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Yeah so tonight I'm going to call this girl back I met this past weekend. I hope I didn't wait too long, 3-4 days is kind of alot. I really hate these calls but we kind of hit it off. She was actually a nice, normal Italian girl that went to school and all. Hopefully if everything goes well, I'll be taking her out this weekend somewhere really nice.

Fuck, I do have another question now that I think about it...is it a bad idea to take a girl out on a first date to an upscale, expensive type of restaurant? Meaning, I know you want to try to impress and all but maybe you shouldn't over do it because it might seem like you're trying to hard and also if things work out after that, you are setting a very high precedent for yourself.

So many things to worry about!


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take her to a moderate restaraunt with GOOOOOD food....

if she enjoys what shes eating.....she can focuz more of her attention on you rather than the terrible meal shes eating...

after go for a drink or two.....the drinks will loosen her up a bit and the convo can get a lil more personal :aright:

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which part didn't you understand?

take her to a moderate restaraunt with GOOOOOD food....

if she enjoys what shes eating.....she can focuz more of her attention on you rather than the terrible meal shes eating...

after go for a drink or two.....the drinks will loosen her up a bit and the convo can get a lil more personal :aright:

thanks kid...that makes pretty good sense :beer:

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take her to a moderate restaraunt with GOOOOOD food....

if she enjoys what shes eating.....she can focuz more of her attention on you rather than the terrible meal shes eating...

after go for a drink or two.....the drinks will loosen her up a bit and the convo can get a lil more personal :aright:

i agree :aright:

good luck hun :D

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I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and guess you don't eat at nice, expensive places regularly, do you? If not, you shouldn't take her to one, because you won't feel comfortable there and throw off your game. At the same time, don't take her to one of the piece of shit places you probably normally go to for soul food either. Your best bet is late dinner somewhere "cool" that has a bar scene and music later on. That way as you start to wrap up dinner, people are already hanging out at the bar, boozing and having fun. That will encourage staying out, getting drunk, and then maybe, just maybe, ever wanting to see you again. :)

FYI, hookers on the point are like $200 though, and you're back home before the 7th inning.

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NMN dude how many times do i have to tell u this....make her pay for the food......believe me, u'll b glad to have followed my advice!

Yeah so tonight I'm going to call this girl back I met this past weekend. I hope I didn't wait too long, 3-4 days is kind of alot. I really hate these calls but we kind of hit it off. She was actually a nice, normal Italian girl that went to school and all. Hopefully if everything goes well, I'll be taking her out this weekend somewhere really nice.

Fuck, I do have another question now that I think about it...is it a bad idea to take a girl out on a first date to an upscale, expensive type of restaurant? Meaning, I know you want to try to impress and all but maybe you shouldn't over do it because it might seem like you're trying to hard and also if things work out after that, you are setting a very high precedent for yourself.

So many things to worry about!


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groovefire is absolutely right....solid points

in an upscale spot......they tend to treat you a lil differently....if they see the your shirt is under 80 bucks, or you dont have a fucking tag watch....they service you all wrong.....i would go with a late dinner.....round 7 or 8ish....then DEF. some drinks....the drinks is where you can really get to know each other....you get to sit down and not have to worry if theres food stuck in your teeth.....are you chewing with your mouth open ect. ect. the drinks will help you get a lil brave.....start asking more intimate questions. if you really like her...asking her such questions will show your interest in taking it a step further. same will happen with her.....she'll start to feel a little more comfortable...ect. ect. dont go ALLLLLLLLL out cuz then she will expect you droppin loot all the time. be yourself with her so that she doesnt have any suprises to uncover later down the line if it goes beyond the first date and make sure u get info that you wanna know out of her aswell. if everything is legit....make her laugh (and yes this is VERY IMPORTANT, women love to laugh...makes them feel more comfortable)...with all this you should get the green light.....in my opinion

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groovefire is absolutely right....solid points

in an upscale spot......they tend to treat you a lil differently....if they see the your shirt is under 80 bucks, or you dont have a fucking tag watch....they service you all wrong.....i would go with a late dinner.....round 7 or 8ish....then DEF. some drinks....the drinks is where you can really get to know each other....you get to sit down and not have to worry if theres food stuck in your teeth.....are you chewing with your mouth open ect. ect. the drinks will help you get a lil brave.....start asking more intimate questions. if you really like her...asking her such questions will show your interest in taking it a step further. same will happen with her.....she'll start to feel a little more comfortable...ect. ect. dont go ALLLLLLLLL out cuz then she will expect you droppin loot all the time. be yourself with her so that she doesnt have any suprises to uncover later down the line if it goes beyond the first date and make sure u get info that you wanna know out of her aswell. if everything is legit....make her laugh (and yes this is VERY IMPORTANT, women love to laugh...makes them feel more comfortable)...with all this you should get the green light.....in my opinion

no offense and I appreciate the help but this post made my head hurt...I see what you're getting at though

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Yes I was trying to be funny, but I meant what I said. Best 1st dates I've ever been on were just like that, late dinner, hip spot, merge dinner into boozing at the bar, always fun. Worst 1st dates were the standard dinner and movie BS, especially dinner at lame, quiet, old person places.

Best 1st date ever....I took a chick to Foxwoods, she had never been gambling ever, we won a grand with literally our very first quarter. We skipped out with the winnings and I took her shopping and let her blow all the loot. Between the fun of winning and shopping, etc., well, let's just say that wasn't all she blew that day. :laugh:

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and remember.....


make sure u can figure out what her little lies are.....and if shes trying to hide a marraige or a kid on you :laugh:

let the little lies go....cuz its just a force field that we all put up due to our own insecurities when chilling alone with someone we are attracted to for the first time...eventually you will find out what the deal is

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Best 1st date ever....I took a chick to Foxwoods, she had never been gambling ever, we won a grand with literally our very first quarter. We skipped out with the winnings and I took her shopping and let her blow all the loot. Between the fun of winning and shopping, etc., well, let's just say that wasn't all she blew that day. :laugh:

not for nothing kid but if you had any skills, just the excitement of you guys winning and being at a place she's never been before should have been enough to get some without giving her the $$


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not for nothing kid but if you had any skills, just the excitement of you guys winning and being at a place she's never been before should have been enough to get some without giving her the $$


Yeah well I'm the one who ultimately nailed that little hottie, and you're the one posting for 1st date advice on a clubbing message board. Respect mofo.

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