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I broke a rib and my left thumb and healed miraculously...


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It was about 2 weeks ago or so, I was riding my longboard (going kinda fast) when I turned onto a dark alley, as I did this my wheel caught a pebble and I hit the ground in less than a second at twice the speed I was travelin' I was left breathless for about 3 minutes, then I caught my breath, got on the skateaboard and skated away, holding my side and my thumb in a single sort of embrace.

When I got home, I surveyed the dammage...sure enough, blood on my left elbow and knee, dislocated thumb and what felt like a fisuration on the upper 2nd rib...not broken, defintiviley hurt...felt like knife (I move to rough still does, I like it though).

Instead of going to a doctor, I went to yoga instead and assesed the dammages my self...some of the poses I had trouble achieving, I was feeling cracks in there. :knife:

I was going to go the doctor, because on saturday morning I was awaken by an excruciating pain, my left thumb had dislocated itself out from its socket :eek: really freaky shyte!

It was that same night that I later went to Fliptonia, that night I was in real physical pain, through and through the whole night...I knew I had dammaged myself on the fall, but that didn't stop me from going to Flip and Tonie's shindig, nu-hu! Seriously, now that I look back, the most intelligent thing to have dome at that moment would've been to at least go to an amergency room and get my thumb in a cast and my rib-cage banded...nu-hu! :nono: For me it was Presidentes and Rum and Cokes...basically, it was a celebration, bitches!


Going back to my left thumb for a second, it was really fucked up on saturday...this past saturday...but now, I look at it...move it...and it doesn't hurt or look soared or anything...what the fuck is going on here? :blank:

Am I being miraculously healed here? Have I become immune to pain? I fall, break at least one rib and my left thumb and two weeks later I' here laughing about it.



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It was about 2 weeks ago or so, I was riding my longboard (going kinda fast) when I turned onto a dark alley, as I did this my wheel caught a pebble and I hit the ground in less than a second at twice the speed I was travelin' I was left breathless for about 3 minutes, then I caught my breath, got on the skateaboard and skated away, holding my side and my thumb in a single sort of embrace.

When I got home, I surveyed the dammage...sure enough, blood on my left elbow and knee, dislocated thumb and what felt like a fisuration on the upper 2nd rib...not broken, defintiviley hurt...felt like knife (I move to rough still does, I like it though).

Instead of going to a doctor, I went to yoga instead and assesed the dammages my self...some of the poses I had trouble achieving, I was feeling cracks in there. :knife:

I was going to go the doctor, because on saturday morning I was awaken by an excruciating pain, my left thumb had dislocated itself out from its socket :eek: really freaky shyte!

It was that same night that I later went to Fliptonia, that night I was in real physical pain, through and through the whole night...I knew I had dammaged myself on the fall, but that didn't stop me from going to Flip and Tonie's shindig, nu-hu! Seriously, now that I look back, the most intelligent thing to have dome at that moment would've been to at least go to an amergency room and get my thumb in a cast and my rib-cage banded...nu-hu! :nono: For me it was Presidentes and Rum and Cokes...basically, it was a celebration, bitches!


Going back to my left thumb for a second, it was really fucked up on saturday...this past saturday...but now, I look at it...move it...and it doesn't hurt or look soared or anything...what the fuck is going on here? :blank:

Am I being miraculously healed here? Have I become immune to pain? I fall, break at least one rib and my left thumb and two weeks later I' here laughing about it.



You are god.....

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how do you explain my healing dee-gee-dee-dawg? jokes aside...wft? :shaky:

You mentioned that you dislocated your thumb. Quite often, when a bone gets dislocated from its socket, all it takes is to apply significant force to relocate it back in. This can be quite painful but only momentarily so what may have happened is that it got relocated on its own and that made the soarness and pain go away almost overnight! It's happened to people with dislocated shoulderblades (Although the pain they feel when it's being relocated back in the socket is extremely excruciating).

Next time on Dr. Philippio iXeLpiXeL: how to cure blue-ball syndrome... :D

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You mentioned that you dislocated your thumb. Quite often, when a bone gets dislocated from its socket, all it takes is to apply significant force to relocate it back in. This can be quite painful but only momentarily so what may have happened is that it got relocated on its own and that made the soarness and pain go away almost overnight! It's happened to people with dislocated shoulderblades (Although the pain they feel when it's being relocated back in the socket is extremely excruciating).

Next time on Dr. Philippio iXeLpiXeL: how to cure blue-ball syndrome... :D

I knew it! :)

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