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Ya know I can't take it anymore. I am the only single person I know and I hate it. There are no hot guys out there and if they are they have major attitudes. WHYYYYY??? Like listen to this. Met a guy in one of my classes who was the hottest thing to ever look my way. He asked me to come out to a bar with him and his friend after class (its a night class). SO i get my friend and we go. THings are cool and yadda yadda. He asks me to go out to lunch the next day and I say yea. I give him my work number and he was supposed to call me early the next day to decide where to go. But anyways, so we are all hanging out, me my friend and him and his freinds. And he sits there telling my friend how i am so cute and how he cant believe I am single and blah blah blah. But then goes around and talks to another girl. WHO HE ENDED UP LEAVING WITH!!! um yea. Nice huh. He never called me needless to say and now I see him every week in class. He doesnt even look at me. At the worst part is my cousin went to hs with him and it turns out hes married with 2 kids!!!!! Someone help me. SO if there is any hot nice guys out there who arent married -- im here. cwm45.gifcwm43.gif

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Yo, there are plenty of us out here. Your probly just lookin in the wrong places.

Ive been looking for a nice girl since the summer, and haven't really found any. Everytime I do find one, they got a BF, so don't sweat it sweetie, it goes both ways.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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wookin' pa nub en aw da wong paces...

where is buckwheat when you need him?

cheer up, sunshine - you'll find him. just have a little bit a patience. from the sounds of it, you're not the only one out there with a lonely heart...

i smell a support group forming here...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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im nice! not hot tho.... ::shrug::


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them. - Edgar Allan Poe



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I'm sweet and hot. but since you can't see me, guess you'll never know if i lie or not.Maybe fate will have it's way.

by the way, do all the girls look good around here? In clubplanet i mean.


In my mind there is no hope, music helps me learn to cope.

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Awh thanks guys. I really just hate being single. I have been single way too long now. I was in a 3 year realtionship with an asshole and i am starting to lose faith. And for me to say where are all the hot and sweet guys out there.... I really am not some little biatch looking for some beautiful guy but it would help... ILL TAKE ANYONE AT THIS POINT

ps: its been a bad day thats why i am venting -- sorry cwm14.gif


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~

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And have you guys ever been in a situation where all your friends are in realtionships and they all do things as "couples" and because your not with anyone, you dont get invited out because you would be the odd one out?


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~

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Originally posted by dreams2:

Awh thanks guys. I really just hate being single. I have been single way too long now. I was in a 3 year realtionship with an asshole and i am starting to lose faith. And for me to say where are all the hot and sweet guys out there.... I really am not some little biatch looking for some beautiful guy but it would help... ILL TAKE ANYONE AT THIS POINT

ps: its been a bad day thats why i am venting -- sorry cwm14.gif




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maybe it's time for the CLUBNYC singles meetup. it seems more and more single women are coming out of the woodwork so maybe it would work out. as long as it isn't a sausage fest, I'm there.

And hey, even though the people that meet me (from the board) don't always remember me, I'm a swell guy and easy on the eyes.

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if i had a dollar for every time I heard that same story / complaint.........I would be sooooooo fuxxin loaded I wouldnt CARE if i was single smile.gif

You can analyze and worry over it for a billion years but it all comes down to this:

the minute you stop looking , someone will pop up and it will be right. And, what's the FUN of being young and living it up if you dont have years of experiencing a lot of different type of people -- thats the way we learn and how we determine what we like in people and what we don't.

It sounds cheesey, but read a few books on the subject, ya know the ones about being happy single & independent, and you'll find that it will be more of a fun challenge than dyingggg to meet someone.....



..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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I am a very sweat Guy and I will love to meet any of you ladies but I am in Europe write now.Doing an underwear ad for Calvin klein I will be back soon so let me know cwm7.gifcwm11.gifcwm32.gif


Guest list Info for TWIRL or Sound Factory Please contact TRINITY promotion at trinitygstlst@aol.com

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

if i had a dollar for every time I heard that same story / complaint.........I would be sooooooo fuxxin loaded I wouldnt CARE if i was single smile.gif

You can analyze and worry over it for a billion years but it all comes down to this:

the minute you stop looking , someone will pop up and it will be right. And, what's the FUN of being young and living it up if you dont have years of experiencing a lot of different type of people -- thats the way we learn and how we determine what we like in people and what we don't.

It sounds cheesey, but read a few books on the subject, ya know the ones about being happy single & independent, and you'll find that it will be more of a fun challenge than dyingggg to meet someone.....



yo I gotta give you props. Besides being beautiful, you sound smart too. WOW!!!!!

Ihave read a bunch of your posts and they are always well thought out and well written. That is kind of rare on this board.

So just want to let you know someone appreciates your opinion.


BTW- are you single??? just trying to go along with the topic.LOL


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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For a long time I was'nt looking. I just wanted to have fun. But it was also different because at the time most of my friends were single so it was cool. Go out and have fun and whatever. I wasn't looking and never met anyone -- even by chance. So who knows. But being single now for um over a year is getting sad.


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~

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