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what..would u not.....


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yea ladies!! keep talking dirty to each other!!!


<cue angryitup>

As my friend Juan Valdez says (As of all my Latino friends know him so well from walking along side him and his burro in the hills of Columbia while picking Coffee beans and harvesting coke)


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be able to take form another person in a relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

cheating, being smothered, incessant questioning, and "Breaks..."

if anyone ever cheated on me, id drop them immediately... smothering, by far the one of the worst things anyone could do... constantly all over you, either verbally, or physically... questioning, where are you going with whom, then what did you do, and with who, then detailed questioning of the evening and blah blah blah you know how that goes... and last but definately not least "Breaks..." wtf are you kurtis blow~!? mofo, either youre with me or youre not, no breaks, no time outs, you want to fuck other ppl so be it, you want to date outside the relationship so be it, you want freedom so be it, whatever it is just be upfront about it and tell me...

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cheating, being smothered, incessant questioning, and "Breaks..."

if anyone ever cheated on me, id drop them immediately... smothering, by far the one of the worst things anyone could do... constantly all over you, either verbally, or physically... questioning, where are you going with whom, then what did you do, and with who, then detailed questioning of the evening and blah blah blah you know how that goes... and last but definately not least "Breaks..." wtf are you kurtis blow~!? mofo, either youre with me or youre not, no breaks, no time outs, you want to fuck other ppl so be it, you want to date outside the relationship so be it, you want freedom so be it, whatever it is just be upfront about it and tell me...

very well put!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:aright:

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that is pretty much my one & only thing that will lead me to end it with someone.....just because your ex made you doubt them, whether it be a guy or girl, does NOT mean that we are like them...give us a chance even though it's hard cuz other wise, you will lose us & then realize it wasn't worth it over something so little if we never made you doubt us...

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be able to take form another person in a relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!

what...things would bother u enough about some1 to say i dont want that person to be in a relationship(friend, professional, caring). with me(you)!?!?!?!?!?!?!

the 2 things tha come to my mind are.......jealousy, and inconsistency!!!!!!!!!!

your thoughts!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

jeez i can only pick two things, not fair.

1.) being hit by a guy has not or will not ever happen.

2.) being a Jets fan [LOL]

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cheating, being smothered, incessant questioning, and "Breaks..."

if anyone ever cheated on me, id drop them immediately... smothering, by far the one of the worst things anyone could do... constantly all over you, either verbally, or physically... questioning, where are you going with whom, then what did you do, and with who, then detailed questioning of the evening and blah blah blah you know how that goes... and last but definately not least "Breaks..." wtf are you kurtis blow~!? mofo, either youre with me or youre not, no breaks, no time outs, you want to fuck other ppl so be it, you want to date outside the relationship so be it, you want freedom so be it, whatever it is just be upfront about it and tell me...

Right on the $$$$$$$$$$$$

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cheating, being smothered, incessant questioning, and "Breaks..."

if anyone ever cheated on me, id drop them immediately... smothering, by far the one of the worst things anyone could do... constantly all over you, either verbally, or physically... questioning, where are you going with whom, then what did you do, and with who, then detailed questioning of the evening and blah blah blah you know how that goes... and last but definately not least "Breaks..." wtf are you kurtis blow~!? mofo, either youre with me or youre not, no breaks, no time outs, you want to fuck other ppl so be it, you want to date outside the relationship so be it, you want freedom so be it, whatever it is just be upfront about it and tell me...

that about covers it for me ;)

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god reading all this shit makes me wonder how many of you are actually in a relationship. i mean i put up with alot! the baby mama drama, his kid's pre-teen emotional B/S, being the stepmonster, going to family functions instead of going out and i give him a hard time about shit too. some1 said they wouldn't put up with being questioned, then i'd be 86'ed with the quickness becuz i am nosey as hell. i check his messages all the time. i watch him in the clubs when we're not next to each other. i have alot of trust in him but i am just like that and i'm sure it bothers him but we deal with it becuz we love each other.

i really can't say one specific personality trait i wouldn't put up with but i would not be with any1 who tried to hit me. i've never been hit by a BF (even tho i'm sure they've wanted to) and would leave any1 who did it to me - after i stabbed the fucker in "self defense"! LOL.

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