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DJ's and Computers

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What is everyones thoughts of a DJ who just uses a laptop or computer to spin music. Vinyl and CDs are ok to me but I think someone using a laptop is a bit cheesy. ( don't mean to offend its just my opinion). It just seems to me like they are a jukebox and using technology to cover what they lack in talent. If I owned a club and was paying a DJ a couple grand to spin I would expect a bit more than a laptop.

I know some who was spinning in Europe last summer and told me the major clubs there don't even let you bring in CD's. ( this is what i was told so it may or may not be true) She had said how they are strict against music downloads and make DJs use Vinyl.

I just think with downloads and laptops it makes it so much easier for anyone to say they are a DJ and also makes it harder for those who do spin to find good paying jobs where they can afford to purchase mucis.

just seeing what others think of this.

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using it to sample, loop and do Live PA and live remixing, is awesome

Dj's that ive seen use it alot in their sets and TEAR PLACES TO SHREDS:

Richie Hawtin

Ralph Lawson


if done right.......computers can do things u could NEVER do with vinyl, which makes for more amazing, complex sets and benefits the ears of the clubgoers....

but if your using it to beatmatch and play MP3's.....sorry, but your whack...

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depends, if you are using the final scratch then i have no problem whatsoever

with that. because you are still using the turntables, but you are getting your music from a laptop, so you dont have to carry 5,000 records with you.

if you are using a laptop with one of those fake ass denon 2600 interface thing, then its getting gay, because then you have many options to auto beatmatch and have the comp do it for you.

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I agree technology brings new ideas to everything but I dont think too many people would want to go see thier favorite band do a concert at MSG and see one person and a laptop on the stage.

I fell in love with dance music because i thought it was amazing watching a person take 2 records ( or CDs now) and just be able to watch him do whatever he wanted with them. To me anyone can type on a computer. It takes more skill to mix Vinyl than CDs i can imagine it takes more skill to mix CD than use a computer.

Soon clubs can just buy computers and get the music themselves and program it to do all the work for them. Then everyone favorite DJ is going to be mail ordered from Dell.

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yet on the other hand........it takes much skill to sample a song, loop it, fuck around with it, throw more samples ontop of it, distort it, ect. ect.....all while having the crowd watching you WAITING for you to fuck up....

YEah and if you don't fuck up they are impressed. I did say i think its one more good tool. However I played drums for a long time. I don't think a band would take me if i got to practice with a laptop.

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eh i dont know about vinyl being harder than cd's.

i can spin both, but using cd's can take some skill if you are

doing things other than cueing and pressing play. if you loop

bring it back and forth and chop up a track properly its hot and

it takes skill, it never loops easy, you have to get it perfect.

there are alot of things you can do on cd's, that you cant do on vinyl.

i have more respect for dj's who used vinyl first and then resorted to cd's also. thats what i did, i started with vinyl, then when cd's came out a few years ago, i refused to use them, and taked all kinds of shit, but then i realized i had alot of shit on harddrive or cd that i wanted on vinyl, so i had

to buy some kind of cd player, so i bought the denon 2600f and i hated everything about it, i wanted to throw them out the window, so then i put them up on ebay and went back to the vinyl. then i got more and more tracks on the computer and then the pioneer 1000 came out and i bought them because they were the closest to vinyl, and i loved them, and then my friend bought denons, then i started using them at his house and got to know them better and then i purchased them again. so now i use all 3 cd players

and 2 turntables.

another funny thing, my friend who can kick ass on the 2600's cant even drop a needle on a record, its so sad, and he cant even cue up a track without hearing ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccytttttctctctcttt.

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I think if you couldn't see the dj booth, most of you couldnt tell the difference between cds and vinyl. Also who cares if the dj spins vinyl or cds? I would rather drink and talk to chicks rather than worry about if the dj is playing vinyl or cds. I would rather listen to good music played by a cd dj than shitty music played by a vinyl dj. Vinyl is the last step of recording media so if you want the truely new stuff you gotta play digitally.

Cd and computers are the evolution of the dj world ,just as why you dont play 45's anymore or 8 tracks . Plus you can't mix music videos on vinyl, which is the way the industry is turning. People who oppose cds are the ones who just spent $900 on turntables and spend their whole paycheck on vinyl. If you are a non-profit dj this is fine, but some of us want to make money. Carrying the records to the club is a big pain in the ass but the bigger problem is where you gonna put all those 12" records? I have 12 years of vinyl, prob about 10,000 records and they take up a whole bedroom, collect dust, and if i move them its a daylong process. 100 records is about 35 lbs.

For those who say its easier to mix a cd than a record, i have to disagree. A properly calibrated quartz locked technics 1200 is far more responsive on the pitch contol than either the pioneer cdj-1000's(which lag horrendously) or the denon 2600(which dont lag, but break often).

Using the beatmatching though on computer is lame I agree.

I think littleboss has the right idea..........use both cds and vinyl.

Most of the cd basher types are the same ones who cant find the cue control on my rane mp2016.

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What is everyones thoughts of a DJ who just uses a laptop or computer to spin music. Vinyl and CDs are ok to me but I think someone using a laptop is a bit cheesy. ( don't mean to offend its just my opinion). It just seems to me like they are a jukebox and using technology to cover what they lack in talent. If I owned a club and was paying a DJ a couple grand to spin I would expect a bit more than a laptop.

I know some who was spinning in Europe last summer and told me the major clubs there don't even let you bring in CD's. ( this is what i was told so it may or may not be true) She had said how they are strict against music downloads and make DJs use Vinyl.

I just think with downloads and laptops it makes it so much easier for anyone to say they are a DJ and also makes it harder for those who do spin to find good paying jobs where they can afford to purchase mucis.

just seeing what others think of this.

go into JPs booth at Spirit he uses a laptop

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I was a little sceptical on some of these lap top using dj's

and cd dj's ....

But I have to say that I will now be using a lap top also...

I will always play vinyl but I just purchased

final scratch and I think its an incredible tool .

I tried to use cd's but I dont like the feel so since

this is the closest to vinyl feel on a digital level ,I

gonna take advantage of the technology.

For those that dont think that its cheating....

trust me its NOt! You still have to match the beats

same as with a record.This just allows you to be more flexible

and have a shit load of music at your fingertips without

carrying 6 crates of records.


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I think if you couldn't see the dj booth, most of you couldnt tell the difference between cds and vinyl. Also who cares if the dj spins vinyl or cds? I would rather drink and talk to chicks rather than worry about if the dj is playing vinyl or cds. I would rather listen to good music played by a cd dj than shitty music played by a vinyl dj. Vinyl is the last step of recording media so if you want the truely new stuff you gotta play digitally.

Cd and computers are the evolution of the dj world ,just as why you dont play 45's anymore or 8 tracks . Plus you can't mix music videos on vinyl, which is the way the industry is turning. People who oppose cds are the ones who just spent $900 on turntables and spend their whole paycheck on vinyl. If you are a non-profit dj this is fine, but some of us want to make money. Carrying the records to the club is a big pain in the ass but the bigger problem is where you gonna put all those 12" records? I have 12 years of vinyl, prob about 10,000 records and they take up a whole bedroom, collect dust, and if i move them its a daylong process. 100 records is about 35 lbs.

For those who say its easier to mix a cd than a record, i have to disagree. A properly calibrated quartz locked technics 1200 is far more responsive on the pitch contol than either the pioneer cdj-1000's(which lag horrendously) or the denon 2600(which dont lag, but break often).

Using the beatmatching though on computer is lame I agree.

I think littleboss has the right idea..........use both cds and vinyl.

Most of the cd basher types are the same ones who cant find the cue control on my rane mp2016.

You said "evolution"
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This is definitly a touchy subject. Im enjoying reading all these thoughts and opinions. Its definitly the future of music manipulation, but at what expense? If things become so easy that anyone can do it, DJs will no longer be recognized for their true skill. 2 records and a mixer. the rest is all about how the dj uses them.

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yeah you are right. im pretty sure all the new song that are out now are made on computers. but, a vinyl has a much warmer sound than any cd or mp3. its not in your head, its reality
With vinyl, it was digital before it was analog, we can fix that with an EQ
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