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Vegas Club Question.....PLEASE HELP!!!


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I'm heading out there in a few weeks with my girls for a long weekend (Wed-Sun). I've been there many times before but I know a lots changed in the past year or so.

Here's the question- me and my girls hate hip hop/rap/r&B...we are more into dance, trance, house and all. Where are the best places to go so we're not sitting there like tools not liking the music???

Thanksssssss :):type:

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I'm not a bit Hip to the hippity hip hop you dont stop.....

At least not when we are clubbin. Especially not when rollin.

So far Ice on Saturdays has been really cool. The staff is cool, and usually most of the people inside are cool too.

We are going to check out Body English (which used to be Baby's in the hard rock) this coming friday. We are also going to check out Krave.

Krave opened up this past weekend and is supposed to be based off of the clubs you'd find in europe.

The owners of Krave have started clubs in Ibiza and Mykonos. Those clubs have really no equal here in vegas so if it's anything like those it will be awesome.

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This is what I'd recommend.

Tangerine - Wed

House on the patio served up by Faarsheed, Ice's resident dj.

Tabu - Thurs

Vocal house, great upscale lounge

Body English then OBA- Fri

Even though you don't like hip-hop you have to check this spot out. OBA for good house afterhours. Or you can go with Krave. I went there on Friday for the Q mag party and music was on point.

Ice - Sat

Best spot for house and Trance.

Hit me on the pm if you need help with the lists.

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This is what I'd recommend.

Tangerine - Wed

House on the patio served up by Faarsheed, Ice's resident dj.

Tabu - Thurs

Vocal house, great upscale lounge

Body English then OBA- Fri

Even though you don't like hip-hop you have to check this spot out. OBA for good house afterhours. Or you can go with Krave. I went there on Friday for the Q mag party and music was on point.

Ice - Sat

Best spot for house and Trance.

Hit me on the pm if you need help with the lists.

Great! Thanks.

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If you like Reggae, OPM in the forum shops @ Caesars every Sunday is the busiest spot that night and its 100% dancehall and reggae classics - no hip hop in the main room.

me and my girls hate hip hop/rap/r&B

Never met a person that hated hip-hop but liked reggae.

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If you are into house, trance, progressive, ect... Check out Club Seven (Alesium After Hours) From 3:00-8:00 Am they play nothing but techno

One, Mr Vegas

Don't really know where you are from, but Seven plays electronic music after hours, more like house and trance(crap), not techno. Please do not generalize electronic music.

Thanks buddy!!


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Billie ignorantly wrote:

>Never met a person that hated hip-hop but liked reggae.

I guess the whole island of Jamaica doesn't include one person.

Billie, you crack me up. They stated they hated hip-hop R&B and you still recommended Body English which plays almost all hip-hop (but is not an urban spot). Then you make an idiotic blanket inference that if someone doesn't like RAP then they must dislike REGGAE too. You continue to show your lack of knowledge about the urban culture.

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why are people on here correcting people every time they make a reference about music that isn't totally clear. When people call Hip-Hop R&B, Which is not correct i don't take offense to it. Relax guys, I'm here to help people with their Vegas trips not educate them on music. Reggae is not hip-hop but it has a lot of hip hop elements. What's the big deal? Now if someone wants to educate me on what the difference between Electronic music then fine. When i ask our Dj's what they play they say House, Breaks, Progressive ect.. What's the difference between House, Breaks, Progressive, Techno ect.. But you don't need to take it so serious.

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Billie ignorantly wrote:

>Never met a person that hated hip-hop but liked reggae.

I guess the whole island of Jamaica doesn't include one person.

Billie, you crack me up. They stated they hated hip-hop R&B and you still recommended Body English which plays almost all hip-hop (but is not an urban spot). Then you make an idiotic blanket inference that if someone doesn't like RAP then they must dislike REGGAE too. You continue to show your lack of knowledge about the urban culture.

Here you are gettin all personal again. It wasn't a blanket reference, imo I have never met one person that disliked hip-hop that loved reggae. I think most people will agree to that. Body English recommendation was only for the fact that it is one of the best parties around, regardless of your musical preference. I am a house head and have fun there.

This is just another example of you throwing in a recommendation that had no validity just to hype up the club your bf spins at.

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It's just another example of you choosing to make a negative remark about the urban scene. Why couldn't you just leave my recommendation alone. You had to make a smart remark that people who don't like hip-hop, don't like reggae. That is an ignorant statement and it shows that you are the one taking this personal. You should have just let my recommendation stand and leave it at that. And fyi, over 1500 people showed up for last week's Sunday night party at OPM. People of all races and creeds. It was a great party and there were no fights or any other characterizations you give the scene. The vibe was good and the only negative part of the night was the wait to get in. There were more peaceful party people there than Body English and Light added up, so go on fighting the trend and keep recommending other spots as I spread the truth about the hot spots you fail to mention....

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where in any of my posts did i give any indication of what you just stated? I just thought it was silly of you to point out a reggae party when the person themselves said they hated hip-hop. Yes I did point out Body English, but Body English is not characterized as a hip-hop club, therefore my recommendation was valid.

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You're digging a hole.

You criticize me for recommending the HOTTEST party on Sunday which also focuses around a non-hip-hop format. And then in the same breath you recommend a spot that is all hip-hop because in your opinion it is not characterized as a hip-hop club (truthfully anyone who has read our conversations know the real reason you don't consider it a hip-hop club is because it's not an urban party.) Why don't you give it a rest and stop using these dumb arguments to discredit my recommendations. Who cares if I recommended a place that plays reggae. It could only help the original poster and give them more options. The bottom line, and for some reason you hate to admit it, is that when it comes to Sunday nights, OPM has a lock. It is an amazing achievement for a non-casino owned club and who cares if my bf works there. It doesn't take away from their night. Even Tracy from napkin nights is all over that spot now. Get over it and move on bud and continue to hate on the spots that don't just cater to barbies and kens.

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The original poster hates hip-hop, your recommendation falls into that category for me. My Body English recommendation was a good recommendation as the original poster seems to like the same music as me, and if I can have fun at BE then I think she can.

""The bottom line, and for some reason you hate to admit it, is that when it comes to Sunday nights, OPM has a lock. ""

OPM may be the hottest spot in town on Sunday...IF YOU LIKE REGGAE. But if you don't it pretty much sucks ass.

Keep hyping up the few clubs you like, just like I will. Again it's a matter of preference.

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Billhe you are starting to come off like an asshole now.

If somebody could like Body English for reasons not just related to the music then what would preclude somebody from liking OPM for reasons not just related to the music.



Some people like OPM more than Body English because they get free drinks until midnight or because the customers don't all have attitudes like you.

Some people like Body English because its a beautiful room and awesome service.

Some people like OPM because its so crowded you can't move.

Some people like Body English because if they can cut the line they feel special.



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seriously there is no disrespect intended. I just wanted to point out the you recommended a straight reggae club to someone that hates hip-hop. Yes I recommended BE, which plays hip-hop but like you said....

""Some people like Body English because its a beautiful room and awesome service.""

""Some people like Body English because if they can cut the line they feel special.""

Isn't that what most people come to Vegas for, the VIP.

I have never met anyone that said put me in a club that is so packed that I cannot move.

I'm done. Let's have that drink sometime box. :pint::love:

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Everyone has their own reasons.

All I know is you recommended spots for every night except Sunday. So I chimed in and said, hey if you want a spot on Sunday here's a great spot but they play reggae.

You took that as an opportunity to attack my post.

Let's try this. You say what you like and I say what I like and let's not get so bent out of shape about what the other likes.


I think we're driving people crazy with this bickering.

Like the other person said. The End :)

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Yes it's quite evident that we do have our preferences. When I see folks who fall into your preference I'll be sure to direct them accordingly. Speking of which, I have a female who is interested in VIBE. You want to hook her up and maybe get taken care of?

Oh, and I didn't recommend Sun because when people say they will be here Wed-Sun, it normally means they are leaving Sun.

But yea, people must be either sick of us bickering or laughing their asses off at us.

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Probably the latter.

Vibe is now only open on Saturdays. Her best hookup is to call WILD 102 on Saturday (732-WILD or 734-WILD) I can't remember. And ask to be put on Loco's list. They have a good party every Saturday night and that is by far the most urban spot Saturdays.

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