!!!!!!!!

People stick by there party no matter how bad or wrong they sound

instead I have a mind of my own, i listen to what both sides have to say, I read Hanity's/ Salvage Nation, books to the right and also books to the left in More/Franklin. If your republican as stupid as it may sound it's important for u to also see what the other side has to say, vice versa for the Dems.

Hardball with Chris Mathews is a great balance show.

I don't know what I'm typing anymore, I guess my point is both canidates suck and the other thing is the whole hate thing between Dems and Reps is just stupid, respect the fact that people have diffrent opinions and to be honest u have more alike then u think, u both seem very passionate about your country !!!!!!!!!!

I would rather vote for little jon then these two idiots

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I am assumming you are a Demorcrat???

You like to pay high taxes???

U have got to be kiddin me...that has to be THE MOST IGNORANT THING i have personally heard ever...do u know how the economy works..or do u think that money just appears out of no where for countries...Im not trying to insult u or anything but please can u tell me one thing. bush tax credit as much as u would like to believe is for u, its not, its for people who make over 200,000 a year first of all. second, if the richest are getting the tax credit than who is paying for the war that was ging to cost us 80 million then a billion now its on track for countless billions on contracts that were never bidded on...and the law says no public contract can be given out without bidding and what happens when u keep spending the money u dont have...deficit for our future generations and eventually a colapse of the economy...forgot about russia what happened to them... My friend its u and I who are paying for that and so will our kids. Its the money u and i slave for all day at ur job thats paying for it...and u want to talk about paying high taxes. Not to mention that 9-11 was because of bin fucking ladin not sadam how can anyone justify having 2000 troops looking in afghanistan which is bigger than iraq looking for bin ladn and about 150,000 in iraq..if u can convience me that sadaam was a bigger danger than bin ladin... I will pay ur next years taxes for you.... I have friends in the army and they themselves say bush is a retard. and we did not need to be in there... granted sadaam needed to be removed but he wasnt the immidiate threat... but kudos to bush for brain washing the whole country and making them believe that its sadaam that needs to be removed...when was the last time u heard about bin ladin...and I bet u he will continue to play the security card to win this election and unless people open their eyes he will......Its not about republican or democrat its about the truth and freedom thats what america is all about and right now its not we are considered occupiers in iraq and to top it all off all the aligations made have not been proven.. it went from weapons of mass destruction to al qaida which was never in iraq and now it is.... if you are a republican good for you but use ur brain dont be a retard and make stupid statements. explain that to the families that have lost people in iraq and continue to...Bush has created a global problem and this is just the start if bush gets re-elected which i think he will we are in deep SHIT! and im not endorsing kerry either im just stating the situation we are in. :ghey:

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Republicans vs Democrats.....

.........this is what it has come to.

This biggest rivarly in all of the world at this moment, at the point were it is so pathetic.

It's at the point were it even seems live a civil war is near.

I have friends/co workers who are both hardcore to the right and left as there gets

and it is so pathetic how both sides try to sell me a pitch in why I should vote for there guy in NOV.

They do it the same way talk radio/tv does with people like Al Franklin/ Sean Hanity

They do it the same way our two pres canidates do

They tell me how bad the other side, tells me what a mess the other side is and tells me we will be in big trouble if so and so wins, bla bla bla.

I wish a Bush or Kerry could just tell me what they are going to do for our country now, instead of telling us bullshit on shit the oposing party did over 30 years ago.

they both suck and I know it is really important to vote in Nov, but I just can't see myself giving a vote to either one

These are the 2 worst possible canidates in history.

I also think it is so pathetic how much americans hate americans today.

What happen to the day when u were u can have an opinion ?

200 some years ago people fought for that right to have in this country

and now if somebody does not feel the way they do ,he/she is a stupid fuckface liberal or dogdick war hungry redneck!!!

There is a war in our own country between the right and the left.

I was at a party the other night and I saw 2 friends fight over debating politics, pathetic.

I can honestly say I' m neither Repub or Dem, I have a mind of my own

I'm not commited to one party and then be brainwashed to agree with every thing a Bill O'Rielly says or Michael More!!!!!!!!

People stick by there party no matter how bad or wrong they sound

instead I have a mind of my own, i listen to what both sides have to say, I read Hanity's/ Salvage Nation, books to the right and also books to the left in More/Franklin. If your republican as stupid as it may sound it's important for u to also see what the other side has to say, vice versa for the Dems.

Hardball with Chris Mathews is a great balance show.

I don't know what I'm typing anymore, I guess my point is both canidates suck and the other thing is the whole hate thing between Dems and Reps is just stupid, respect the fact that people have diffrent opinions and to be honest u have more alike then u think, u both seem very passionate about your country !!!!!!!!!!

I would rather vote for little jon then these two idiots

Ditto on that man....totally agree...Thats my main argument....We are picking from 2 Candidates that really arent worth much in my opinion.

Every day I sit at a lunch table with a diverse crowd....and all we talk about is politics. I just kind of sit back and listen, and its true.....Bush and Kerry (especially Bush) need to stop talking about what happened 20 years ago with medals or whatever...just get to the issues. They are like 2 little cry babies, Im actually sick of hearing the same shit over and over again...."Kerry didnt earn those medals"...."Bush is a coke head and an alcoholic"....blah blah blah. Like I said, I cant wait to hear what is said at the debates. I dont even think Im going to bother reading any more newspapers, it just aggravates me....Im just waiting for the debates. NADER for 4!! LOL...Im kidding.

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You dont know jack shit about taxes buddy..................the rich loose out on more deductions than anyone.............due yourself a favor and look-up the word "Phase-out" in relation to taxes and you will see that the more money you make certain itemized and standard deductions are decreased to a point where the "10 percent" you speak of actually receive no benefit from those deductions along with several other types of tax credits which also are disallowed after a certain level of income.......................further more we have a tiered tax system...........that means the more money you make the more you are taxed.............

do some research before you post on a subject you know nothing about

U sound like a smart man to know about these points.. but unfortunately there are way too many loop holes that the rich have the money to find with the help of their accountants why do u think every rapper has a hummer,...if u spend the money on the business in certain ways u dont have to pay taxes on it. where as regular people dont know about this and get screwed so ur right its set up so rich dont get breaks but it doesnt work like that...There are many words such as "phase out" but u ever heard of a word call REALITY..... im a business owner and im just speaking the truth bro no disrespect intended. If you want I can prove it to you we can sit down with the accountants for E*trade and go over all this...I fall in the high tax bracked because I own my own business and im speaking from experience.. I have made 40,000 a year and I have made 10 times that in a year and I have to say if you compare the ratios I paid less when I made more... Hey thats why I voted for bush last time cause he is good for big business.

Sayings such as "rich get richer while poor get poorer" no matter how cliche were made for a reason.

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I am assumming you are a Demorcrat???

You like to pay high taxes???

I am a democrat and I wont pay high taxes the rich people will be paying them and I think its their turn since us hardworking middle class have been paying them for the last 4 years...

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this situation is just insane...thats why u have republican guys kickin undercover democrat girls in thier heads at RNC's after their is an all out brawl, when they were found out to be posing as repubs to get in to protest in the convention...And it was caught on tape, and when the guy was interviewed on camera, he flat out denied it...That SUX!!!

Republicans vs Democrats.....

.........this is what it has come to.

This biggest rivarly in all of the world at this moment, at the point were it is so pathetic.

It's at the point were it even seems live a civil war is near.

I have friends/co workers who are both hardcore to the right and left as there gets

and it is so pathetic how both sides try to sell me a pitch in why I should vote for there guy in NOV.

They do it the same way talk radio/tv does with people like Al Franklin/ Sean Hanity

They do it the same way our two pres canidates do

They tell me how bad the other side, tells me what a mess the other side is and tells me we will be in big trouble if so and so wins, bla bla bla.

I wish a Bush or Kerry could just tell me what they are going to do for our country now, instead of telling us bullshit on shit the oposing party did over 30 years ago.

they both suck and I know it is really important to vote in Nov, but I just can't see myself giving a vote to either one

These are the 2 worst possible canidates in history.

I also think it is so pathetic how much americans hate americans today.

What happen to the day when u were u can have an opinion ?

200 some years ago people fought for that right to have in this country

and now if somebody does not feel the way they do ,he/she is a stupid fuckface liberal or dogdick war hungry redneck!!!

There is a war in our own country between the right and the left.

I was at a party the other night and I saw 2 friends fight over debating politics, pathetic.

I can honestly say I' m neither Repub or Dem, I have a mind of my own

I'm not commited to one party and then be brainwashed to agree with every thing a Bill O'Rielly says or Michael More!!!!!!!!

People stick by there party no matter how bad or wrong they sound

instead I have a mind of my own, i listen to what both sides have to say, I read Hanity's/ Salvage Nation, books to the right and also books to the left in More/Franklin. If your republican as stupid as it may sound it's important for u to also see what the other side has to say, vice versa for the Dems.

Hardball with Chris Mathews is a great balance show.

I don't know what I'm typing anymore, I guess my point is both canidates suck and the other thing is the whole hate thing between Dems and Reps is just stupid, respect the fact that people have diffrent opinions and to be honest u have more alike then u think, u both seem very passionate about your country !!!!!!!!!!

I would rather vote for little jon then these two idiots

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I am a democrat and I wont pay high taxes the rich people will be paying them and I think its their turn since us hardworking middle class have been paying them for the last 4 years...

I highly doubt they will tax only the rich it is not possible. I was listening to Bushes speech in Minnesota he said something where there is 2 trillion dollars to cover you cannot possibly tax the rich 2 trillion it will eventually filter through the middle class, etc...

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U sound like a smart man to know about these points.. but unfortunately there are way too many loop holes that the rich have the money to find with the help of their accountants why do u think every rapper has a hummer,...if u spend the money on the business in certain ways u dont have to pay taxes on it. where as regular people dont know about this and get screwed so ur right its set up so rich dont get breaks but it doesnt work like that...There are many words such as "phase out" but u ever heard of a word call REALITY..... im a business owner and im just speaking the truth bro no disrespect intended. If you want I can prove it to you we can sit down with the accountants for E*trade and go over all this...I fall in the high tax bracked because I own my own business and im speaking from experience.. I have made 40,000 a year and I have made 10 times that in a year and I have to say if you compare the ratios I paid less when I made more... Hey thats why I voted for bush last time cause he is good for big business.

Sayings such as "rich get richer while poor get poorer" no matter how cliche were made for a reason.

we may be able to go back and forth forever on this and to give you a dose of what you call REALITY you must realize that you can go to 10 different accountants and get 10 different results..............................so no offense but i am not impressed with sitting down with the E*trade accountants.............

as far as types of income you have passive, non-passive, earned and self-employed to mention a few...........depending on your situation and your type of income can yield different results in taxable income and your "effective tax rate"..................so please, just because your situation may have resulted in a lower effective rate but yet your pockets felt more income than when you earned 40,000 there are quite a few reasons for it I'm sure and nothing to do with loop-holes......................to be quite honest the majority of the loop-holes have been closed up over the past ten years or so and I am speaking from experience............they are out there but few and far between and depend on the individuals situation.....................don't be fooled by some fast talking accountant that makes you think he performed miracles when in actuality your return probably could have been prepared by some 2week trainy fresh out of H&R Blocks traing school................

but no offense...........

Oh and I am for big business

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I also want to add that when doing a comparison with tax situations in order to get a better view or understanding you need to compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges................or else the results will always be different!!!!

also I want to apologize to imnutz if I came off as being rude.................its been a bad 2days and a rough morning so far!!!!! but i just felt in your post you referred to "reality" but were not looking at it in a realistic fashion..............you my friend were comparing apples to oranges!!

and yes business get much better tax breaks but not all people in business are rich...............there are plenty of small business' in the middle class to poor that recieve these same benefits.................

now Im starting to bable and I could go on and on about this subject and for every person and every situation give you examples and results that will differ immensely!!!

oh and Ive been preparing taxes for small medium and large corporations, partnerships and individuals for over 10 years now and have been working for a CPA firm since 1989.

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If All politicians lie most of the time...why are we debatin and makin our decisions on lies...it seems like is alla big gamble to me...and i guess its more sensible to have a wait and see attitude, and judge people on their record of actions...after all anybody can say positve things to convince u to vote for them, but are they GONNA follow though once elected???

and the president doesn't make all his decisions by himself, hes has his entire ADM, speechwriters etc that advises him on the best actions they feel he could take....So in this sense the prez takes the role of a puppet....things to think about....

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