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what..would u not.....


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be able to take form another person in a relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!

what...things would bother u enough about some1 to say i dont want that person to be in a relationship(friend, professional, caring). with me(you)!?!?!?!?!?!?!

the 2 things tha come to my mind are.......jealousy, and inconsistency!!!!!!!!!!

your thoughts!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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lately my g/f has been VERY very jealous, to the point where my friends are getting peeved.

it may be the end soon .. . . .

yeah, her out-of-control jealousy pisses me off the most. that's just annoying :mad:

give her a demo of the "beat the gypsy" dance.....im sure that will straighten her out

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1. jealousy definitely.

2. someone who is really negative and brings me down.

3. someone with completely different views from my own to the point that we disagree all the time on basic things that my opinions are not flexible. sounds silly but if youre with someone who says the grass is blue and you know its green, its really annoying & probably not going to work if it happens continually.

there are SOO many others. ;)

oh yeah, controlling men are the worst.

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oh oh she does like to eat a lot :half:

did you just call deepspell's girl fat?

Oh and flip, to answer your question....it would have to be jealousy. It's impossible to have a healthy relationship when there is jealousy involved. Especially with me, I'm a very laid back person who just kind of goes with the flow...I'm always doing different things with different people and if I had some girl always down my throat about it, we would never last. It's all about TRUST!

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nope if u wanted to say such a thing a would just say it ;)

she is no where near fat

also u do diff things w/ diff ppl? hmmm man whore! :shaky:

did you just call deepspell's girl fat?

Oh and flip, to answer your question....it would have to be jealousy. It's impossible to have a healthy relationship when there is jealousy involved. Especially with me, I'm a very laid back person who just kind of goes with the flow...I'm always doing different things with different people and if I had some girl always down my throat about it, we would never last. It's all about TRUST!

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be able to take form another person in a relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!

what...things would bother u enough about some1 to say i dont want that person to be in a relationship(friend, professional, caring). with me(you)!?!?!?!?!?!?!

the 2 things tha come to my mind are.......jealousy, and inconsistency!!!!!!!!!!

your thoughts!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I can put up with a lot of stuff but infedelity and lying ( I guess they go hand in hand) are just things I cant stand!! Oh yeah and guys who have a hard time controlling their anger....

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fucking hate guys that hit women.....fucking pussies :mad:

yeah doesnt make much sense why anyone thinks that its necessary....its kind of funny, I mean not really, but my brother has this gf and she weighs about 100 lbs or somethin(shes mad small) but like shes totally abusive and hits him and shit...Just strange to actually witness a woman being the abuser, especially when he has like 40 lbs on her and muscles. Im not sayin he should hit her, but man restrain the bitch or somethin :D

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