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esap:clean needles


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i was on sixth ave and 25 going to the cvs yesterday and there was this kid standing out in front of the store leaning up agianst the wall nodding off. as i passed him i said *hey kid. wake up. stop doing dope.* to which he replies *huhjhh* not that i can talk really=i am princess of the white snows. as i am shopping he comes up to me and asks me what i said so i repeated myself and we began to talk. this kid was 16. banging dope. proud that his habit was down from 12 bags a day to 3...which if you have known any dope addicts you know enough not to believe them and that it doesnt matter anyway. i grilled him like i was his big sister just because my heart went out to this kid and i ended up giving him my # telling him if he was ever in trouble (not meaning dope sick) or wanted to know where to go to get help i would look out for him.

anyway the point is that when i asked him if he had clean needles he told me that you can buy them at most large drugstore chains at the pharmacy as part of this program to keep addicts as healthy and informed as possible.

i did not know this and have called a few of my friends who mainline their drugs and let them know...i am not sure either way how i personally feel about it but i do know this=if this is how you do your drugs you should know that clean needles and recovery information is avaible...

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4 real? i imagine they are not the nicest ppl to deal with espically if you are asking for them for free. there were clinics that gave u one clean if you gave them one dirty. something about only needing to give them your social...which is crap crap crap. it should be private.

a earlier this year one of my friends was found litterally laying in a gutter with a syringe sticking out of his leg, he was muscleing his dope and apparently got a hot shot...i always wonder if her was muscleing b/c his needle was dull...

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maybe it is diffrent in each state. however here in new york, you can get them for free...as far as your friend, he most likley did not cook his drug right... a friend of mine was in the hospital for over a year from all the damage she did to her back from not cooking the drug right. i believe the damage you can do to your self from a dirty needle is obs. AIDS and anyother blood infection. Your body would not shut down right away from a dirty needle...please note i do not do this drug, i never had, i am totaly against it. i have lost a few friends from this evil.

4 real? i imagine they are not the nicest ppl to deal with espically if you are asking for them for free. there were clinics that gave u one clean if you gave them one dirty. something about only needing to give them your social...which is crap crap crap. it should be private.

a earlier this year one of my friends was found litterally laying in a gutter with a syringe sticking out of his leg, he was muscleing his dope and apparently got a hot shot...i always wonder if her was muscleing b/c his needle was dull...

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"he was muscleing his dope and apparently got a hot shot...i always wonder if her was muscleing b/c his needle was dull"

You gotta dull needle problem...you won't being shooting IM. You are more likely to bend it or break it off in your skin. It would be easier to IV a dull needle. Either way it was probably b/c his/her arms were shot (used too much) OR he/she didn't like to shoot in visible areas of the body, the leg marks are easier to hide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes you can at the cvs by me you can by up to ten at a time

just ask for insulin syringes they come in .3cc .5cc 1cc short of long needle

I find that .5 or 1/2cc short needle the best they leave almost no

mark if done properly.

hey dope will fuck up your hole life so be smart about it

if your ever snort it and want to try to shoot it remember that

it only takes 1/4 the dose to get the same effect

always remember that and don't do it alone it can be used safley

one last thing, i have done opiates of all types

and once i tried shooting dope that was it I rather through is

in the trash then snort it. The rush is incredible

use it to come down from coke! wate 1-2 hours from last

line you feel like an angel floating no crash at all just pleasure

not for beginers

party on people keep safe and set your priorities straight

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