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Jaleousy - I can't handle it:(


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Well it seems to me that u ignored her feelings and even your own feelings toward her, since you did not communicate why u did not return her messages while you were on business trip...What was that problem you had on the trip that you couldn't tell her about anyway??? I don't know who your girlfriend is, but I imagine she is american. If she didn't ask you why you didn't return her messages, after you came back with her, I think that would have helped you answer why.

But you say you noticed she was upset, So if you like her so much, you should have had the consideration to tell her why you did not return her messages. I am not sure why you don't feel you can trust people with your emotions. It could be a cultural problem or a person problem that you developed from you childhood or family upbringing, or both. So the main problem here is Commmunication and consideration of other peoples feeling that you are aware of. BTW lack of communication is one of the Biggest complaints that women in America have against men in general. LoOk at all these books they have on the subject: "You Just Don't Understand!!!!" by Deborah Tannen, and "Men are from MArs, Women are from Venus" by John Gray.

If u are still friends, I don't see why you can't still explain to her why you did not return her messages. A friend would do such a thing without expecting her to break up with her new man, but just to clear the air, and continue being good friends. An who knows, maybe her new relationship may not turn out so well in the future and she might come back to you, since you are still friends and are still there for her.

Some things in life take time to heal. We should learn from our mistakes and try to work on correcting them for a better future with your friends new and old. Change can be difficult but th effects of change is rewarding and worth the effort!!!

All the best! :isok:

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dude move the fuck on arready...why are you still hanging on to her? she's happy with the other guy, let it be that way. you seem to have learned from your mistakes, now go out and find yourself a brand new bitch!!

short and schweet~! and right on the money... move on mofo... if you stop and dwell on everything youll never rise above and better yourself... youll always be stuck in a moment... jealous is a different form of insecurity and it is a pointless emotion, now go forward and love and serve the lord...

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hey man ...

first off .. sorry for what happened to you .. even tho u keep your emotion .. it is hard to loose someone u realize only later that u actually like so much ..

second .. may be u don't really love her .. some times .. when someone is about to loose his/her lover/partner, they panick and they immagine that they actually like that person more than they would've normally done .. so .. i am saying that may be it is some sort of obsession that u r experiencing .. and not true love ..

third .. look at this in a positive way .. try to learn from your mistakes .. look backword .. and learn what u did wrong .. and make a mental note of it .. then going forward try to change that behaviour .. or that attitude .. or whatever u think was wrong ..

as for your ex .. well .. be there for her .. if u really care .. be her friend .. call her and say u were sorry for not returning her calls and for being non-emotional .. do that without any expectations .. and be a true friend .. may be .. just may be one day she will be single again and u guys can have another chance ..

but make sure u r doing this for the right reason .. meaning .. if u call her . call her coz u wana be a friend .. if u can't do that . then don't call her

now .. most importantly is yourself .. u seem to be sad .. etc .. well .. find something to do man .. read a book .. do some sport .. enroll in a gym .. go to clubs .. or make friends (this CP place is not so bad for friends either) .. and take your mind off her ..

best of luck ..


the MASK

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hey man ...

first off .. sorry for what happened to you .. even tho u keep your emotion .. it is hard to loose someone u realize only later that u actually like so much ..

second .. may be u don't really love her .. some times .. when someone is about to loose his/her lover/partner, they panick and they immagine that they actually like that person more than they would've normally done .. so .. i am saying that may be it is some sort of obsession that u r experiencing .. and not true love ..

third .. look at this in a positive way .. try to learn from your mistakes .. look backword .. and learn what u did wrong .. and make a mental note of it .. then going forward try to change that behaviour .. or that attitude .. or whatever u think was wrong ..

as for your ex .. well .. be there for her .. if u really care .. be her friend .. call her and say u were sorry for not returning her calls and for being non-emotional .. do that without any expectations .. and be a true friend .. may be .. just may be one day she will be single again and u guys can have another chance ..

but make sure u r doing this for the right reason .. meaning .. if u call her . call her coz u wana be a friend .. if u can't do that . then don't call her

now .. most importantly is yourself .. u seem to be sad .. etc .. well .. find something to do man .. read a book .. do some sport .. enroll in a gym .. go to clubs .. or make friends (this CP place is not so bad for friends either) .. and take your mind off her ..

best of luck ..


the MASK

Yes, that would be almost exactly what I think about my "situation" now after I get my head cool down, I mean I am just pissed off why I was so passive with her when I had her time. Also the main problem is tiem that I don't have, the job I do is what I chose and I don't want to complain about it too much but I am aware it made some demage already to my personal life (not just this "girlfriend" problem").

> also note for barstar > if I want to search for another bitch I would never felt what I did last couple of days, I mean find a bitch to score is like you go in grocery store and buy 1 pound of apples, what I experinced was different and I can'r only swich of some button and start hunting bitches as you said.

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dude move the fuck on arready...why are you still hanging on to her? she's happy with the other guy, let it be that way. you seem to have learned from your mistakes, now go out and find yourself a brand new bitch!!

That is the best advice you are going to get. Are you going to take it???

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