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So after watching the candidates go head to head....


Who came out Victorious?!?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Who came out Victorious?!?

    • George W. Bush
    • John Kerry

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bush certainly wasn't aware that the camera was on him even when kerry was speaking. those smirks were fucking classic. :laugh:

Did you catch the part when GW did the clearing of the nose snort - camera got him just as he did it...made me laugh.

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What people seem to ignore is that sentiment could be targeted at either candidate. Look at the facts that surround Kerry's voting record and issues that he supported only to have him come back and contradict himself (repeatedly). I can't be so left or so right like the majority on these boards. Maybe if there was a better democratic candidate I would have a difference of opinion, but this democrat is not convincing me and he can't sell me on issues when his past record shows that he doesn't even know for sure why he is voting for something.

What people seem to ignore is that Bush is just as much a flip-flopper as Kerry. People seem to forget that Bush proclaimed he was strong on the environment and would hold private industries to stricter environmental standards during his 2000 campaign. Yet within months of gaining office he passed legislation loosening environmental restrictions and rejected the Kyoto Accord which was hailed by many as the most significant step towards improving global warming.

Yeah, yeah, we know... Republicans don't really give a shit about the environment... but it's a flip-flop nonetheless.

How about Bush's promise to never privatize in part or in whole the Health Care system? Yet another flip-flop. Just this year, he placed the responsibility of providing affordable prescription drugs to Americans on the shoulders of selected private corporations. Of course he lined the pockets of these corporations with tax dollars to do the job.

Ok, ok, a fool might argue that Bush's prescription drug plan is good. Regardless, Bush flip-flopped.

I believe the list of Bush flip-flops runs much longer, but these are the two biggies I can remember right now.

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just for the peeps who keep harping on foreign policy!!!!!!!!!!!!! bush new absolutly nthing on foreign policy b4 he stepped into office....so if he could learn it and surround himself with people who taught him about it.....y cant kerry!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? is learning only possible in the bush camp!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!:confused:

man u people r so comedic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh::D

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What people seem to ignore is that sentiment could be targeted at either candidate. Look at the facts that surround Kerry's voting record and issues that he supported only to have him come back and contradict himself (repeatedly). I can't be so left or so right like the majority on these boards. Maybe if there was a better democratic candidate I would have a difference of opinion, but this democrat is not convincing me and he can't sell me on issues when his past record shows that he doesn't even know for sure why he is voting for something.
yes, in fact that quote could be applied to either candidate. Kerry is not running from his record, he has been in the senate for over 20 years thus that is a bit difficult to do. to me a candidate has to have the ability to change there position, if facts warrant such a change... you should really take some time to read Kerry’s senate record it’s a matter of public record, and in fact said records also chronicle discussions concerning votes. I don’t let spin and catchy political rhetoric like "flip flop", "its tough work", etc dictate my vote. I took the time to look over Kerry’s record, and things I had issues with; such as his vote for and then against $87Billion in aid to Iraq I looked into further. it is one thing to have convictions. it is quite another to be so adamant in your convictions, that you are unable to change when facts clearly dictate that you must. We can do better then George Bush as our President imo.
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yes, in fact that quote could be applied to either candidate. Kerry is not running from his record, he has been in the senate for over 20 years thus that is a bit difficult to do. to me a candidate has to have the ability to change there position, if facts warrant such a change... you should really take some time to read Kerry’s senate record it’s a matter of public record, and in fact said records also chronicle discussions concerning votes. I don’t let spin and catchy political rhetoric like "flip flop", "its tough work", etc dictate my vote. I took the time to look over Kerry’s record, and things I had issues with; such as his vote for and then against $87Billion in aid to Iraq I looked into further. it is one thing to have convictions. it is quite another to be so adamant in your convictions, that you are unable to change when facts clearly dictate that you must. We can do better then George Bush as our President imo.

To be honest I agree with you - I do think we could do better than GWB. I just don't believe that the other candidate is that better person. I have said it before, I don't really classify myself into one politcal party...politics to me are much to in the gray area to be so one sided for either party. I am still open to hearing what Kerry has to say - just nothing yet has made me have faith that he could accomplish or do a better job...I am afraid it would be a 1 step forward 2 steps back outcome if he wins. There is no doubt that we cannot pull out of Iraq now until the job is done - whether it was right or wrong to go in the first place we are there and too entrenched in the situation to just falter and not stay firm in our pursuit to make it a truly free Iraq which would directly affect our own safety here in America for the better. I actually do beleive what GWB said about Iraq and Afghanistan becoming an example for the middle eastern world....damn right its going to "very hard work" (pun intended) to get it done and it may take years before there is any substantial progress, but freedom and the struggle for democracy is not something that comes over night.

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it boils down to voting for the lesser of two evils. generally speaking, i think most politicians (if not all) are crooked and have their own agendas in mind. kerry gets my vote because i always lean more towards the liberal bullshit than the conservative bullshit.

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Weather Service Has Issued A Warning For Yet Another Catastrophic Hurricane Following On The Heels Of Ivan And Jeanne.

The Path Of This Hurricane Zigs And Zags, And Is Therefore Highly Unpredictable.

Experts Predict That This One Will Cause The Most Damage To The United States That We Have Experienced In Four Years.

They Are Naming This One Hurricane Kerry!!!

Be Advised, The Only Way For Citizens To Protect Themselves Is By Hiding Behind A Bush.

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Weather Service Has Issued A Warning For Yet Another Catastrophic Hurricane Following On The Heels Of Ivan And Jeanne.

The Path Of This Hurricane Zigs And Zags, And Is Therefore Highly Unpredictable.

Experts Predict That This One Will Cause The Most Damage To The United States That We Have Experienced In Four Years.

They Are Naming This One Hurricane Kerry!!!

Be Advised, The Only Way For Citizens To Protect Themselves Is By Hiding Behind A Bush.


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To be honest I agree with you - I do think we could do better than GWB. I just don't believe that the other candidate is that better person. I have said it before, I don't really classify myself into one politcal party...politics to me are much to in the gray area to be so one sided for either party. I am still open to hearing what Kerry has to say - just nothing yet has made me have faith that he could accomplish or do a better job...I am afraid it would be a 1 step forward 2 steps back outcome if he wins. There is no doubt that we cannot pull out of Iraq now until the job is done - whether it was right or wrong to go in the first place we are there and too entrenched in the situation to just falter and not stay firm in our pursuit to make it a truly free Iraq which would directly affect our own safety here in America for the better. I actually do beleive what GWB said about Iraq and Afghanistan becoming an example for the middle eastern world....damn right its going to "very hard work" (pun intended) to get it done and it may take years before there is any substantial progress, but freedom and the struggle for democracy is not something that comes over night.
it is my belief that John Kerry, is the better person of the choices put before us. John Kerry is not president yet, so we don’t know what realistically he can accomplish. if you look at his senate record it is quite impressive, and should serve as his resume... as far as faith ,that’s really a personal thing. with regard to Iraq if you listened to Kerry last night, he understands we can’t just pull out and he has never advocated the same... however ,he wants to have a plan . a plan which includes getting more allies involved, getting more Iraqi’s involved and trained in defense, etc. we can’t win in Iraq without making some concessions ( when I say this ,I am not referring to concessions which would comprise security), getting more allies involved, etc. Iraq and Afghanistan are far from becoming an example. Iraq is already leaning towards civil war, and much of Afghanistan is still being controlled by warlords. yeah ,it’s hard work to foster democracy, it’s doesn’t come overnight, and any practical thinking individual understands that. however, to get it done right you need to have a plan, and when that plan isn’t working you must have the good sense to change it.. When your intelligence agencies, your secretary of the state, and members of your own political party are saying Iraq is unstable. to say elections are going to be held in January in Iraq; while not properly addressing the very real civil unrest situation shows down right arrogance. we don’t need a pompous president.


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Why are you :laugh: at me :rofl:??? :D

Cuz I feel like it....







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Cuz I feel like it....







Crikey! It was just a question... :D

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it is my belief that John Kerry, is the better person of the choices put before us. John Kerry is not president yet, so we don’t know what realistically he can accomplish. if you look at his senate record it is quite impressive, and should serve as his resume... as far as faith ,that’s really a personal thing. with regard to Iraq if you listened to Kerry last night, he understands we can’t just pull out and he has never advocated the same... however ,he wants to have a plan . a plan which includes getting more allies involved, getting more Iraqi’s involved and trained in defense, etc. we can’t win in Iraq without making some concessions ( when I say this ,I am not referring to concessions which would comprise security), getting more allies involved, etc. Iraq and Afghanistan are far from becoming an example. Iraq is already leaning towards civil war, and much of Afghanistan is still being controlled by warlords. yeah ,it’s hard work to foster democracy, it’s doesn’t come overnight, and any practical thinking individual understands that. however, to get it done right you need to have a plan, and when that plan isn’t working you must have the good sense to change it.. When your intelligence agencies, your secretary of the state, and members of your own political party are saying Iraq is unstable. to say elections are going to be held in January in Iraq; while not properly addressing the very real civil unrest situation shows down right arrogance. we don’t need a pompous president.


I wish more people would take the standpoint you do to try and educate people rather than badger and belittle. You make a lot of good points - a lot worth considering.

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