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Who won the Vice Presidential debate??

Who won the Vice Presidential debate?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Who won the Vice Presidential debate?

    • Edwards
    • Cheney

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chaney looked like ass. He looks like a fucking vampire, also i do not think he fully answered 1/2 the questions.

Also he did not come off very personable to the "common" person. He would say things regarding to companies instead of people.

Edwards actually looked better then i though he would.

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yeah, cheney wasn't being very polite at all...did you notice how at the end he only said "thank you gwen" and didn't even look at edwards, while edwards has thanked him for participating...he comes across as a smug old fuck who thinks he knows it all!

IMO cheney was slightly better during the foreign policy part (not saying that i agree with his stance on the issues, just that he was slightly better at debating) but edwards came back solidly in the next half when domestic issues were discussed...overall i think edwards did a slightly better job, but they BOTH could've been better at answering the questions better...they were being evasive quite often

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With regards to both substance and style, I think Cheney took it. I expected Edwards to do much better, taking his courtroom experience into account. His stuttering and blushing really hurt him.

Edwards response to gay marriage was on point, and exposing Cheney's votes regarding MLK and Mandela can hurt a lot. But Cheney did exceptionally well on foreign policy. The only problem I have is the administration's concept that Iraqi elections in January equates to progress. Aside from that, Edwards couldn't hang. Too bad this will be overshadowed by the President's poor showing Thursday night. I'm not convinced that the VP debate will have much of an effect.

favorite points:

Cheney: "I could answer that but I'll need more than 30 seconds."

Gwen Eiffel: "That's all you got."

Cheney: "Gwen..."

Eiffel: "Mr. Vice President?"

Edwards: "We need to tighten sanctions on Iraq..." (Iran)

Edwards: Oh, I broke the rules again!

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I thought Cheney was the clear winner.....I did not think Edwards did poorly, I just think he was overmatched, which is understandable....I actually think he did OK, and scored some points, but overall got beat...

The problem for Cheney though is he is not a "likeable" person, so there is going to be hard perceptions to break and objectivity will be skewed....I would not be surprised if post-debate polls have Edwards as a slight winner

But Cheney did well, and at the very least, may have slowed down some of that momentum Kerry had going from the last debate....which was probably the main objective....

My favorite Cheney moment is when he exposed the real reason why Kerry voted against the $87 billion....

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It was a draw. To think either side "was a clear winner" is clearly unobjective. Edwards kept the heat on and Cheney handled it well. Neither side gained or conceded anything. They each just strengthened their candidates' positions in equal amounts. Can't wait till Friday!!!!

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Cheney was well composed and spoke well , Edwards was visibly more populous and energetic/hopeful .

Edwards should've done better on bashing Cheney on Iraq, especially since Bremer & Rumsfeld comments of the day before .

Edwards took edge on the healthcare , economy portion of the debate , Cheney remained Rosy on those topics ..to knowones surprize .

Cheney who has 30 yrs political experience took some good jabs at Edwards 6 yrs ...even though to my suprize Edwards came back to jab cheney with his own house record .

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i think Cheney did better on the foreign policy area while Edwards did better on the domestic . . . not much of a surprise there. people who expected that Cheney would mop the floor with Edwards are probably dissapointed, Edwards did much better than what I expected matching Cheney regarding each others records.

Cheney spoke w/ more determination and passion about Halliburton than the gay marriage issue -specifically his daughter.

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Regardless of whether I agree w/ him or not, John Edwards really rubs me the wrong way. As I have stated b/f, Bill Clinton is the all time greatest politician when it comes to connecting with people so know that this is based on how Edwards strikes me. Edwards comes across as an arrogant shit. Maybe it comes down to him being a slimebag lawyer who singlehandedly drove medical malpractice insurance in NC through the roof, but I really cant stand the guy. John Kerry is at least likeable. Edwards is not.

Cheney on the other hand comes across as ultra serious and a bit to brooding. However, his experience showed through and while Kerry won the Presidential debate, Cheney, to me, had a slight edge.

Having said that, the VP has historically had little effect on the election. This was nothing more than a warm up for Friday night.

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Regardless of whether I agree w/ him or not, John Edwards really rubs me the wrong way. As I have stated b/f, Bill Clinton is the all time greatest politician when it comes to connecting with people so know that this is based on how Edwards strikes me. Edwards comes across as an arrogant shit. Maybe it comes down to him being a slimebag lawyer who singlehandedly drove medical malpractice insurance in NC through the roof, but I really cant stand the guy. John Kerry is at least likeable. Edwards is not.

Cheney on the other hand comes across as ultra serious and a bit to brooding. However, his experience showed through and while Kerry won the Presidential debate, Cheney, to me, had a slight edge.

Having said that, the VP has historically had little effect on the election. This was nothing more than a warm up for Friday night.

Oh my lord !!! ..im agree with you on this ..


...but i would just like to add that BOTH cheney & edwards are money hungry and most probably have done imoral things to acheive their wealth .

..Friday's debates promises to be a good one .

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Regardless of whether I agree w/ him or not, John Edwards really rubs me the wrong way. As I have stated b/f, Bill Clinton is the all time greatest politician when it comes to connecting with people so know that this is based on how Edwards strikes me. Edwards comes across as an arrogant shit. Maybe it comes down to him being a slimebag lawyer who singlehandedly drove medical malpractice insurance in NC through the roof, but I really cant stand the guy. John Kerry is at least likeable. Edwards is not.

Cheney on the other hand comes across as ultra serious and a bit to brooding. However, his experience showed through and while Kerry won the Presidential debate, Cheney, to me, had a slight edge.

Having said that, the VP has historically had little effect on the election. This was nothing more than a warm up for Friday night.

Edwards is a litigation lawyer; it's pro par for his former profession to come across as arrogant. the best attorneys are arrogant and a bit pretentious. litigation lawyers are far from being "slimbags" they have a very unpopular job; to prove negligence. to say he single handedly drove malpractice insurance through the roof in NC is ridiculous.. as a point of information most states including NC, have strict statues with regard to the filing of Malpractice suits. Also malpractice practice policy rates are contingent upon several factors; most prominent of that being the background of the physician... I'm sure there are a lot of litigation lawyers who push the bounds, as there are physicians who do the same. if you consider Edwards a "slimbag", then I’m curious if you consider the former CEO of company, with rather questionable business practices while you where at the helm a "slimbag" :confused:

getting back to the topic at hand, I thought the debate was even across the board. no knockout punches by either side and a lot of distortions of facts; kind of following the presidential race rhetoric. LOL Cheney comes across as an uncompromising career politician which some people favor. while Edwards comes across as brash and a rather pompous politician which some people including myself favor.

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